
Terms for subject Microsoft containing байтовый | all forms
массив байтовbyte array (harser)
обратный порядок байтовbig endian (Pertaining to a processor memory architecture that stores numbers so that the most significant byte is placed first)
Ошибка настройки безопасного массива из байтового массива, возвращённого всплывающим диалоговым окном.Error in setting the safearray from byte array returned by pop up dialog. (Exchange Server 2007 Rori)
порядок байтовbyte order (The processor memory architecture in which bytes of data (typically, integer values) are stored. The two most common orders are: little endian (least significant byte is placed first) and big endian (most significant byte is placed first))
прямой порядок байтовlittle endian (Pertaining to a processor memory architecture that stores numbers so that the least significant byte is placed first)