
Terms for subject Microsoft containing внутреннее | all forms | exact matches only
вложенная внутренняя задачаnested inner task (Alex_Odeychuk)
внутреннее время упрежденияinternal lead time (The lead time for an intercompany sales order)
внутреннее замыкание на себяinternal loopback (ssn)
внутреннее имяinternal name (String that specifies the name by which an object is referred to within the component. This internal name must be declared globally before it can be referenced anywhere in the component; otherwise, a scripting error occurs, indicating that the name is undefined)
внутреннее имя веб-сайтаinternal site name (The name of a site on the web server – not the public name. Rori)
внутреннее имя веб-узлаinternal site name
внутреннее имя поляfield internal name (A string that uniquely identifies a field in a content type or a SharePoint list)
внутреннее объединениеinner join
внутреннее отверстиеburied via (A copper plated hole that interconnects one or more internal layers, but does not connect to an external layer, hence the hole is completely internal or buried within the board)
внутреннее соединениеinner join (An operation that retrieves rows from multiple source tables by comparing the values from columns shared between the source tables. An inner join excludes rows from a source table that have no matching rows in the other source tables)
внутреннее сообщениеinternal message (A message originating within a given domain, where all the recipients are within the same domain)
внутренний IP-адресinternal IP address (An IP address that is assigned for the internal network of an organization)
внутренний выпускinternal release (The process of getting the product to a known state and incrementally building upon it)
внутренний журнал платежейintercompany payment journal (A journal that is used to post intercompany payments)
внутренний контекстinternal context (In the Concurrency Runtime, a context that the Task Scheduler creates and uses to run tasks)
внутренний межсетевой экранback firewall (A server used as the back line of defense in a back-to-back perimeter network configuration)
внутренний обмен мгновенными сообщениямиinternal IM (Instant messaging with internal users)
внутренний обмен мгновенными сообщениямиinternal instant messaging (Instant messaging with internal users)
внутренний обмен мгновенными сообщениямиinternal instant messaging (Instant messaging with internal users. Rori)
внутренний переходinternal self-transition (A transition segment that begins and ends on the same state context, and that has neither a chained incoming transaction nor a chained outgoing transaction. This transition is a combination of the group and history transitions)
внутренний проектinternal project (A project without a direct customer relation)
внутренний серверbackend server (Windows 7, Windows 8, Lync Server 2013 Rori)
внутренний сервер SQL для архивацииArchiving SQL Back-End Server (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
внутренний стильinternal style (A style in an internal style sheet)
Внутренний счётчик, поддерживаемый пулом журналовInternal counter maintained by log pool (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
внутренний телефонPBX phone (A proprietary phone connected to a PBX)
внутренний телефон общего пользованияhot-desk phone (A shared telephone that is running Lync Phone Edition or Communicator Phone Edition which gives users full desk-phone functionality. Users log on to their user accounts and the features, policies, and settings associated with the user account will apply for as long as the user is logged on)
внутренняя база данных WindowsWindows internal database (ssn)
внутренняя база данныхinternal database (ssn)
внутренняя база данных WindowsWindows Internal Database (A relational data store that's included in Windows and is used by several Windows Services)
внутренняя база данных WindowsWID (Windows Internal Database microsoft.com bojana)
внутренняя виртуальная сетьinternal virtual network (A virtual network that is configured to use no network adapter. Internal virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines running on the same instance of Virtual Server. All network traffic is confined to the computer running Virtual Server)
внутренняя гиперссылкаInternal hyperlink (A region in text or graphics that you click to access another page within the same web site)
внутренняя задачаinner task (created by a continuation Alex_Odeychuk)
внутренняя заметкаinternal note (A note added by an internal party, such as Support, to use for their own reference. Customers will not see these notes)
внутренняя командаinternal command (A routine that is loaded into memory along with the operating system and resides there for as long as the computer is on)
внутренняя компанияinternal company (A company that is part of an intercompany organization and that is linked to other internal companies within the same organization, either as a customer or as a vendor)
внутренняя ошибка автоматизацииinternal automation error (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
внутренняя ошибка программирования объектовinternal OLE automation error (Windows 7 ssn)
внутренняя таблица стилейinternal style sheet (A style sheet contained in an ASP.NET mobile Web Forms page)
время внутренней обработкиinternal processing time (The amount of time a function spends doing internal execution, as opposed to calling other functions)
доступ к ресурсам внутренней сетиLinkAccess (A feature that allows access to SharePoint documents and sites and documents on shares inside of a corporate network through Outlook Web Access when it is used remotely)
интерфейс внутреннего замыкания на себяinternal loopback interface (Windows 8 ssn)
недопустимое внутреннее состояниеInvalid internal state. (stachel)
недопустимое внутреннее состояниеinvalid internal state (stachel)
номер внутренней сетиinternal network number
только для внутреннего использованияinternal use only (Andy)