
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing берите | all forms
адвокат, берущийся за сомнительные делаjack-leg lawyer
адвокат, берущийся за сомнительные делаJack-leg-lawyer
брать больничныйcall in sick (на работе: I'll just call in sick at work – Я просто возьму больничный на работе Taras)
брать в долгhit
брать взяткиride the gravy train (Andrey Truhachev)
брать грех на душуhave something on one's conscience (Expression: I don't want it on my conscience or I don't want to have it on my conscience. Maggie)
брать за горлоgo straight for the jugular (figure of speech Val_Ships)
брать за основуbuild off of (although some linguists say this is an error; others say it means "Build off of means just that "to develop from" or "elaborate on" (or "capitalize on"): As my first ever Snap! project, I decided to make a basic platforming engine for anyone to use and build off of, being able to make their own platformer with the hard part taken care of xD maybe this isnt needed but I'd say it can be useful for beginners who want a bit of a headstart without much hassle. • We have to recognize each person's strength and build off of them. 'More)
брать за правилоmake it a policy (I make it a policy not to engage in anything with hearts and thumbs-up underneath (a post, video etc. Taras)
брать на вооружениеmake use of (Maggie)
брать на вооружениеadopt (Maggie)
брать на себя ответственностьbelly up to the bar (VLZ_58)
брать отпускvacation
брать паузуtake a beat (Taras)
брать своёgots to get mines (hood slang, обычно имеются в виду деньги, наркотики и тд chiefcanelo)
брать себя в рукиgrow a spine (He needs to grow a spine and tell his boss about the unfair working conditions Taras)
брать стартget underway (о событии: Seafair festival gets underway Val_Ships)
браться за решение задачиbelly up to the bar (VLZ_58)
браться за староеpick up where one left off (He got released (from prison) and picked up where he left off Taras)
браться за умget back in the game (Get back in the game, dude Taras)
не братьleave out (с собой: you can leave your car out tonight Val_Ships)
не брезгуем, берем, что даютin a pickle, take the nickel (implies pragmatically taking an imperfect option Taras)
одно из двух – или ты берёшься за ум, или мы тебя увольняемshape up or ship out (Anglophile)
пора уже браться за умget back in the game (Get back in the game, dude Taras)
система социального обеспечения, стимулирующая получающих пособие браться за любую работуworkfare (Workfare is a government scheme in which unemployed people have to do community work or learn new skills in order to receive welfare benefits.)