
Terms for subject Travel containing багажная | all forms | exact matches only
багажная квитанцияluggage stub (When you checked in, the airline agent would have given you a luggage stub for every checked bag. Give these stubs to the luggage attendant, who should hopefully be able to track down the bag. (Fox News) ART Vancouver)
багажная политикаbaggage policy (Soulbringer)
багажная тележкаroll-out
багажное отделениеluggage pick-up area
багажный идентификационный талонbaggage identification tag (Olga Z)
багажный тарифbaggage fee (financial-engineer)
особый багажный тарифspecial baggage fee (financial-engineer)
особый багажный тариф для перевозки лыж или спортивного инвентаряspecial baggage fee for skis or sports equipment transportation (financial-engineer)