
Terms for subject Religion containing война | all forms | exact matches only
беспощадная священная войнаunrelenting jihad (on ... – против ... Alex_Odeychuk)
бог войныKuan Ti
бог войныwar god (A god that represents or personifies war in various religions)
бог войныBishamon
бог войны у индусовKarttikeya
Война восьми святыхWar of the Eight Saints (1375-78, conflict between Pope Gregory XI and an Italian coalition headed by Florence, which resulted in the return of the papacy from Avignon to Rome)
война на небесахwar in heaven
война "Священной лиги"War of the Three Henrys
война "Священной лиги"War of Holy League
Война трёх ГенриховWar of the Three Henrys (The last of the Wars of Religion in France in the late 16th century)
войны Риддаriddah
гугенотские войныFrench Wars of Religion
гугенотские войны во ФранцииFrench Wars of Religion
гугенотские войны во ФранцииFrench Religious Wars
День памяти погибших в Первую и Вторую мировые войныRemembrance Day (November 11 set aside in commemoration of the end of hostilities in 1918 and 1945 and observed as a legal holiday in Canada)
если хочешь мира, готовься к войнеsi vis pacem, para bellum (Latin for "if you wish peace, prepare for war")
идеология "священной" войныjihadist ideology (ideology of holy war Alex_Odeychuk)
идеология "священной" войныideology of holy war (Alex_Odeychuk)
Каппельские войныKappel Wars (1529 and 1531, two conflicts of the Swiss Reformation when five Roman Catholic member states of the Swiss confederacy formed the Christian Union to prevent Zurich from spreading Protestantism)
Книга войн ЯхвеBook of the Wars of Yahweh (Lost document referred to and quoted in the Old Testament. Nm:21:14)
наступательная священная войнаoffensive jihad (e.g., In Islamic law "offensive jihad" is the forcible expansion into countries that are ruled by non-Muslims. Without a caliphate, offensive jihad is an inapplicable concept. But the waging of war to expand the caliphate is an essential duty of the caliph; Atlantic Alex_Odeychuk)
немусульманские страны в состоянии войны или перемирия с мусульманамиDar al-Harb
обитель войныDar al-Harb
Поминальное воскресенье жертв войныRemembrance Sunday (A Sunday that is closest to November 11 and that in Great Britain is set aside in commemoration of the end of hostilities in 1918 and 1945)
религиозные войны во ФранцииFrench Wars of Religion
Священная войнаHoly War (A war in which religious motivation plays, or is purpoted to play, a prominent part)
священная войнаsacred war