
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing взвешенный | all forms
принять взвешенное решениеmake an informed decision (I don't know the issues enough to make an informed decision. • Let's prevent this carnage at 275 Street and 48 Avenue Gloucester Industrial Park from taking place in the Compensatory Lands and coho salmon habitat. There will be a delegation at the Regular Council meeting of the Township of Langley May 29 to present this petition and provide essential missing information and correct misleading information to Council to enable them to make an informed decision. (change.org) ART Vancouver)
тщательно взвесив все за и противafter careful consideration (“After careful consideration, we decided in 2022 to permanently discontinue the evening fireworks display for July 1 at Canada Place primarily due to rising costs,” Alex Munro, a spokesperson for the port authority, told Daily Hive Listed. dailyhive.com ART Vancouver)