
Terms for subject Informal containing блина | all forms
вот блин!oh no! (Johnny Bravo)
вот блин!cringe! (Taras)
вот блин!oh cringe! (Taras)
вот блин!oh my gosh!
нет, блинnah (We could design this street to be low-speed and safe for pedestrians, but nah we'll just put up a sign instead and not really fix the problem. • But nah, we'll just give the rich folks a tax break and put 11,000 people out of work. • I mean, probably a first step might've been sending me a bill at some point between 2007 and 2020 but nah we'll just threaten legal action over $258. 4uzhoj)
но блинbut damn (maystay)
первый блин комомrocky start (SirReal)
печь блиныskip pebbles on the water
Черт! Блин!Pants (jelenaned)