
Terms for subject Figurative containing вам | all forms | exact matches only
вам и карты в рукиyou know the ropes
вам и карты в рукиit's up to you
вам не хотелось бы вмешаться в подобное делоyou would have no finger in such a pie as this
вам утёрли носyour nose is wiped
вы вредите себеyou stand in your own light
вы когда-нибудь летали?did you ever fly?
вы надели носки на левую сторонуyou're wearing your socks wrong side out
вы слепойyou have your eyes shut (Alex_Odeychuk)
как вы можете жить в такой грязной дыре?how can you live in such a filthy dump?
как вы расцениваете его поведение?what do you make of his behaviour?
на каком основании вы это говорите?what is the basis for your statement?
откуда у вас такие чёрные мысли?how do you get such gloomyideas?
с вами приятно работатьwe love you (Some Americans (usually younger) use use the word "love" very frequently and informally, and others don't. For those that do, the word is intended to convey affection and support, similar to the use of the word love between family members, but without the same depth of emotion. The use of we is important here, because it depersonalizes the word and makes it clear that it's being used in its lesser sense. If it were I love you, it would be likely to be interpreted more strongly. Consider "we love you" in a letter or an email as enthusiastic approval of what you are doing or enjoyment of working with you. He or she is pleased and you make the job easy for him or her. This has nothing to do with actual affection or "love" in the traditional sense. It is just an expression. You shouldn't feel any need to reply in kind. Even among Americans the majority of people do still reserve the word for its original meaning. A good substitute reply (if you don't feel like saying "I love you too") would be something like: "Thanks, (I've had a great time and) I really appreciate your help." That conveys pretty much the same emotions he or she was expressing Alex_Odeychuk)
снимаю перед вами шляпуI tip my cap to you (в знак уважения PeachyHoney)
снимаю перед вами шляпуtip one's cap to (жест восхищения, признательности или почтения PeachyHoney)
спасибо вам огромноеbless your heart (sever_korrespondent)
у вас закрыты глазаyou have your eyes shut (Alex_Odeychuk)
у вас на это не хватает порохаyou wouldn't have the guts for that
у меня для вас воз новостейI have a load of news for you
что вам угодно?how can I help you? (Mikhail11)
что вы ко мне привязалисьhave taken to me (WAHinterpreter)
что вы ко мне привязалисьgetting on at me (WAHinterpreter)
что вы ко мне привязалисьcompletely fixated on me (WAHinterpreter)
что вы ко мне привязалисьwhat are you bothering me for (WAHinterpreter)
это вам не игрушки!this is serious business!
это вам понравится!be in for a treat (Mikhail11)