
Terms for subject Microsoft containing вкладка | all forms | exact matches only
URL-адрес, открывающийся по щелчку вкладкиTab hit URL (Windows Live Admin Center W4MQ ssn)
беседа во вкладкахtabbed conversation (A conversation that is displayed with other conversations in one window. The conversations are loaded into sections or tabs of the window, rather than in multiple windows)
беседы во вкладкахtabbed conversations (A presentation method in Messenger that allows someone to maintain multiple conversations in a tabbed view)
быстрые вкладкиQuick Tabs (A user interface element that provides users with a quick and easy way to navigate across a large group of opened Web pages by providing the user with a visual representation of all of the opened thumbnails. Through this visualization, the user can easily spot and select a desired thumbnail)
в обозревателе Internet Explorer в меню "Сервис" выберите пункт "Свойства обозревателя" и перейдите на вкладку "Дополнительно"in Internet Explorer, click Tools, click Internet Options, and then click the Advanced tab. (Internet Explorer 8, Windows Vista SP1, Windows Server 2008)
вертикально ориентированная группа вкладокvertically oriented group of tabs (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
вкладка "Группа ответа"Response Group tab (A custom tab, on an agent's Office Communicator client, that is used by the agent to sign in to his or her Response Group Service group. The agent must be signed in to the group in order to answer calls routed to the group)
вкладка "Дополнительно"advanced tab (Windows 7, Windows Live Movie Maker Wave 5 Rori)
вкладка лентыribbon tab (When a ribbon is divided into multiple views, any one of the views. Every tab contains functionally related commands and other controls that are organized in groups. Typically, ribbon tabs are labeled. Rori)
вкладка лентыribbon tab (When a ribbon is divided into multiple views, any one of the views. Every tab contains functionally related commands and other controls that are organized in groups. Typically, ribbon tabs are labeled)
вкладка "Общие"General tab (In the Exchange Server user interface, the main tab on the properties page)
вкладка объектаobject tab (A tab that you use to display or work with a database object, such as a table, query, form, or report)
вкладка "Ошибка"Error tab (In Setup wizards for Virtual Machine Manager, a tab that provides details about the error condition that caused an installation to fail. Rori)
вкладка "Ошибка"Error tab (In Setup wizards for Virtual Machine Manager, a tab that provides details about the error condition that caused an installation to fail)
вкладка панелиpanel tab (Andy)
вкладка "Простой фильтр"Simple Filter tab (A tab, found on the Action menu, in the Filter Report selection, that enables the user to select or filter records with the wanted values)
вкладка "Расширенный фильтр"Advanced Filter tab (A tab, located on the Action menu in the Filter Report group, that enables the user to further refine the records for a report)
вкладка "Рецензирование"Review tab (A tab on the Office ribbon that contains language and proofing tools, change tracking and markup options, and other features related to document review)
вкладка с дополнительными параметрамиadvanced tab (Windows Live Movie Maker Wave 5 Rori)
вкладка с прокруткойScroll tab (A tab that supports scrolling)
вкладка "Файл"File tab (A tab on the ribbon that takes users to Microsoft Office Backstage view. Rori)
во вкладкахin tabs (Andy)
горизонтально ориентированная группа вкладокhorizontally oriented group of tabs (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
группа с вкладкамиtabbed group (In a multiple document interface (MDI) application, a set of child windows that have tab borders and are docked together in the client area of the application. To undock a child window from the group, drag it by its tab)
добавить вкладку на лентуAdd Ribbon Tab (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
закрепить вкладкуPin Tab (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
Закрытие текущей вкладки без сохранения изменений, внёсенных после последнего сохраненияClose the current tab discarding all changes since last save (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
имя вкладкиtab name (Andy)
Использовать интерфейс MDI с вкладкамиUse MDI tabbed interface (Visual Studio 2008 ssn)
контекстная вкладкаcontextual tab (A tab that is available only when an object in a page is selected)
набор вкладокTab Well (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
набор вкладокtab set (In Internet Explorer, a set of tabs you can store in your Favorites or as Home Page to reopen all tabs in the set in one go)
набор вкладокtab control (A standard control that resembles a notebook and lets the user navigate different sections of information without leaving the current element on the screen)
набор вкладок документовdocument tab well (Andy)
область вкладкиtab area (Andy)
Обозреватель отключён, поскольку пользовательские многомерные выражения определены во вкладке "Дополнительно"the browser is disabled because custom MDX expressions were defined in the Advanced tab. (SQL Server 2005 SP2)
общая вкладкаglobal tab (Andy)
окно вкладкиtab window (Andy)
Отключить быстрые вкладкиTurn off Quick Tabs functionality (Internet Explorer 8 Rori)
отображать вкладкиShow Tabs (The item on the View menu that displays tabs at the bottom of the Communicator window, if additional tabs are installed)
Отсутствует новый код модели продукции на вкладке "Дополнительно"New product model number on Advanced Tab is missing (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
панель вкладокtab bar (Visio 2013 Rori)
панель стыковки с вкладкамиtabbed docking bar (The host control for a group of dockable windows. Once docked, each window changes form, becoming a tab)
перед запуском этого мастера выберите в меню "Сервис" команду "Параметры", вкладку "Дополнительно" и параметр "при необрабатываемых ошибках"before running this wizard, click Options on the Tools menu, click the Advanced tab, and select Break on Unhandled Errors. (Access 2007, Office System 2010)
перейти на вкладкуGo To Tab
подпись вкладкиtab label (Office System 2010 Rori)
подчинённая вкладкаsubtab (Andy)
полоса вкладокTab Strip (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
просмотр веб-страниц с использованием вкладокtabbed browsing (A function of some Web browsers that allows users to surf and view multiple pages by loading Web sites into sections (or tabs) of one page, rather than multiple pages)
просмотр вкладокTab Peek (A feature in the browser that allows the user to hover over open browser tabs and see thumbnails of the underlying webpage. Rori)
список вкладокTab List (Windows 10 Rori)
структура вкладкиtab layout (Andy)
таблица вкладкиtab table (Windows 8.1 Rori)
экспресс-вкладкаFastTab (A container for label and control pairs and for complex controls such as grids. It groups and organizes complex information into simple, manageable groups. As it displays the information that makes up the form it cannot be removed from the page. FastTabs are used on task pages and they can be collapsed and expanded. The FastTab is an essential part of the form it is on and is the evolution of the tabs in Navision)
элемент вкладкиtab item (Windows 10 Rori)