
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing бюджетные ассигнования | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
ассигнование бюджетных средств конгрессомcongressional appropriation
бюджетные ассигнования, утверждённые конгрессомactual allotment
законопроект о бюджетных ассигнованияхCR-Omnibus Appropriations Bill (a combination of a Continuing Resolution and an omnibus spending bill: an Omnibus changes policies and spending priorities, a Continuing Resolution (CR) simply changes the dates on the existing spending bill and moves it forward Beforeyouaccuseme)
законопроект о бюджетных ассигнованияхCRomnibus bill (a combination of a Continuing Resolution and an omnibus spending bill: an Omnibus changes policies and spending priorities, a Continuing Resolution (CR) simply changes the dates on the existing spending bill and moves it forward Beforeyouaccuseme)