
Terms for subject General containing виновные действия | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
виновное действиеwrongdoing (something illegal or dishonest; a misdeed; a crime: He denies any wrongdoing in the matter. ▪ They claimed that they had suffered wrongdoing at the hands of the police. KAED Alexander Demidov)
виновное действиеguilty act (Actus reus means "guilty act" and refers to the principle that a person must commit some forbidden act or neglect some mandatory act before he or she can be ... | Mind, I don't say a CRIME; I am not speaking of shedding of blood or any other guilty act, which might make the perpetrator amenable to the law: my word is ERROR. The activist also questioned the context in which the information made his statement, saying any criminal offence in the various laws of South Sudan is identified by two elements, citing guilty mind and guilty act. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
виновное действиеculpable act (more hits Alexander Demidov)
виновное действиеmalicious mischief (malicious mischief \malicious mischief\ n. (Law), Malicious and willful destructionof or injury to the property of others; – it is an offense at common law. –Wharton. Syn: vandalism, hooliganism. [1913 Webster + WordNet 1.5] Alexander Demidov)
виновное действие или бездействиеwrongful act or omission (Alexander Demidov)
виновные действияwrongdoing (illegal or dishonest behaviour. synonym crime, offence. The company denies any wrongdoing. OALD Alexander Demidov)
виновные действияwrongdoings (he had admitted his wrongdoings. OT. The corporation's wrongdoings must be exposed. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
виновные действияwilful acts (Alexander Demidov)
виновные действияmisconduct (Alexander Demidov)
виновные действияjust cause (dismissal of a worker rechnik)
виновные действия и / или бездействиеwrongful acts and/or omissions
виновные действия или бездействиеwrongful act or omission (of someone; max hits Alexander Demidov)
виновные действия или бездействиеwrongful acts or omissions to act (except you are still responsible to the Company for your wrongful acts or omissions to act. Alexander Demidov)
виновные действия или бездействиеculpable acts or omissions (Alexander Demidov)
виновные действия или бездействияwrongful acts or omissions (Alexander Demidov)
виновные недобросовестные действияwrongdoing (1. : evil or improper behavior or action cleared of any wrongdoing 2. : an instance of doing wrong. MWCD Alexander Demidov)
грубая неосторожность или умышленные виновные действияgross negligence or willful misconduct (Lavrov)
при отсутствии виновных действийwithout cause (см. removal without cause Alexander Demidov)
увольнение при отсутствии виновных действийremoval without cause (the action of forcing a person out of an official position in a company or organisation when they have not done anything illegal or against company regulations: A limited right of removal without cause is the standard procedure. Phrase Bank ⃝ The certificate included provisions for removal without cause. ⃝ The articles may require a higher vote for removal without cause. ⃝ prohibition against removal without cause ⃝ to permit removal without cause ⃝ to be subject to removal without cause Additional Notes ⃝ to remove without cause (verb) : It is very difficult in this jurisdiction to remove a director without cause. TED Alexander Demidov)
увольнение работника по основаниям связанным с виновными действиямиtermination for cause (Termination for cause can occur for any actions that an employer considers to be grave misconduct. Examples of such situations include these. Violation of the company code of conduct or ethics policy, Failure to follow company policy, Breach of contract Violence or threatened violence ... about.com Alexander Demidov)
умышленные виновные действияmalicious mischief (The willful, wanton, or reckless destruction of the personal property of another occasioned by actual ill will or resentment toward the owner or possessor of such property. WT Alexander Demidov)
умышленные виновные действияwillful misconduct (Lavrov)
умышленные виновные действияwilful misconduct (Lavrov)