
Terms for subject Microsoft containing версий | all forms | exact matches only
автоматизация прежних версийLegacy Automation (A check box on the campaign record summary form that a user checks to enable automation for campaigns built using previous versions of the Microsoft Dynamics Marketing. Rori)
автоматическое создание версий документов OfficeOffice Auto-Revisions (A feature that makes automatic versions of user documents during each autosave operation and allows the user to revert to previous copies of the document with ease)
автономная версияstand-alone version (Andy)
альфа-версияalpha version (A very early release of a product to get preliminary feedback about the feature set and usability)
альфа-версияalpha (A very early release of a product to get preliminary feedback about the feature set and usability)
аппаратная версияhardware version (A number that identifies the type of computer hardware that is responsible for metering and securing a computer)
базовая версияclassic version (The version that uses checkboxes and does not include a reading pane. It is recommneded for users with a slow internet connection)
быть добавленным под контроль версийbe checked into source control (Alex_Odeychuk)
быть положенным под контроль версийbe checked into source control (Alex_Odeychuk)
Вернуть объекты в систему управления версиямиCheck in objects to the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
версия базы данных рабочего столаdesktop database version (ssn)
версия бюджетаbudget revision (A change to a budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds)
версия бюджета проектаproject budget revision (A change to a project budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds)
версия источника потока событийevent stream source version (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
версия-кандидатrelease candidate (A version of a build that has been tested and is ready for release)
версия компонентаfeature version (Andy)
версия микропрограммыfirmware version (Andy)
версия операционной системыOS/2
версия отслеживания событийevent trace version (Windows 7 ssn)
версия спецификацииBOM version (A specific configuration of a bill of material (BOM) to include an item. An item can be associated with a number of BOM versions)
версия спецификацииbill of material version (A specific configuration of a bill of material (BOM) to include an item. An item can be associated with a number of BOM versions)
версия среды выполненияruntime version (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
версия файлаfile revision (Andy)
видеокодек ISO MPEG-4 версии 1.0ISO MPEG-4 video codec version 1.0
вспомогательная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Minor (Windows 8 Rori)
гарантированное обновление версииTechnology Guarantee
Добавить примечание к этой версииAnnotate This Version (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
дополнительный номер версииminor version (A version that is in progress or that has changed only slightly since the previous version)
журнал версийversion history (harser)
имя модели, для которой возвращается список версийname of the model for which to list all the versions (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
инструменты из предыдущих версийlegacy tools (Office for Mac 2016 Rori)
исполняемая версияruntime version (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
Использовать формат прежних версийUse legacy format (Office System 2016 Rori)
Исторические версииHistorical Versions (profi_tr)
исходная версияinitial release (Andy)
конкретная версия файлаspecific file version (Andy)
корпоративная версия BitLockerBitLocker Enterprise (A BitLocker extension that adds management capabilities to BitLocker)
купить после использования пробной версииpurchase after trial (To purchase an app after downloading, installing and trying it out)
локализованная версияlocalized version (A version of a program that has been translated into another language, also known as an international version. For example, France, Hungary, and the United States all use different localized versions of Microsoft Word)
маркер контроля версийversion control marker (Andy)
метка версииversion label (Andy)
метка системы управления версиямиversion control label (A word, symbol, or other group of characters used to identify a snapshot of a set of files at a specific point in time. It is often applied by an automated build process. It can be used to view, build, or even roll back a large set of files to the state they were in when the label was applied)
мини-версияminiversion (A version of a file that a transacted writer creates during a transaction. The miniversion can be opened later in the transaction with read-only access)
минимальная версия среды выполненияMinimum Runtime Version (Office System 2010, SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
минимальная поддерживаемая версияlowest supported version (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
модель, для которой возвращается список версийmodel for which to list all the versions (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
моникер целевой версии xTarget x Moniker (vlad-and-slav)
наиболее ранняя поддерживаемая версияlowest supported version (IIS Web Deployment Tool 2.0 Rori)
наименьшая поддерживаемая версияlowest supported version (Windows 8.1 Rori)
Наименьшая поддерживаемая версия ресурса встроенного ПОFirmware resource lowest supported version (Windows 8.1 Rori)
настройка для различных версийmultitargeting (The ability to target code to specific versions (for example, 2.0, 3.5, 4, or 4.5) of the .NET Framework)
не удаётся включить систему управления версиямиVersion control system cannot be enabled (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
неизменяемая версияfixed version
новая версия Windowsa new version of Windows (ssn)
новая версияa new version (ssn)
номер версииversion number (A number assigned by a software developer to identify a particular program at a particular stage, before and after public release. Successive public releases of a program are assigned increasingly higher numbers. Version numbers usually include decimal fractions. Major changes are usually marked by a change in the whole number, whereas for minor changes only the number after the decimal point increases)
облегченная версия веб-клиента OutlookOutlook Web Access Light
Обнаружено программное обеспечение бета-версииBeta software found (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
Обновление версии базы данных рабочего стола для тома "%1"Updating the Desktop database version for volume "%1" (Windows Server 2003 SP1 ssn)
обновлённая версияupgraded version (Rori)
ознакомительная техническая версияtechnical preview (Andy)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяweb release (Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователяrelease to web (Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителяweb release (напр., компакт-диска Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителяrelease to web (Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для цифрового распространенияrelease to web (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для цифрового распространенияweb release (цифровое распространение – способ распространения программного обеспечения без использования материального носителя, посредством загрузки через интернет на конечное устройство пользователя Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная первоначальная версияrelease to manufacturing (ssn)
окончательная первоначальная версияRelease to Manufacturing (The version of software that's distributed to manufacturers to build into hardware they will make available when the final software is made generally available)
основная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Major (Windows 8 Rori)
основной номер версииmajor version (A version that is ready for a larger group to see or that has changed significantly since the previous major version)
переходить на использование более ранней версииdowngrade
поддержка версийversioning (Adrax)
поддержка USB прежних версийUSB Legacy Support (Windows 10 Rori)
политика версий клиентовclient version policy (A set of client version rules that defines the actions to be taken when users try to log on with specific clients and client versions)
политика выбора версийversion policy (The rules that specify which version of dependent assemblies to bind to. Version polices are expressed using configuration files)
полная версияfull version (The default version that includes drag-and-drop functionality, right-click menus, and a reading pane)
полностью автономная версия приложенияfully self-contained app version (This app version doesn't need a separate runtime – everything is included in a single file. — Эта версия приложения не требует отдельной среды выполнения – всё включено в один файл. microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
последняя версияlatest version (The most recent or current version of a software release)
поставщик OLE DB для DB2 версии 4.0Microsoft OLE DB Provider for DB2 Version 4.0 (An OLE DB provider that allows the user to create distributed applications targeting IBM DB2 databases; Майкрософт)
почтовый ящик прежней версииlegacy mailbox (Exchange Client 2016 Rori)
права на использование любой версииfloating version rights (The categories of software licenses that are available for purchase from Microsoft and that grant the purchaser the right to use the latest version of a software title as it becomes available, throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
предыдущая версияprevious revision (редакция Andy)
Предыдущие версииHistorical Versions (profi_tr)
прежних версийlegacy
приложение прежних версийlegacy application (When used in the context of the User Account Control (UAC) infrastructure, an application that does not have an application manifest that indicates whether or not an administrative privilege is required for the application to run properly. Rori)
приложение прежних версийlegacy application (When used in the context of the User Account Control (UAC) infrastructure, an application that does not have an application manifest that indicates whether or not an administrative privilege is required for the application to run properly)
пробная версия Office 365 для малого бизнеса расширенныйOffice 365 Small Business Premium Trial (A limited-time trial for small businesses and professionals (fewer than 25 users) that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile and Office Web Apps. Simple setup and deployment)
пробная версия Office 365 для образовательных учреждений A3Office 365 Education A3 for Students Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for students with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities; для учащихся)
пробная версия Office 365 для образовательных учреждений A3Office 365 Education A3 for Faculty Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription that provides faculty and staff with the familiar Office desktop suite of apps, the Office Web Apps, document sharing and collaboration, instant messaging and enterprise-class email. Includes voice mail and advanced archiving capabilities; для преподавателей)
пробная версия Office 365 для среднего бизнесаOffice 365 Midsize Business Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for midsize businesses (fewer than 250 users) that need that need Office suite, email, instant messaging, document/content management, and web conferencing. Includes Microsoft Office for Windows, Mac, mobile, Office Web Apps and IT management capabilities)
пробная версия Office 365 корпоративный K1Office 365 Enterprise K1 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email and internal sites)
пробная версия Office 365 корпоративный K2Office 365 Enterprise K2 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for people in your business without a dedicated PC that need occasional access to Web email, internal sites and documents with Office Web Apps)
пробная версия Office 365 корпоративный E4Office 365 Enterprise E4 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps and on-premises server rights to information protection and enterprise voice capabilities)
пробная версия Office 365 корпоративный E3Office 365 Enterprise E3 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need full productivity, communication and collaboration tools with the familiar Office suite, including Office Web Apps)
пробная версия Office 365 корпоративный E1Office 365 Enterprise E1 Trial (A limited-day trial for an Office 365 online subscription for businesses that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices)
пробная версия ПОtrial software (ssn)
программа расширения апгрейда до рабочей версииbusiness ready enhancement plan (Vadim Rouminsky)
развёртывание новой версии Windowsdeploying a new version of Windows (ssn)
репозиторий проекта в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
репозиторий решения в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
Microsoft Access 2010, русская версияMicrosoft Access 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft relational database management system)
Microsoft® Office Access® 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Access® 2007 (An edition of a Microsoft relational database management system designed for ease of use)
Microsoft® Office Communicator 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Communicator 2007 (Microsoft instant messaging software that provides security-enhanced, enterprise-grade instant messaging with enhanced voice, video and telephony integration)
Microsoft Office Forms Server 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Forms Server 2007 (A Microsoft scalable, security-enhanced, standards-based server solution that centralizes control and management of electronic forms by allowing customers to use a common Web browser to interact with information)
Microsoft Office Groove 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Groove® 2007 (An edition of Microsoft collaboration software that lets teams share tools and information, and work together on project activities)
Microsoft Office InfoPath 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office InfoPath® 2007 (An edition of a Microsoft product that enables teams and organizations to create and work with rich, dynamic forms. InfoPath supports any customer-defined XML schema and integrates with Web services)
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007 (An edition of a Microsoft presentation graphics product for creating presentations and adding graphic effects like multimedia and special text)
Microsoft Office Project 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Project 2007 (Microsoft project management software used to plan, manage, and communicate a project schedule and other information among workgroup members, project managers, and other stakeholders)
Microsoft Office Project Server 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Project Server 2007 (The 2007 edition of the Microsoft server software that centrally stores standardized project and resource information across an organization)
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Designer 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office SharePoint® Designer 2007 (An edition of a Microsoft product based on Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 technologies, optimized for creating and customizing Microsoft Office SharePoint Web sites and building workflow-enabled applications on Microsoft Office SharePoint technologies)
Microsoft Office Visio 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Visio® 2007 (Microsoft business diagramming and drawing software used to create charts, diagrams, and other schematic illustrations)
Microsoft® Office Communicator Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Communicator Mobile (A mobile Microsoft Office-integrated client for Microsoft Office Live Communications Server that provides access to all contacts from the desktop version of Office Communicator and full instant messaging capabilities from the mobile device)
Microsoft Office Word Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Word Mobile (Microsoft word processing software designed for use with handheld computing devices)
Microsoft Office Excel Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Excel® Mobile (Microsoft spreadsheet software designed for use with handheld computing devices)
Microsoft Office OneNote Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office OneNote® Mobile (Microsoft software designed for use with handheld computing devices that enables users to capture, organize and reuse notes electronically)
Microsoft Office Outlook Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Outlook® Mobile (Microsoft messaging and collaboration software designed for use with handheld computing devices)
Microsoft Office PowerPoint Mobile, русская версияMicrosoft® Office PowerPoint® Mobile (Microsoft presentation graphics software designed for use with handheld computing devices)
Microsoft® Office Project Web Access, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Project Web Access (The Web browser–based interface of Microsoft Office Project that project team members and stakeholders can use to access and update information stored in Microsoft Project Server, without having to install Microsoft Project on their computers)
Microsoft Office Online, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Online (Microsoft client/server software for business productivity that includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher, and FrontPage. Office Online applications are accessed as an network service instead of being run on a local desktop)
Microsoft Office Word 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Word 2007 (An edition of a Microsoft word processing software program for creating Web, e-mail, and print documents)
Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007, русская версия, Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007Microsoft® Office SharePoint® Server 2007 (A Microsoft server product that creates a portal Web site that allows users to share documents and search for information across the organization and enterprise within one extensible portal interface)
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Publisher 2007 (A Microsoft business desktop publishing program that enables users to create marketing materials by providing built-in professional design expertise and enhanced automation tools)
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Outlook® 2007 (An edition of Microsoft messaging and collaboration client software for personal computers accessing Microsoft Exchange Server-based email and collaboration services)
Microsoft Office Excel 2007, русская версияMicrosoft® Office Excel® 2007 (An edition of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data)
Microsoft® Publisher 2010, русская версияMicrosoft Publisher 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft business desktop publishing program that enables users to easily create professional-looking marketing materials by providing built-in professional design expertise and enhanced automation tools)
Microsoft InfoPath 2010, русская версия, Microsoft InfoPath 2010Microsoft InfoPath 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft product that enables teams and organizations to create and work with rich, dynamic forms. InfoPath supports any customer-defined XML schema and integrates with Web services)
Microsoft Word 2010, русская версия, Microsoft Word 2010Microsoft Word 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft word processing software for creating Web, e-mail, and print documents)
Microsoft Outlook 2010, русская версия, Microsoft Outlook 2010Microsoft Outlook 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft messaging and collaboration client software for personal computers accessing Microsoft Exchange Server-based email and collaboration services)
Microsoft Excel 2010, русская версия, Microsoft Excel 2010Microsoft Excel 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data)
Microsoft OneNote 2010, русская версияMicrosoft OneNote 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft product that enables users to capture, organize, and reuse notes electronically on laptop computers, desktop computers, or tablet personal computers)
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010, Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010, русская версияMicrosoft PowerPoint 2010 (The year 2010 edition of the Microsoft presentation graphics product for creating presentations and adding graphic effects like multimedia objects and special effects with text)
Сведения информация о версииversion information (Andy)
синхронизировать с системой контроля версийsynchronize with the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
система управления версиямиsource control (A set of features that include a mechanism for checking source code in and out of a central repository. It also implies a version control system that can manage files through the development lifecycle, keeping track of which changes were made, who made them, when they were made, and why)
Создать меточный файл в системе контроля версийAdd label file to the version control system (Dynamics AX 2009 ssn)
средства для оценки и устранения проблем с совместимостью перед развёртыванием новой версии Windowstools to evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues before deploying a new version of Windows (Windows 8.1 ssn)
срок действия пробной версииduration of trial (The length of time for which a trial of an application is valid)
старая версияolder version (Andy)
текущая версияcurrent version (Version of a file most recently stored in a Visual SourceSafe database. The current version of the file has the highest version number)
технология туннелирования для IP версии 6IPV6 transition technology (A technology such as Teredo, 6to4 and ISATAP that allows you to deploy and use IPv6 even if your network infrastructure does not yet support it. Transition technologies can simplify and save money during an IPv6 deployment)
требуемая версия .NET Frameworktarget framework (The version of the .NET Framework or of Silverlight for which a particular application has been created)
у вас последняя версияyou are up to date (Andy)
управление версиямиversion control (The process of maintaining a database of all the source code and related files in a software development project to keep track of changes made during the project)
управление версиями строкrow versioning (Ding_an_sich)
фильтр версий клиентовclient version filter (Restricts the client versions that are used in a Lync Server environment)
формы предыдущих версийLegacy Forms (Word 2013, Office System 2010 Rori)
штамп версииversion stamp (A monotonically increasing integer that serves as the version of a configuration object)