
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing вот это | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
вот это что-л.!that's a big sth.! (говоря о размере: The aptly named Shelley Smith helped wrangle the tortoise after spotting workers looking at what she thought was a rock in the field beside her Gilbert Street home in Richmond, south of Vancouver. "I looked again and saw ... it was moving. Ever so slowly — but moving," said Smith. "I walked over and we were all looking at it and saying 'jeez!' That's a big turtle! And he was just looking around at us like 'Hey, help me.'" -- Вот это черепаха! cbc.ca ART Vancouver)
вот это да!look at that! (возглас изумления: Oh, my goodness! Look at that! youtube.com ART Vancouver)
вот это точноyou got that right (Leonid Dzhepko)