
Terms for subject Proper and figurative containing боевая | all forms
боевое крещениеbaptism of fire
боевое крещениеfire baptism
боевое крещениеbaptism by fire (first battle engagement: the majority of the 6th and 7th Florida's soldiers underwent their baptism by fire on the outskirts of Knoxville. • In particular, he received a baptism by fire in the hazards of business partnerships.)
боевое крещениеbaptism of fire (first battle engagement: Canadian soldiers received their baptism of fire in one of the most terrible battles of World war 1. • Under-20 men's handball team received a baptism of fire in their first outing on the international stage.)
боевое крещениеbaptism under fire (slitely_mad)
боевое крещениеbaptism by fire