
Terms for subject General containing биологически активные | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
биологически активная добавкаbiologically active dietary supplement (In Russia, Dietary Supplements are defined as "Biologically Active Dietary Supplements" (BADS). BADSs are "foodstuffs with clinically proven effectiveness. Alexander Demidov)
биологически активная добавкаBADS (Alexander Demidov)
биологически активная добавкаbiologically active supplement (ABelonogov)
биологически активные добавкиpara-pharmaceuticals (БАД Belka_me)
биологически активные добавкиBAD ("Биологически активные добавки (БАДы), biologically active additives (BAD)" [sic] – "В Москве ликвидирована крупнейшая сеть распространения биодобавок" – "200 человек, злоумышленники сбывали биологически активные добавки под видом чудодейственных лекарств" Andrew Goff)
биологически активные добавкиdietary supplements (A dietary supplement is intended to provide nutrients that may otherwise not be consumed in sufficient quantities. Supplements as generally understood include vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, or amino acids, among other substances. U.S. authorities define dietary supplements as foods, while elsewhere they may be classified as drugs or other products. WK Alexander Demidov)
биологически-активные добавки к пищеdietary supplements (ЛВ)
биологические активные добавкиbioactive additives (MargeWebley)
биологические активные добавкиbioactive additions (Viacheslav Volkov)
биологический активный транспортactive biological transport
массаж биологически активных точек кожиacupressure