
Terms for subject Religion containing водой | all forms
без водыwaterless
вода живаяliving water
воды крещенияbaptismal water
Восставший из водAiravata
гадание на водеlecanomancy (Divination by the inspection of a bowl filled with water)
гадание по отражению в воде и других жидкостяхhydromancy
горькая вода ревностиWater of Jealousy (The holy water mixed with the dust of floor of the tabernacle given to drink to a wife who had "gone aside". Nm:5:ll-29)
искать лозой водуdivine for water (bigmaxus)
испытание кипящей водойordeal of boiling water Plunging the hand into hot water either up to the wrist or elbow and guilt was presumed if the skin was injured
испытание холодной водойordeal by cold water (The accused was bound and tossed into water; if he floated he was guilty)
крестильная водаbaptismal water
крестить окунанием в водуimmerse (To baptize by immersion)
крещение водойbaptism of water
крещение водойbaptism by water
Крещение Иисуса Христа в водах ИорданскихBaptism of Christ
крещение погружением в водуbaptism by immersion
крещение тройным окунанием в водуtrine immersion (The practice of immersing a candidate for baptism three times in the names of the members of the Trinity)
кропить святой водойasperse
кто гадает по водеhydromancer
мутная водаtroubled water
обыкновенная водаAdam's ale
освящение водыblessing of the water
святая водаHoly Water (Water blessed by priest for religious purposes)
святая водаconsecrated water
сосуд для святой водыwater cruet
сосуд со святой водойaspersorium
ходить по воде аки посухуwalk on water like on terra firma (Val_Ships)
чаша со святой водойstoup A basin for holy water at the entrance of a church