
Terms containing бизнес | all forms | exact matches only
gen.авиа-бизнес-терминалbusiness air terminal (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Австралийский бизнес-номерABN No. (Johnny Bravo)
gen.Австралийский бизнес-номерABN Number (Johnny Bravo)
gen.акула бизнесаbusiness shark (rechnik)
gen."Антикоррупционная хартия российского бизнеса"Anti-Corruption Charter of the Russian Business (grafleonov)
gen.арт-бизнесart business (сегмент рынка) В. Бузаков)
gen.Ассоциация европейского бизнесаthe Association of European Businesses (mariakn)
gen.Ассоциация европейского бизнесаAssociation of European Businesses (The Association of European Businesses was established in 1995 on the initiative of several European companies registered in the Russian Federation, Ambassadors of EU member states and the Head of the Delegation of the European Commission to the Russian Federation. aebrus.ru Alexander Demidov)
gen.Ассоциация европейского бизнесаAEB (Association of European Businesses scherfas)
gen.Ассоциация европейского бизнесаAEB – Association of European Businesses (scherfas)
gen.Ассоциация по развитию коллекторского бизнесаRecovery Business Promotion Association (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Ассоциация Производителей Компьютеров и Оборудования для БизнесаCBEMA (Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association Dmitry)
gen.Бакалавр Бизнеса со специализацией : экономика и финансы, бухгалтерский учёт и финансы, маркетинг, менеджмент персонала, риск-менеджмент и страхованиеBachelor of Business Studies (BBS Rosalya)
gen.Бакалавр Наук в Области Бизнеса АдминистрированияBachelor of Arts in Business Studies (AlinaBrent)
gen.бакалавр по бизнесуBBA
gen.банк кредитования малого бизнесаsmall business credit bank (inn)
gen.банковский бизнесbanking business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.безопасность бизнесаbusiness security (Alexander Demidov)
gen.беспощадный бизнесcut-throat business (xmoffx)
gen.бизнес-аналитикBusiness Analyst (wikipedia.org Denis Lebedev)
gen.бизнес-аналитикBA (Denis Lebedev)
gen.бизнес-аналитикаbusiness analysis (A means by which the current performance of a firm is evaluated as part of the strategic planning process. It should include an analysis of its current market performance in terms of market share, by product or service category, a SWOT analysis of the firm (including major competitors), and a PESTLE analysis of the environmental factors most likely to affect the firm's performance over the future planning period. OB&M. Business analysis is a research discipline[1] of identifying business needs and determining solutions to business problems. Solutions often include a systems development component, but may also consist of process improvement, organizational change or strategic planning and policy development. The person who carries out this task is called a business analyst or BA.[2] Business analysts who work solely on developing software systems may be called IT business analysts, technical business analysts, online business analysts, business systems analysts, or systems analysts. WAD Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-аналитикаbusiness analytics (Business analytics (BA) refers to the skills, technologies, applications and practices for continuous iterative exploration and investigation of past business performance to gain insight and drive business planning.[1] Business analytics focuses on developing new insights and understanding of business performance based on data and statistical methods. In contrast, business intelligence traditionally focuses on using a consistent set of metrics to both measure past performance and guide business planning, which is also based on data and statistical methods. Business analytics makes extensive use of data, statistical and quantitative analysis, explanatory and predictive modeling,[2] and fact-based management to drive decision making. Analytics may be used as input for human decisions or may drive fully automated decisions. Business intelligence is querying, reporting, OLAP, and "alerts". In other words, querying, reporting, OLAP, and alert tools can answer questions such as what happened, how many, how often, where the problem is, and what actions are needed. Business analytics can answer questions like why is this happening, what if these trends continue, what will happen next (that is, predict), what is the best that can happen (that is, optimize). WAD Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-аналитикаbusiness analysis and analytics (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-английскийExecutive English
gen.бизнес безопасностиsecurity business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес в сельском хозяйствеag-business (сокращённый вариант выражения agricultural business tavost)
gen.бизнес-возможностиbusiness value (you can quickly realize business value vlad-and-slav)
gen.бизнес-возможностиbusiness functionality (системы Artjaazz)
gen.бизнес, выигравший от пандемииpandemic darling (Ремедиос_П)
gen.бизнес, выросший в пандемиюpandemic darling (Ремедиос_П)
gen.бизнес-группаnetwork group (Червь)
gen.бизнес-группаcorporate group (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-группаnetworking group (Червь)
gen.бизнес дал хороший доходit yielded a lot of revenue
gen.бизнес делаетсяbusiness proceeds (Olga Fomicheva)
gen.бизнес-деятельностьbusiness activities (alexey.shamshurin)
gen.бизнес-деятельность в сфере развлеченийbusiness of entertainment (sankozh)
gen.бизнес, жизнь и отдыхbusiness, life and entertainment (include the Dallas Observer, an alternative weekly newspaper, and D Magazine, a monthly magazine about business, life, and entertainment in the metroplex. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-завтракbreakfast meet (HarryWharton&Co)
gen.бизнес-задачаbusiness target (Annual goal setting which helps you identify realistic business targets for the year ahead with the assistance of an experienced business advisor. | We had reached our new business targets for the year at that point and we had a large pipeline of clients we had taken on and decided to ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-задачиbusiness needs (bigmaxus)
gen.бизнес-заказчикbusiness customer (business customer (from the article `marketing`) Business customers, also known as industrial customers, purchase products or services to use in the production of other products. Such industries ... Found op britannica.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-залlounge (Е. Тамарченко, 23.11.2017 Евгений Тамарченко)
gen.бизнес и государствоprivate and public sectors (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес и поэзия – вещи несоизмеримыеbusiness and poetry are not commensurate
gen.бизнес-играbusiness game (Business game (also called business simulation game) refers to simulation games that are used at an educational tool for teaching business. Business games may be carried out for various business training such as: general management, finance, organizational behaviour, human resources, etc. Often the term Business simulation is used with the same meaning. wiki Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-идеяbusiness idea (bookworm)
gen.бизнес, идущий слишком гладко, обычно катится по наклонной плоскостиbusiness that always runs smooth is running downhill
gen.бизнес-информатикаbusiness informatics (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.бизнес-исследованиеbusiness survey (The Annual Business Survey collects financial information for the UK non-financial business economy; variables covered include turnover, purchases and ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-картаcorporate card (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-классаmid-range (You can use mid-range to describe products or services which are neither the most expensive nor the cheapest of their type. ...comfortable mid-range accommodation. ...the price of a mid-range family car. CCB Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-консультированиеbusiness advisory (maystay)
gen.бизнес-контролёрcomptroller (The title of the financial director in some companies or chief financial officer of a group of companies. The title is more widely used in the USA than in the UK. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-концепцияbusiness conception
gen.бизнес конъюнктураbusiness-building environment (bigmaxus)
gen.бизнес-кругиbusiness community (чаще: деловые круги 'More)
gen.бизнес-ландшафтbusiness landscape (Traktat Translation Agency)
gen.бизнес-ланчmenu of the day (Рина Грант)
gen.бизнес-ланчset menu (Про "бизнес" русские придумали для понтов)))), а в действительности это попросту заранее составленное меню, более дешевое и легкое в изготовлении, чем заказ каждого блюда à la carte, т.е. из списка блюд в меню. Напр., "The set menu in this restaurant is surprisingly good" – "Бизнес-ланчи в этом ресторане на удивление вкусные" Рина Грант)
gen.бизнес-ланчlunch special (LisLoki)
gen.бизнес ланчjolly (any work event (eg: medical conference, business lunch etc) that is ostensibly for work purposes, but takes place on a sunny isle or cruse boat etc – ie: can be a holiday, masquerading as a business event so they can claim the costs as a business expense, or just pretend they are working when they are (mostly) not – eg: "Does your employer allow you to go on any jollies if you do well?" Andrew Goff)
gen.бизнес-моделированиеbusiness process modelling (Брит. англ. Business process modeling, often called process modeling, is the analytical representation or illustration of an organization’s business processes. Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-моделированиеbusiness process modeling (Business process modeling (BPM) in systems engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current process may be analyzed or improved. BPM is typically performed by business analysts, who provide expertise in the modeling discipline; by subject matter experts, who have specialized knowledge of the processes being modeled; or more commonly by a team comprising both. The business objective is often to increase process speed or reduce cycle time; to increase quality; or to reduce costs, such as labor, materials, scrap, or capital costs. In practice, a management decision to invest in business process modeling is often motivated by the need to document requirements for an information technology project. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес наcouch commerce (i-version)
gen."бизнес на диване"couch commerce (торговля через Интернет i-version)
gen.бизнес на домуhome-based business (bigmaxus)
gen.бизнес на сторонеside business (Taras)
gen.бизнес-направлениеbusiness area (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-необходимостьbusiness need (kee46)
gen.бизнес-образованиеbusiness degree (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-обучениеbusiness training (в отличие от "бизнесс-образование" = "business education" Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-обучениеbusiness education (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-окружениеbusiness environment (Громовая Екатерина)
gen.бизнес-омбудсменbusiness ombudsman (Yet a different perspective comes from Medvedev's initiative, announced on 27 April 2012: the creation of a new business ombudsman. Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-омбудсмен при президентеpresidential business ombudsman (The amnesty, which has been endorsed by presidential business ombudsman Boris Titov and State Duma Speaker Sergei Naryshkin as a ... TMT Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-паркmarket garden (встречается в коммерческой и технической документации из Финляндии Bafut)
gen.HR-бизнес-партнёрHR Business Partner (e-xecutive.ru Samura88)
gen.Бизнес-партнёр ОКHR Business Partner (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
gen.бизнес по выращиванию марихуаныgrow operation (Баян)
gen.бизнес по интернетуE-commerce
gen.бизнес по на подпискеsubscription business (Это бизнес, в котором клиент получает доступ к услуге или продукту, совершая в пользу фирмы регулярные (ежемесячные или ежегодные) платежи. sea holly)
gen.бизнес по производству цементаcement business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес по производству цементаcement manufacture (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес, поддерживаемый государствомstate-supported business
gen.бизнес-позицияbusiness position (SP galinasok)
gen.бизнес-пользовательbusiness user (Rslan)
gen.бизнес-потребностиbusiness needs (bigmaxus)
gen.бизнес похож на цветок: для процветания ему нужны и корни и ветвиbe really successful, company must have branches as well as roots
gen.бизнес похож на цветок: для процветания ему нужны и корни и ветвиbe really successful, company must have branches as well as roots
gen.бизнес-преступлениеbusiness crime (Yanamahan)
gen.бизнес-присутствиеbusiness presence (natnox)
gen.бизнес-проектированиеbusiness engineering (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Бизнес против контрафакции и пиратстваBusiness Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy (BASCAP; проект МТП Lavrov)
gen.бизнес процветаетbusiness is booming
gen.бизнес-процессbusiness process (A business process or business method is a collection of related, structured activities or tasks that produce a specific service or product (serve a particular goal) for a particular customer or customers. It often can be visualized with a flowchart as a sequence of activities. wiki Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-путешественникbusiness traveller (с сайта Booking.com twinkie)
gen.бизнес-регулирование информационной службы предприятияIT governance (shoorah)
gen.бизнес-самолётbusiness jet (sankozh)
gen.бизнес-самолётcharter aircraft (sankozh)
gen.бизнес-самолётcorporate aircraft (sankozh)
gen.бизнес-сводкиbusiness news (Mikhail11)
gen.бизнес сегментB2B (triumfov)
gen.бизнес-семинарbusiness seminar (3-Day New Business Seminar. This invaluable business training is provided to ensure those with a small business enterprise, or are looking to start working for ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес сообществоbusiness community (bigmaxus)
gen.бизнес-справочникbusiness-directory (Азери)
gen.бизнес средаbusiness landscape (Traktat Translation Agency)
gen.бизнес-стажировкаcommercial apprenticeship (AlexU)
gen.бизнес-структураorganogram (a drawing that shows the structure of an organization and the different ranks of the people working for it; =organization chart. LBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.SAP. бизнес-сфераbusiness area
gen.бизнес сфераbusiness community (bigmaxus)
gen.SAP. бизнес-сфера партнёраpartner business area
gen.бизнес-требованияbusiness requirements (Alexey Lebedev)
gen.бизнес-тренерbusiness coach (dabaska)
gen.бизнес-тренингиbusiness-training activity (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Бизнес-Трэвел ИндексBusiness Travel Index (Лаврентьева Евгения)
Игорь Мигбизнес-тусовкаleading business figures
gen.бизнес функционируетbusiness proceeds (Olga Fomicheva)
gen.бизнес-цельbusiness objective (Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-центрbusiness centre (a place that people can pay to use for work, meetings, etc. away from their usual place of work: The hotel's business centre offers videoconferencing facilities and a full range of business services. OBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.бизнес-центрoffice building (markovka)
gen.бизнес-цепочкаbusiness chain (IoSt)
gen.бизнес-элитаclubbish set (cnlweb)
gen.бизнес-этикаbusiness ethics (grafleonov)
gen.благоприятность условий для ведения бизнесаease of doing business rating (Всемирный банк Emilien88)
gen.большие успехи в бизнесеdramatic gains in business
gen.большой бизнесbigness
gen.большой бизнесbig business
gen.быстрорастущий бизнесboom (sever_korrespondent)
gen.в бизнесе он шёл напроломhe was aggressive in business
gen.в бизнесе экономия на копейках часто оборачивается потерей в рубляхin business, being penny wise often ends up as being pound foolish
gen.в интересах бизнесаfor business purposes (Where a home is used partly for business purposes, the simplified expenses rules allow a flat rate deduction for household running costs listed at BIM47820. | Japanese court endorses adultery for business purposes, experts say. TG Alexander Demidov)
gen.в случае бизнес необходимостиwhere needed for business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.в шоу-бизнесе так всегдаthat's show biz for you (Bartek2001)
gen.ведение бизнесаbusiness operations (Moscowtran)
gen.ведение бизнесаbusiness dealing (Alex Lilo)
gen.Ведение бизнесаDoing Business (Caithey)
gen.вести бизнесcarry on business (4uzhoj)
gen.вести бизнесrun a business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.вести бизнесcirculate business (Aslandado)
gen.вести бизнес в России – непростое делоdoing business in Russia is no picnic (Olga Okuneva)
gen.вести бизнес с кем-нибудь другимtake one's business elsewhere (Aslandado)
gen.вести свой бизнесrun an office (Ремедиос_П)
gen.взаимоотношения между властью и бизнесомinterplay of power and money (mascot)
gen.взятка в Китае, которую дают, чтобы вести бизнес без проблемtea money (atheistd)
gen.владелец собственного бизнесаself-employed (также a self-employed person / individual ART Vancouver)
gen.внутренние издержки ведения бизнесаin-house overheads (Alexander Demidov)
gen.возможности бизнесаbusiness opportunities (Alexander Demidov)
gen.возможность для роста бизнесаbusiness development opportunity (Alexander Demidov)
gen.возможность развития бизнесаbusiness opportunity (Alexander Demidov)
gen.возможные опасности занятия бизнесомpotential pitfalls of running business (bigmaxus)
gen.вот такой он, шоу-бизнесthat's show biz for you (Bartek2001)
gen.выполнить бизнес-планdeliver business plan (Nina_Strogonova)
gen.вытеснить из бизнесаdrive out of business (bookworm)
gen.вялый бизнесsoft business
gen.SAP. глобальная бизнес-сфераglobal business area
gen.гостевой бизнесhospitality (dreamjam)
gen.гостиничный бизнесhotel industry (the branch of the services industry which provides hotels Example Sentences Including "hotel industry" HANI was for many years the public face of Ulster's hotel industry. BELFAST TELEGRAPH (2004) Heaven forbid that our hotel industry should be trying to be all things to all men. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) Like so many others in his home town he had been brought up to work in the luxury hotel industry. Tim Hilton ONE MORE KILOMETRE AND WE'RE IN THE SHOWERS (2004) The hotel industry , financial services, and the call-centre industry are prime examples. BUSINESS TODAY (2002) The hotel industry was just an industry that appealed to me. IRISH TIMES (2002) What's News United States Wall Street Journal The hotel industry may be over the worst of the current slump. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov)
gen.гостиничный бизнесhospitality business (cnlweb)
gen.гостиничный бизнесhospitality (1. friendly and generous behaviour towards visitors and guests, intended to make them feel welcome >We were delighted by the wonderful hospitality of the local people. >Just a note to thank you for your hospitality. Thesaurus: entertaining guestshyponym friendliness, generosity and kindnesssynonym general words for entertainment and funhypernym 2. food, drink, and entertainment given to customers by a company or organization a hospitality suite/room/tent the hospitality industry (=hotels, restaurants etc). MED Alexander Demidov)
gen.гостиничный бизнесhotel business (Андрей У)
gen.государственный бизнесgovernment business (Tendering for Government Contracts: One of OGC 's main objectives is to achieve effective competition for government business by simplifying access to the government market place. Alexander Demidov)
gen.грант на развитие своего бизнесаsmall business grant (sankozh)
gen.грошовый бизнесpennies business (NumiTorum)
gen.грязный бизнесgrim business (lulic)
gen.демографическая бизнес-аналитикаbusiness geographics (vlad-and-slav)
gen.департамент по делам бизнеса и защите прав потребителейBACP (Business Affairs and Consumer Protection: In Chicago the application for a liquor license is regulated by the department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection (BACP) FairyDream)
gen.Директор по развитию бизнесаDirector of Business Development (swatimathur4)
gen.Директор по развитию международного бизнеса компанииGlobal Business Development Director (sega_tarasov)
gen.Skype для бизнесаSkype for Business (Sagoto)
gen.для нужд бизнесаfor business use (Belka Adams)
gen.для чего он собирается заняться этим бизнесом?what is he going to go into that business for? (Franka_LV)
gen.доля бизнесаmarket share (Alexander Demidov)
gen.домашний бизнесhome-based business (bigmaxus)
gen.Европейский бизнес-реестрEuropean Business Register (EBR informnn.ru ВВладимир)
gen.его бизнес шёл хорошо, и он быстро заработал много денегhis business was good and he was making money hand over fist
gen.его бизнесу недостаёт системыhis business lacks system
gen.единое понимание бизнес-концепцииbrand alignment (bjjjork)
gen.единый бизнес-тарифuniform business rate (Азери)
gen.жизнь, бизнес и развлеченияlife, business and entertainment (Augusta Downtown Alliance will develop a thriving, authentic downtown community, a focal point for life, business and entertainment in Central Maine, ... | ... played on crowded streets in Detroit, more than likely in the thirty-block section known as Paradise Valley, the center of black life, business, and entertainment. | ... North America's information and communication technology providers, focused on making life, business, and entertainment simple for the people we serve. Alexander Demidov)
gen.за наш бизнес!to our good business!
gen.загнивающий бизнесdistressed business (reverso.net Aslandado)
gen.задача, жизненно важная для бизнесаvital business issue (translator911)
gen.задача, жизненно необходимая для бизнесаvital business issue (translator911)
gen.Закон о корпоративном бизнесеBusiness Corporation Act (company-express.com elena.sklyarova1985)
gen.Закон об Управлении Международного БизнесаInternational Business Authority Act (vanyok666)
gen.Закон штата Арканзас "Об освобождении субъектов малого бизнеса от налога на доходы юридических лиц"Arkansas Small Business Pass Through Act (molimod)
gen.заместитель государственного секретаря по вопросам экономики, бизнеса и сельского хозяйстваUnder Secretary for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs (ABelonogov)
gen.заниматься бизнесомdo a business (AlexandraM)
gen.заниматься бизнесомoperate a business
gen.заниматься бизнесомcarry on business
gen.заниматься бизнесомwrite business (или коммерческой деятельностью; Пример: The company has no operations in that country and no plans for writing any business there. Перевод. Компания не проводит операции в этой стране и не планирует заниматься там каким-либо бизнесом (или какой-либо коммерческой деятельностью). Пазенко Георгий Пазенко Георгий)
gen.заниматься бизнесомrun a business
gen.заниматься бизнесомget
gen.заниматься бизнесомmanage a business
gen.заниматься бизнесом без лицензииcurbstone (перепродажа под видом частного лица Кунделев)
gen.заниматься бизнесом, связанным сbe in the business of (Alexander Demidov)
gen.застойный бизнесsick business
gen.зелёный бизнесsustainable business (sheetikoff)
gen.игроки автомобильного бизнесаauto players (крупных игроков автомобильного бизнеса: Some of the major auto players are in Asia right now, and if you want exposure to these industry titans as well as some of the most actively ... investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.издательский бизнесpublishing (the activity of publishing books, magazines, software, etc.: "She's looking for a job in publishing. "The distribution costs of electronic publishing are much lower than in print publishing. CBED Alexander Demidov)
gen.инвестиции в бизнесеbusiness investments (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Инженер по развитию бизнеса российских поставщиковVendor Development Engineer (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
gen.Институт по правам человека и бизнесуIHRB (Institute for Human Rights and Business (a think polity)
gen.Институт по правам человека и бизнесуInstitute for Human Rights and Business (IHRB (a think & do tank) polity)
gen."Интернэшнл бизнес машинз"International Business Machines Corporation (компьютерная компания, США)
gen.информационный бизнесinformation business (Xtrazz)
gen.использование возможности в интересах бизнесаcapitalize on opportunity (Moscowtran)
gen.использовать услуги лица, получившего доверенность в ведении бизнесаemploy the services of a power of attorney to conduct this business
gen.канцтовары с эмблемой фирмы в отельном бизнесеamenities (Newsreader)
gen.капитан бизнесаcaptain of industry (captains of industry: a person who has an important job in industry and who can influence company and national planning Х In a speech to captains of industry, she predicted economic growth of 3.5% next year. CALD Alexander Demidov)
gen.клиентоориентированный подход к ведению бизнесаcustomer-oriented business processes (Alexander Demidov)
gen.клиентская бизнес-средаcustomers' ecosystem (специфическая информационно-производственная среда клиента, заказчика, потребителя Sergopol)
gen.количество бизнеса на продавцаsales per salesperson (Alexander Demidov)
gen.коллега по бизнесуbusiness colleague (Ralana)
gen.Комитет по малому и среднему бизнесуSmall and Medium-Sized Enterprises Committee (AEB wandervoegel)
gen.Комитет по политике в области игорного бизнесаGaming Policy Committee (Бергмана верба)
gen.коммерческое преимущество, преимущество бизнесаbusiness advantage (Moscowtran)
gen.компании малого бизнесаsmall businesses (bookworm)
gen.компании среднего бизнеса/уровняmid-size companies (Baaghi)
Игорь Мигкомпания, занимающаяся контрафактным бизнесомfaker
gen.конкретная область ведения бизнесаline of business
gen.конкурент по бизнесуbusiness competitor (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конкурент по бизнесуcompetitor (Any person or entity which is a rival against another. In business, a company in the same industry or a similar industry which offers a similar product or service. The presence of one or more competitors can reduce the prices of goods and services as the companies attempt to gain a larger market share. Competition also requires companies to become more efficient in order to reduce costs. Fast-food restaurants McDonald's and Burger King are competitors, as are Coca-Cola and Pepsi, and Wal-Mart and Target. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.конкурентоспособная окружающая среда бизнесаcompetitive business environment (Alexander Demidov)
gen.конный бизнесequine business (Dily@)
gen.конспективное устное представление бизнес планаpitch (Pavel)
gen.консультант по вопросам ведения бизнесаbusiness consultant (Krio)
gen.контроль выполнения бизнес-планаbusiness plan follow-up (Alexander Demidov)
gen."Контроль за преступностью в бизнесе"BCC (Business Crime Control Oleksandr Spirin)
gen.контроль и соблюдение выполнения бизнес-планаbusiness plan follow-up (Alexander Demidov)
gen.контроль над частью бизнесаinterest (Any transaction described in paragraphs (a) through (e) of this section by a foreign banking organization that involves the acquisition of an interest in a U.S. bank... | Acquisition of an interest in a U.S. coal fired power plant by a capital assets fund | Acquisition of an interest in a U.S. LNG receiving terminal in Pascagoula, Mississippi, including acquisition and joint venture agreements, O&M agreements, and ... – АД)
gen.Конференция по инвестициям в гостиничный бизнес России и СНГRHIC (Russia & CIS Hotel Investment Conference rechnik)
gen.Конференция по инвестициям в гостиничный бизнес России и СНГRussia & CIS Hotel Investment Conference (rechnik)
gen.Координационное совещание бизнеса и ИТРинженерно-технических работниковBusiness and Engineering Alignment Meeting (afmarat)
gen.криминальный бизнесillegal business practices (Alexander Demidov)
gen.крупный и средний бизнесlarge and medium businesses (Inflation to them can only be reduced by widening the market base for the large and medium businesses abroad so as not to compete with the small scale ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.крупный и средний бизнесlarge and medium-sized businesses ("For a healthy local economy you need some large and medium-sized businesses to go with it," he said. Alexander Demidov)
gen.крупный, малый и средний бизнесlarge, small and medium-sized businesses (Alexander Demidov)
gen.лидеры бизнесаbusiness leaders (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Лицензия на ведение бизнесаBusiness Registration License (Ditye)
gen.лицензия на игорный бизнесgaming license (sankozh)
gen.магистр бизнесаMBA
gen.малый бизнесsmall business
gen.малый бизнесsmall businesses
gen.малый и средний бизнесsmall and medium businesses (ВосьМой)
gen.мелкий бизнесsmall business
gen.Менеджер АО по бизнес-планированию и мерам контроляFM Business Planning and Controls Manager (SEIC, как вариант ABelonogov)
gen.менеджер по бизнес развитиюbusiness development manager (bigmaxus)
gen.менеджер по бизнес-решениямbusiness solutions manager (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.менеджер по бизнес-технологиямBusiness Technology Manager (Yeldar Azanbayev)
gen.менеджер по развитию бизнесаbusiness developer (Ремедиос_П)
gen.менеджер по развитию бизнесаBizDev (Ремедиос_П)
gen.Менеджер по развитию бизнесаBusiness Development Manager (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.местный бизнесlocal businesses (Ivan Pisarev)
gen.методология бизнес-процессовbusiness process methodology (A business process methodology is a plan to create more efficient means of doing business. Alexander Demidov)
gen.Министерство по делам бизнеса, предпринимательства и государственной реформыDepartment for Business, Enterprise & Regulatory Reform (ssuzanna777)
gen.Министерство по делам бизнеса, предпринимательства и государственной реформыBERR (Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform – орган, реализующий программу реформирования внутреннего регулирования, направленную на совершенствование законодательства, упрощение правил и процедур и снижение административных барьеров aeolis)
gen.мир бизнесаcorporate world (sankozh)
gen.модельный бизнесmodelling business (Br.E. vazik)
gen.модельный бизнесmodeling business (vazik)
gen.Московская академия туристского и гостинично-ресторанного бизнесаMoscow Academy for Tourism, Hotel and Catering Business (under the government of Moscow Alex Lilo)
gen.Московская академия туристского и гостинично-ресторанного бизнесаMATHC (Alex Lilo)
gen.музыкальный бизнесMusic industry (Kireger54781)
gen.наладить бизнес-процессыestablish business processes (szalinka)
gen.налог на игорный бизнесgaming tax (ABelonogov)
Игорь Мигналоговое бремя на бизнесbusiness rates
gen.направление бизнесаbusiness line (a particular kind of product or merchandise – a nice line of shoes • Syn: line, product line, line of products, line of merchandise, line of business. WN3 Alexander Demidov)
gen.направление бизнесаbusiness stream, business area (Moscowtran)
gen.направление для развития бизнесаavenue for business development (Alexander Demidov)
gen.начальник отдела развития бизнесаChief Business Development Officer (6j)
gen.начать заниматься бизнесомgo into business (enter into a business situation/contract. BED Alexander Demidov)
gen.начать собственный бизнесgo out on one's own (Ремедиос_П)
gen.начинать бизнесset up operations (Alexander Demidov)
gen.нездоровый бизнесsick business
gen.нечистоплотные приёмы ведения бизнесаunscrupulous practices (VLZ_58)
gen.нечистоплотные приёмы ведения бизнесаshoddy practices (Alex1888)
gen.неэтичная практика использования для бизнеса законов в отношении коренных народовblack-cladding (xmoffx)
gen.новостной бизнесnews business (Vanda Voytkevych)
gen.новый розничный бизнесnew retail business (НРБ Translation_Corporation)
gen.Номер бизнес-регистрации в АвстралииARBN (Australian Registered Business Number Linera)
gen.обеспечить выполнение бизнес-планаdeliver business plan (Nina_Strogonova)
Игорь Мигобусловленный интересами бизнесаbusiness-driven
gen.общее направление бизнесаcore business philosophy (Alexander Demidov)
gen.общепринятые нормы бизнесаbusiness conventions (Ремедиос_П)
gen.объём бизнесаbusiness volume (Alexander Demidov)
gen.объём розничного бизнесаretail sales (Alexander Demidov)
gen.объёмы бизнесаsales (Alexander Demidov)
gen.оживлённый бизнесbrisk business (Zhongguotong)
gen.он ведёт свой бизнес бессистемноhis business lacks system
gen.он вёл аморальный бизнес – поставлял девочек туристамhe made an immoral living procuring women for tourists
gen.он и его жена семь лет вкалывали почти круглые сутки, чтобы сделать свой бизнес успешным, а в итоге оказались у разбитого корытаhe and his wife toiled almost round the clock for seven years to make a success of their business – only to land on the scrapheap
gen.он купил бизнес своего дядиhe has bought his uncle's business
gen.он устал от бизнеса и вышел из игрыhe sickened of business and quit
gen.операционная модель ведения бизнесаbusiness strategy (An overall longer-term policy for a firm that coordinates the separate functional areas of a business. It defines the business objectives, analyses the internal and external environments, and determines the direction of the firm. Each firm operates in a competitive environment and seeks to formulate a strategy that will provide it with an advantage over its rivals: design, quality, innovation, and branding are examples of ways in which competitive advantages may be established. Some firms may seek to diversify into new markets, either through internal growth (i. e. by expanding their existing products or introducing new ones) or by external growth through mergers, takeovers, joint ventures, or strategic partnerships (see diversification). Each of these methods carries different levels of risk. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
gen.опыт успешных бизнесовbusiness success story (Alexander Demidov)
gen.организованная преступность стала посягать на этот бизнесthe organized crime was moving in on this type of business
gen.ориентированный на бизнесbusiness-oriented (Alexander Demidov)
gen.основать собственный бизнесstart own business (Senior Strateg)
gen.основная часть средств была вложена в бизнесmost of money was tied up in the business (Maeldune)
gen.основное место ведения бизнесаprincipal place of business (lora_p_b)
gen.основное направление бизнесаcore area of business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.основное направление бизнесаcore business (Alexander Demidov)
gen.основное направление бизнесаcore business area (Alexander Demidov)
gen.основной бизнес компанииcompany's main business (6j)
gen.основной бизнес компанииcore business area (bigmaxus)
gen.основные бизнес- процессыcore business processes (Alexander Demidov)
gen.основы бизнесаbasics of business (scherfas)
gen.ответственность бизнесаcorporate culpability (за что-либо негативное Ремедиос_П)
gen.ответственность бизнеса перед обществомcorporate social responsibility (Krio)
gen.ответственный бизнесresponsible business (с точки зрения экологии, социальная ответственность и т.д. nabokov)
gen.Отдел управления кадровыми процессами в бизнесеHRiB (SEIC ABelonogov)
gen.отельно-ресторанный бизнесHoReCa (sissoko)
gen.отельно-ресторанный бизнесhotel and restaurant business (Самурай)
gen.открывать бизнесset up shop (Ремедиос_П)
gen.открытие бизнесаincorporation (Alexander Demidov)
gen.открыть бизнесset up shop (Ремедиос_П)
gen.открыть бизнесset up business (Yurii Karpinskyi)
gen.открыть собственный бизнесset up one's own business (Anglophile)
gen.отлаженные бизнес-процессыlean business processes (triumfov)
gen.относиться к бизнесуrelate to business (to politics, to painting, to a serious act, to an event, etc., и т.д.)
gen.отношения между государством и бизнесомstate-business relations (bookworm)
gen.офис содействия бизнесуbusiness facilitation office
gen.оффшорный бизнесtax haven business (A.Rezvov)
gen.оценка бизнесаbusiness appraisal (Alexander Demidov)
gen.оценка бизнесаbusiness valuation (Korganbayev)
gen.оценка стоимости бизнесаbusiness valuation (Business valuation is a processed set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner's interest in a business. Valuation is used by financial market participants to determine the price they are willing to pay or receive to perfect a sale of a business. In addition to estimating the selling price of a business, the same valuation tools are often used by business appraisers to resolve disputes related to estate and gift taxation, divorce litigation, allocate business purchase price among business assets, establish a formula for estimating the value of partners' ownership interest for buy-sell agreements, and many other business and legal purposes. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.очень выгодно для бизнесаmakes good business sense (Nadia U.)
gen.передача бизнес-процессов на сторонуbusiness process outsourcing (Business process outsourcing (BPO) is a subset of outsourcing that involves the contracting of the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service provider. Originally, this was associated with manufacturing firms, such as Coca Cola that outsourced large segments of its supply chain.[1] BPO is typically categorized into back office outsourcing, which includes internal business functions such as human resources or finance and accounting, and front office outsourcing, which includes customer-related services such as contact center services. BPO that is contracted outside a company's country is called offshore outsourcing. BPO that is contracted to a company's neighboring (or nearby) country is called nearshore outsourcing. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.план обеспечения непрерывности бизнесаbusiness continuity plan (bookworm)
Игорь Мигплан развития бизнесаbusiness plan
gen.ПО для управления бизнесомbusiness management software (G'Kar)
gen.побочный бизнесside business (His dad had a side business hustling moonshine out the back door Taras)
gen.подразделение защиты бизнесаbusiness prevention unit (fa158)
gen.показатели выполнения бизнес-планаachievement of business plan targets (Alexander Demidov)
gen.постановка бизнес-процессовbusiness process engineering (Alexander Demidov)
gen.потеря бизнесаloss of business (в контексте полного прекращения его ведения субъектом Alexander Demidov)
gen.потеря бизнесаbusiness interruption (dimock)
gen.правила этического ведения бизнесаbusiness ethics rules (Alexander Demidov)
gen.править в бизнесе стоит рулем, а не тормозомcontrol of enterprisers is a job for the steering wheel, not for the brake
gen.право на ведение бизнесаlicense to operate (в перен. смысле, например: Sustainable development is a licence to operate imperative – Устойчивое развитие является обязательным элементом права на ведение бизнеса twinkie)
gen.правовая защита бизнесаlegal safeguards for businesses (Alexander Demidov)
gen.практика ведения бизнесаbusiness practice (A method, procedure, process, or rule employed or followed by a company in the pursuit of its objectives. Business practice may also refer to these collectively. BD Alexander Demidov)
gen.превратить в бизнесmake a business of (что-либо)
gen.предметы гигиены с эмблемой фирмы в отельном бизнесеamenities (Newsreader)
gen.предпринимательская деятельность с участием иностранного бизнесаjoint venturing (Alexander Demidov)
gen.предпринимательская деятельность с участием иностранного бизнесаjoint ventures (A business where the provision of risk capital is shared between two or more firms. This is a method of organization often adopted for projects which are too large or too risky for any one firm to attempt alone. The firms joining in such a venture may provide different forms of expertise: for example it is common for firms investing abroad to seek local partners. Foreign firms can provide technical expertise, but locals have advantages in familiarity with local conditions and business practices, in marketing and in dealing with national governments and the labour force. OE Alexander Demidov)
gen.предприятия малого бизнесаsmall businesses (Johnny Bravo)
gen.предприятия малого и среднего бизнесаsmall and medium businesses (ВосьМой)
gen.предприятия малого и среднего бизнесаsmall and medium-sized businesses (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигпредставители бизнес-элитыleading business figures
gen.представители малого и среднего бизнесаsmall and medium businesses (ВосьМой)
gen.представители научных кругов и бизнес-сообществаfigures from academia and business (The ExIST conference will bring together leading figures from academia and business to discuss the impact of data, science and technology on ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.представитель социально-ориентированного бизнесаgood corporate citizen (Alexander Demidov)
Игорь Мигпредставитель шоу-бизнесаentertainer (поп-певица Валерия перечислила всех геев из числа представителей российского шоу-бизнеса в эфире телеканала ВВС || Представители шоу-бизнеса не жалуют Буша. Стинг высказал свои предпочтения относительно того...)
gen.проблема, жизненно необходимая для бизнесаvital business issue (translator911)
Игорь Мигпроводимый в интересах бизнесаbusiness-driven
gen.программа Обзора инновационных идей для бизнесаBusiness Innovation Observatory program (Инновационные идеи для малого бизнеса с минимальными вложениями yandex.ru IrinaPenskaya)
gen.программное обеспечение для управления бизнесомbusiness management software (G'Kar)
gen.процветающий бизнесbanging business (Procto)
gen.расширять бизнесgrow the business (reverso.net Aslandado)
gen.расширять бизнесexpand business (Expand your business using the internet CafeNoir)
gen.региональный менеджер по развитию бизнесаRegional Business Development Manager (Johnny Bravo)
gen.результаты бизнесаbusiness outcomes (Ремедиос_П)
gen.результаты в бизнесеbusiness performance (Alexander Demidov)
gen.рекомендации от партнёров по бизнесуcommercial reference (ismanat)
gen.ресторанно-гостиничный бизнесfood services and hospitality (Technical)
gen.решение бизнес-задачbusiness problem solving (Alexander Demidov)
gen.решение для бизнесаbusiness solution (Alexander Demidov)
gen.решить бизнес-кейсsolve case studies (Анна Ф)
gen.решить бизнес-кейсsolve business problems (Анна Ф)
gen.рост объёма и прибыльности бизнесаhigher sales and profit margins (Alexander Demidov)
gen.руководитель бизнес-направленияBusiness Area Director (Tamerlane)
gen.руководитель бизнесаbusiness leader (Moscowtran)
gen.рынок малого бизнесаmiddle market (Yeldar Azanbayev; относится скорее не к размеру бизнеса, а к ценовой категории товаров Moscowtran)
gen.рыночная стоимость бизнесаmarket capitalization (a way of measuring the value of a company calculated by multiplying the number of the company's shares by their price on the stock market. MED Alexander Demidov)
gen.рычаг бизнесаbusiness driver (Moscowtran)
gen.с точки зрения бизнесаin business terms (Alexander Demidov)
gen.с точки зрения бизнеса группы в СШАfrom a business point of view for the group business in the US (контекстуальный перевод; англ. оборот взят из статьи в газете Financial Times Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.салоны первого и бизнес-классовfirst-class and business-class sections (авиаперевозки ABelonogov)
gen.свой бизнесstart-up (Artjaazz)
gen.свой бизнесown start-up company (Artjaazz)
gen.свой бизнесentrepreneurial venture (Artjaazz)
gen.сегмент бизнесаsegment of business (хоз. деятельности)
gen.секретарь штата по вопросам бизнеса и лицензированияSecretary of state for Business and Licensing Services (SergeiAstrashevsky)
gen.сельскохозяйственный бизнесagrobusiness
gen.сельскохозяйственный бизнесagrobiz
gen.семейный бизнесfamily-run business ​ (ROGER YOUNG)
gen.семейный бизнесdo-it-yourself business (без наёмных работников)
gen.сетевой бизнесchain business (Andy)
gen.сетевой бизнесe-business (бизнес с применением Интернет-технологий Andy)
gen.сетевой бизнесnetwork business (Andy)
gen.Система автоматизации для ресторанного бизнесаMicros
gen.система планирования бизнес-ресурсовEnterprise Resource Planning ERP system (mahavishnu)
Игорь Мигсистема прямых отношений между бизнесом и клиентомB2C
gen.Служба иммиграции и содействия бизнесуIBAS (Immigration and Business Assistance Services Bobb)
Игорь Мигснизить налоговую нагрузку на бизнесslash business rates
gen.собственник бизнесаbusiness owner (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Создание и развитие бизнесаBusiness creation and development (Nikavolnaya)
gen.создание и развития бизнесаincorporation and business development (Alexander Demidov)
gen.создать своё дело / бизнес с нуляbuild a business from scratch (Fidelia)
gen.сословие малого и среднего бизнесаSME Nation (vlad-and-slav)
gen.составление бизнес-планаdrafting a business plan (Anglophile)
gen.составление бизнес-плановpreparation of business plans (ABelonogov)
gen.SAP. состояние бизнесаbusiness situation
gen.Социальная ответственность бизнесаCorporate Social Responsibility (СОБ, CSR Alexander Demidov)
gen.социально ориентированный бизнесgood corporate citizen (A good corporate citizen is a corporation that accepts the importance of being collectively responsible for its local community and environment as an integral part of their core business. Corporate citizenship is therefore about the contribution a corporation makes to society through its core business activities, its social investment and philanthropy programs and its engagement in public policy. Alexander Demidov)
gen.социально ориентированный бизнесsocially responsible business (A socially responsible business (SRB) is a generally for-profit venture that seeks to leverage business for a more just and sustainable world. The objective of the SRBs involves more than just maximizing profits for the shareholders; it is also about creating positive changes and making valuable contributions to the stakeholders such as the local community, customers, and staff. In other words, the SRB is both profit-oriented and socially responsible as these companies seek to make financial gains, and at the same time, aim to improve the well being of the community. In doing so, the businesses engage in the voluntary initiatives with the aims of improving in various areas ranging from the social to environmental aspects of the society. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.социально ответственный бизнесGood Corporate Citizen (According to Investopedia, "Corporate citizenship involves the social responsibility of businesses and the extent to which they meet legal, ethical, and economic responsibilities, as established by shareholders." Being a good corporate citizen is not a "nice to have." Alexander Demidov)
gen.социально-ответственный бизнесcorporate citizen (a business viewed as a member of a community with obligations beyond its commercial aspirations. MD Alexander Demidov)
gen.способ управления компанией, в которой каналы связи между менеджерами и сотрудниками не работают эффективно, а сотрудники держатся в неведении со стороны руководства в отношении бизнес-решений, влияющих на их работуmushroom management (A management philosophy prescribing to the theory that to best motivate your employees, you must at all times: 1. Keep them in the dark. 2. Feed them full of shit. urbandictionary.com Rus7)
gen.способствовать производительности труда и росту бизнесаaid productivity and business growth (bigmaxus)
gen.средний бизнесmedium-sized business (About 214,000 UK results Alexander Demidov)
gen.средний бизнесmedium-size business (slightly more UK hits (About 320,000 results) but fewer web hits Alexander Demidov)
gen.средний бизнесmid-sized business (Markbusiness)
gen.средний бизнесmedium business (Leonid Dzhepko)
gen.средний и малый бизнесsmall and medium-sized businesses (SMBs.WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.средний и малый бизнесmedium and small-sized businesses (increased capital expenditure, improved access to finance for medium and small-sized businesses, and the introduction of measures to boost BBC Alexander Demidov)
gen.средний и малый бизнесsmall and medium-sized enterprises (Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs; sometimes also small and medium enterprises) or small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) are businesses whose personnel numbers fall below certain limits. The abbreviation "SME" is used in the European Union and by international organizations such as the World Bank, the United Nations and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Small enterprises outnumber large companies by a wide margin and also employ many more people. SMEs are also said to be responsible for driving innovation and competition in many economic sectors. WK Alexander Demidov)
gen.средний и малый бизнесmedium and small-sized business (Sole traders, start-ups companies, medium and small sized business from all sectors are welcome to get an initial free consultation. Alexander Demidov)
gen.средства, затрачиваемые на раскрутку бизнесаbusiness expenses
gen.становление бизнесаbusiness formation (Correction of translation)
gen.Стихийный бизнесPop Up Venture (Artjaazz)
gen.стихийный бизнесpop-up retail SPOT (Artjaazz)
gen.Стихийный бизнесPop-Up Business (Artjaazz)
gen.сторонний бизнесside business (Taras)
gen.страховой взнос был неотъемлемой частью ведения страхового бизнесаpayment was part and parcel of carrying on insurance business
gen.структура бизнесаbusiness structure (bookworm)
gen.структура бизнесаstructure of the business (bookworm)
gen.структурирование бизнес-процессовbusiness process structuring (skazik)
gen.структурная модель бизнес-процессовvalue network (ssn)
gen.субъект малого бизнесаsmall business entity (Ker-online)
gen.сувениры с эмблемой фирмы в отельном бизнесеamenities (Newsreader)
Игорь Мигсфера взаимодействия бизнеса и потребителяB2C
gen.теневой бизнесfly-by-night business (alex)
gen.теоретик бизнесаbusiness scholar (sagann)
gen.территориальное планирование бизнесаbusiness geography (Business geography is the application of geographic knowledge and information and geospatial techniques that assists businesses in making specific real-time decisions. Our goal is to share research, provide direction for future leaders, and provide a forum for networking and interaction with the business community. | Business geography integrates geographic analysis, reasoning, and technology to improve business decisions. This ability to enhance business decisions distinguishes business geography from the traditional explanatory frameworks of economic and urban geography. Business geography, moreover, goes far beyond merely the application of geospatial technologies to business requirements. Business geography combines a keen understanding of geospatial technologies and business systems and operations, which together can significantly improve real-time, real-world business decisions. Alexander Demidov)
gen.технологический бизнесtech business (Leviathan)
gen.тиражирование бизнесаbusiness expansion (Ihor Sapovsky)
gen.то, что делает бизнес привлекательнымvalue proposition (Ремедиос_П)
gen.Торгово-промышленная палата предприятий малого и среднего бизнеса г. АфинAthens Chamber of Small and Medium Industries (Валерия 555)
gen.трансграничный бизнесtransborder business (kanareika)
gen.туристический бизнесtravel business (Lavrin)
gen.туристический бизнесtourist trade (They've completely ruined the tourist trade for the next few years. – Они полностью разрушили туристический бизнес на последующие несколько лет. Lavrin)
gen.туристический бизнесtravel industry (Drozdova)
gen.туристский бизнесtravel industry
gen.туристский бизнесtourist industry
gen.у меня свой бизнесI'm about my business
gen.убыточный бизнесmoney-eater (Ремедиос_П)
Игорь Мигуменьшить налоговую нагрузку на бизнесslash business rates
gen.управление бизнес-процессамиbusiness process management (TD)
gen.управление бизнесомbusiness administration
gen.управление непрерывностью бизнесаBusiness Continuity Management (miss_cum)
gen.управления отельным бизнесомhospitality operations (sankozh)
gen.условия ведения бизнесаbusiness environment (Alexander Demidov)
gen.условия для ведения бизнесаbusiness environment (Alexander Demidov)
gen.Услуги в сфере глобального бизнеса, торговли и инвестицийGBTI Global Business, Trade and Invenstment services (из терминологии USAID allag)
gen.услуги по развитию бизнесаenterprise development services (предпринимательства Andy)
gen.успешное развитие бизнесаsuccessful business growth (Alexander Demidov)
gen.устойчивость бизнесаbusiness resilience (перевод из статьи: https://www.itweek.ru/digitalization/article/detail.php?ID=199496: оригинал https://www.informationweek.com/strategic-cio/business-resilience-thriving-during-market-disruption informationweek.com q3mi4)
gen.устойчивость нашего бизнесаrobustness of our business (triumfov)
gen.уходить из бизнесаget out of business (Taras)
gen.уходить из бизнесаleave business (Taras)
gen.финансирование бизнесаbusiness financing (Although there is no set structure for this type of business financing, debt capital often gives the lending institution the right to convert the loan to an ... Small business financing refers to the means by which an aspiring or current business owner obtains money to start a new small business, purchase an existing ... Alexander Demidov)
gen.финансирование бизнесаbusiness funding (The most popular source of small business funding is the entrepreneurs' own pockets, but traditional sources such as banks and credit unions are next. That makes your own bank a good place to start your search for small business funding, especially as the Canada Small Business Financing Program is delivered locally.J Alexander Demidov)
gen.финансирование бизнесаbusiness finance (Business finance refers to money and credit employed in business. Finance is the basic of business. It is required to purchase assets, goods, raw materials and for the other flow of economic activities. Business finance can be defined as "The provision of money at the time when it is needed by a business". businessstudynotes.com Alexander Demidov)
gen.финансовые средства, которые могут быть инвестированы в малый бизнесfunds available for the investment in small businesses
gen.ход в бизнесеbusiness tactic (Побеdа)
gen.хозяин собственного бизнесаself-employed (также a self-employed person / individual ART Vancouver)
gen.цель бизнеса-служить людямa proper way to think of business is in terms of service
gen.Центрально-Азиатская программа повышения качества бизнес-образованияCAMEQ (gulnara11)
gen.цифровой бизнесdigital business (Artjaazz)
gen.частный бизнесprivate business
gen.частный бизнесprivate sector (AD Alexander Demidov)
gen.человек, занимающийся подбором кандидатов для модельного бизнесаmodeling scout (APN)
gen.человек, сующий нос в бизнес, в котором ничего не понимаетcarpet bagger (Источник – cinemaplex.ru dimock)
gen.честность в бизнесе для потребителя важнее, чем низкие ценыplaying fair is worth more to a customer than a price cut
gen.широкое бизнес-партнёрство, объединённое производством к-либо продуктовextended enterprise (конгломерат предприятий типа "Мак-Дональдс" + его поставщики, франшизы и т.д., результатом работы которых становится продукция под общим брэндом "ресторанов быстрого питания"; подробнее см. wikipedia.org zaharf)
gen.школа бизнесаschool of business (4uzhoj)
gen.школа бизнесаB school
gen.шоу-бизнесmusic scene (alexsokol)
gen.экологически ответственный бизнесsustainable business (sheetikoff)
gen.экология бизнесаbusiness ecology (emmaus)
gen.Экономика, бизнес и сельское хозяйствоEconomic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs (ABelonogov)
gen.экономическая среда бизнесаbusiness environment (felog)
gen.эти деньги будут стартовым капиталом для твоего бизнесаthis money will be an outset for your business
gen.этические принципы ведения бизнесаethical business principles (Alexander Demidov)
gen.этические стандарты ведения бизнесаbusiness ethics (The study of what standards businesses should observe in their dealings over and above compliance with the letter of the law. This covers questions such as fair dealing with their labour force, customers, suppliers, and competitors, and the impact of their activities on public health, the environment, and animal welfare. If a good reputation helps to gain and retain business, ethical conduct need not necessarily conflict with profit, but there are bound to be cases where it does. Particularly difficult questions of business ethics arise in multinational firms, where practices such as gifts to officials, which are essential to doing business at all in some countries, are regarded as criminal in others. OE Alexander Demidov)
gen.этическое ведение бизнесаethical business practices (Alexander Demidov)
gen.этическое ведение бизнесаbusiness ethics (Alexander Demidov)
gen.это наносило ущерб семейному бизнесуit worked to the disadvantage of the family business
gen.это пример совершенно неверного руководства бизнесомthis is a case of gross mismanagement of the business (предприятием)
gen.эффективность бизнес-процессовprocess productivity (rvps2001)
gen.эффективность бизнесаproductivity (sankozh)
gen.эффективность бизнесаbusiness performance (Alexander Demidov)
gen.эффективность в бизнесеhigh business performance (Alexander Demidov)
gen.я намерен достичь вершины в этом бизнесе, поэтому прошу лишь одного – не мешать мнеI intend to work my way to the top in this business, so just keep out of my way
gen.язык выполнения бизнес-процессовBusiness Process Execution Language (Alexander Demidov)
gen.язык выполнения бизнес-процессовBPEL (Alexander Demidov)
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