
Terms for subject Microsoft containing восстановление | all forms | exact matches only
аварийное восстановлениеdisaster recovery (The process of gaining back access to the data, hardware and software necessary for critical business operations after a natural or human-induced disaster)
автоматическое восстановлениеautomatic recovery (Recovery that occurs every time SQL Server is restarted)
автоматическое восстановление системыBMR
автоматическое восстановление системыAutomated System Recovery
автоматическое восстановление системыbare metal recovery
автоматическое восстановление системыASR
автоматическое восстановление файловautomatic file restore (A feature that replaces malware-infected system files with uninfected files from the cloud)
автоматическое резервное копирование и самостоятельное восстановлениеself-service restore (A service that provides a basic disaster recovery capability by automatically creating and maintaining backups for up to 30 days when creating a database with any service tier to back-out unintentional changes or recover an accidentally deleted database. Rori)
автономное восстановлениеoffline restore
агент восстановленияRecovery Console
агент восстановленияrecovery agent (A person who is issued a public key certificate for the purpose of recovering user data that is encrypted with Encrypting File System (EFS))
агент восстановления ключейkey recovery agent (microsoft.com bojana)
вариант восстановленияrecovery option
ветвь восстановленияrecovery branch (A range of LSNs that share the same recovery branch GUID. A new recovery branch originates when a database is created or when RESTORE WITH RECOVERY generates a recovery fork. A multiple-branch recovery path is possible that includes ranges of LSNs that cover two or more recovery fork points)
вилка восстановленияrecovery fork point (The point (LSN,GUID) at which a new recovery branch is started, every time a RESTORE WITH RECOVERY is performed. Each recovery fork determines a parent-child relationship between the recovery branches. If you recover a database to an earlier point in time and begin using the database from that point, the recovery fork point starts a new recovery path)
восстановление базы данныхDatabase restore (A dialog box that enables the user to select the data file to use when restoring a database)
восстановление запускаstartup repair (ssn)
восстановление исходного состояния системыbare-metal recovery (A recovery of a system using a backup that contains critical volumes and, optionally, data files that you can use to rebuild a system from scratch or rebuild a system using alternate hardware)
восстановление исходного состояния системыbare metal recovery (BMR microsoft.com bojana)
восстановление исходного состояния системыBMR (bare metal recovery microsoft.com bojana)
восстановление кластераcluster repair (A repair operation in which all missing or corrupt files are replaced, all missing or corrupt registry keys are replaced and all missing or invalid configuration values are set to default values)
восстановление конечным пользователемend-user recovery (A feature that enables an end user to independently recover data by retrieving a shadow copy. This feature requires the shadow copy client software)
восстановление на момент времениpoint in time recovery
восстановление на определённый момент времениpoint-in-time recovery (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
восстановление обслуживанияrestoration of service (The process of bringing service back online after data corruption, hardware or software failure, or disaster by either recovering data and settings or rebuilding a component in order to make its functionality available to users)
восстановление объектов-захороненийtombstone reanimation (помещеных в специальный контейнер и поэтому невидимых microsoft.com bojana)
восстановление окна с полного экранаRestore Down (Andy)
восстановление пакетаpackage refresh (An SMS/Configuration Manager software distribution operation in which the compressed package source files are redistributed to distribution points to repair a package. A package refresh also resets the access control list (ACL) if you changed the package access account)
восстановление после ошибкиgraceful recovery (Termination of a process that allows the operating system or parent process to regain normal control. Does not crash the machine or result in a general protection default (GPF) or blue screen. The user is not required to close the application, and can continue to use the other functionality)
восстановление после сбояcrash recovery (The ability of a computer to resume operation after a disastrous failure, such as the failure of a hard drive. Ideally, recovery can occur without any loss of data, although usually some, if not all, data is lost)
восстановление при загрузкеStartup Repair
восстановление размещенияfailback (In a failover cluster or server cluster, the process of returning a clustered service or application to its preferred node after the node has failed and then come back online. Rori)
восстановление системыSystem Restore
восстановление страницыpage restore (An operation that restores one or more data pages. Page restore is intended for repairing isolated damaged pages)
восстановление файлаfile restore
восстановление файловfile restore (An operation that restores one or more files of a database)
восстановление файловfile recovery (The process of reconstructing lost or unreadable files on disk)
Восстановление экземпляра рабочего процессаWorkflow Instance Recovery (A feature of the Workflow Management service (WMS) that monitors persistence stores for workflow service instances that should be running and restarts them)
восстановление экземпляра рабочего процессаworkflow instance recovery (ssn)
диагностика и восстановление WindowsWindows Diagnosis and Recovery (A feature in Windows that allows users to run system diagnostics and troubleshooting)
динамическое восстановлениеdynamic recovery (The process that detects and/or attempts to correct software failure or loss of data integrity within a relational database management system (RDBMS))
Добавляет предохранитель внешнего ключа для восстановленияAdds an External Key protector for recovery (Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008)
если проблемы будут обнаружены, средство восстановления запуска исправит их автоматически. Во время этого процесса компьютер может быть несколько раз перезагруженif problems are found, Startup Repair will fix them automatically. Your computer might restart several times during this process (Windows 8 ssn)
журнал восстановленияrecovery log (The log where the quorum resource stores data. This data is maintained by the clustering software)
заслуживающее доверия восстановлениеauthoritative recovery (In Backup, a type of restore operation performed on an Active Directory domain controller in which the objects in the restored directory are treated as authoritative, replacing (through replication) all existing copies of those objects)
инициировано восстановление размещенияfailback initiated (Intune 1501 Rori)
интервал восстановленияrecovery interval (The maximum amount of time that the Database Engine should require to recover a database)
ключ восстановленияrecovery key (A key that is used for recovering data that is encrypted on a BitLocker volume. This key is cryptographically equivalent to a startup key. If available, the recovery key decrypts the volume master key, which in turn decrypts the full volume encryption key. The recovery key is stored on a USB flash drive. To use the recovery key, a user inserts the USB flash drive and then restarts the computer)
ключ восстановления BitLockerBitLocker recovery key (A special key that you can create when you turn on Bitlocker Drive Encryption for the first time on each drive that you encrypt)
ключ восстановленияrecovery key (в шифровании диска BitLocker bojana)
консоль восстановленияrecovery policy
мастер восстановления лицензийRecover Licenses Wizard (A wizard that enables users to either import licenses from one license server on to another or re-install licenses previously installed in their server by re-building the license server database)
мастер восстановления файлов и папокFile and Folder Restore wizard
мастер подготовки автоматического восстановления системыAutomated System Recovery Preparation Wizard (A wizard that backs up the partition used by the operating system, but it does not back up other partitions, such as program or data partitions. Those partitions must be backed up using Backup or other standard routines)
многократное восстановление системы из единожды инициированного спящего режимаHibernate Once Resume Many (HORM stachel)
модель восстановленияrecovery model (A database property that controls the basic behavior of backup and restore operations for a database. For instance, the recovery model controls how transactions are logged, whether the transaction log requires backing up, and what kinds of restore operations are available)
модель восстановления с неполным протоколированиемbulk-logged recovery model (A database recovery mode that minimally logs bulk operations, such as index creation and bulk imports, while fully logging other transactions. Bulk-logged recovery increases performance for bulk operations, and is intended to be used an adjunct to the full recovery model)
модель полного восстановленияfull recovery model (A database recovery mode that fully logs all transactions and retains all the log records until after they are backed up. The database can be recovered to the point of failure if the tail of the log is backed up after the failure. All forms of recovery are supported)
набор восстановленияrecovery collection (The aggregate of all recovery jobs associated with a single recovery operation)
не заслуживающее доверия восстановлениеnon-authoritative recovery (A restore operation performed on an Active Directory domain controller in which the objects in the restored directory are not treated as authoritative. The restored objects are updated with changes held on other domain controllers in the domain. Rori)
непрерывность бизнес-процессов и аварийное восстановлениеbusiness continuity and disaster recovery (vlad-and-slav)
носитель для восстановления системыrecovery media (Media provided by the OEM to the customer that enables the customer to repair or reinstall their installation of Windows)
образ для восстановленияrecovery image (A disk image provided for use in repairing or reinstalling an installation of Windows)
оперативное восстановлениеonline restore
Операторы архива могут перекрывать ограничения доступа только в целях копирования и восстановления файлов.Backup Operators can override security restrictions for the sole purpose of backing up or restoring files (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
отчёт о сделанных администратором восстановленияхAdministrator Recovery report
параметр восстановленияrecovery option (Any input provided by the administrator during the recovery process, such as the recovery destination, schedule for recovery, and overwrite options. Rori)
Пароли для восстановления данных не совпадаютthe Data Recovery passwords do not match. (Office System 2010)
пароль восстановленияrecovery password (For BitLocker Drive Encryption, a numerical password that consists of 48 digits divided into 8 groups. Each group of 6 digits is reduced to modulo 11 (a numerical calculation) before being compressed into corresponding 16 bits of passphrase data. A copy of the passphrase data is stored on disk encrypted by the volume master key and thus an administrator can retrieve the recovery password after Windows has loaded. The recovery password must be entered by using the function keys on the keyboard)
период восстановленияrecovery period (The time period used for depreciating business assets)
политика восстановленияrecovery policy (A type of public key Group Policy object used by Encrypting File System that provides for one or more user accounts to be designated as recovery agents)
политика восстановления размещенияfailback policy (A set of parameters that an administrator can set for a failover cluster or server cluster that affect failback operations. Rori)
полное восстановление базы данныхcomplete database restore (A restore of a full database backup, the most recent differential database backup (if any), and the log backups (if any) taken since the full database backup)
последовательность восстановленияrestore sequence (A sequence of one or more restore commands that, typically, initializes the contents of the database, files, and/or pages being restored (the data-copy phase), rolls forward logged transactions (the redo phase), and rolls back uncommitted transactions (the undo phase))
поэтапное восстановлениеpiecemeal restore (A composite restore in which a database is restored in stages, with each stage corresponding to a restore sequence. The initial sequence restores the files in the primary filegroup, and, optionally, other files, to any point in time supported by the recovery model and brings the database online. Subsequent restore sequences bring remaining files to the point consistent with the database and bring them online)
принудительное восстановлениеhard recovery (The process that changes a restored database back to a consistent state by playing transactions into the database from transaction log files)
простая модель восстановленияsimple recovery model (A database recovery mode that minimally logs all transactions sufficiently to ensure database consistency after a system crash or after restoring a data backup. The database is recoverable only up to the time of its most recent data backup, and restoring individual pages is unsupported)
путь восстановленияrecovery path (The sequence of data and log backups that have brought a database to a particular point in time (known as a recovery point). A recovery path is a specific set of transformations that have evolved the database over time, yet have maintained the consistency of the database. A recovery path describes a range of LSNs from a start point (LSN,GUID) to an end point (LSN,GUID). The range of LSNs in a recovery path can traverse one or more recovery branches from start to end)
путь местоназначения восстановленияrecovery destination path (Windows 7 Alex Lilo)
режим восстановленияrecovery mode (A mode in which BitLocker Drive Encryption prevents access to the encrypted drive, either because the system components have changed or because it needs an authentication key. In this circumstance, the user investigates why BitLocker triggered recovery mode and can either repair the system or enter the recovery password to exit recovery mode)
режим восстановления службы каталоговDSRM (Directory Services Restore Mode winitpro.ru bojana)
Решения для восстановленияRecovery Solutions (Операционных систем galunik)
сбой восстановления размещенияfailback failed (Azure Site Recovery 1506 Rori)
сброс и восстановление исходного состояния системыbare metal reset/recovery (microsoft.com bojana)
состояние восстановленияrecovery state (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
среда восстановления WindowsWindows Recovery Environment (A special version of Windows Preinstallation Environment (Windows PE) that includes diagnostic, troubleshooting, and maintenance tools)
среда восстановленияWindows Recovery Environment
среда восстановленияWinRE
средство восстановления архиваBackup Recovery Migration tool
средство восстановления запускаstartup repair (Windows 8 ssn)
Средство восстановления запуска проводит диагностику системыStartup Repair is checking your system for problems (Windows 8 ssn)
средство настройки самостоятельного восстановления данных DPMDPM Self-Service Recovery Configuration Tool (A tool that enables DPM administrators to authorize end users to perform self-service recovery of data by creating and managing DPM roles (grouping of users, objects, and permissions). Rori)
том точек восстановленияrecovery point volume (A volume on the DPM server that contains the shadow copies and recovery points for a protected data source)
точка восстановленияrecovery point (The point in the log chain at which rolling forward stops during a recovery)
точка восстановленияrestore point (A representation of a stored state of your computer's system files)
точка восстановленияprotection point (A record of the computer's system settings and files at a specific moment in time)
файл автоматического восстановления.asd file (calimero)
файл пароля восстановленияrecovery password file (A BitLocker Drive Encryption file that uses the naming convention: .bek (including the BitLocker .fve file extension), which contains the recovery key that is required to unseal the volume during recovery)
файл среды восстановленияenvironment file (Andy)
хранилище Служб восстановленияRecovery Services vault (vlad-and-slav)
цель восстановленияrecovery goal (One of the goals that need to be met during recovery. The following three are possible: recovery range, data loss tolerance, and frequency of recovery points for protected data)
частичное восстановление базы данныхpartial database restore