
Terms for subject Business containing ввести в | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ввести в действиеbring to an end
ввести в действиеbring to a close
ввести в коммерческую эксплуатациюbring into commercial operation (felog)
ввести в круг деловых контактовmake introductions to business contacts
ввести кого-л. в курс делаput smb in the picture
ввести в промышленную эксплуатациюcommence commercial operations (felog)
ввести в составadd into the mixture (elena.kazan)
ввести в эксплуатациюget operating (Its first goal is to see land returned to First Nations and then an agreement would have to be reached with First Nations as a partner, he said. It’s not known how long that might take. From that point, it would take about 30 months to get the railway operating, he said. timescolonist.com ART Vancouver)
ввести как статью актива в балансеset up as an asset