
Terms for subject Figurative containing атмосферы | all forms
атмосфера дружбыaura of friendship
атмосфера дружбыatmosphere of friendship
атмосфера, обстановкаvibe (в ресторане, баре, клубе, городском районе, музыкальном коллективе и т.п.: This new local bar mixes a classic New York vibe with a modern menu. • The new musicians that were part of The Raiders were green, had no studio experience, and did not have the band's vibe yet, Lindsay disclosed. -- не прониклись атмосферой, царившей в группе • You may also want to look at some of the neighborhoods in Northwood. Inglewood Village has a nice vibe to it and plenty of shops. -- там совсем неплохо coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в сегодняшней атмосфереin today's climate (Alex_Odeychuk)
идиллическая атмосфераcamelot (VLZ_58)
накалённая атмосфераtense atmosphere
сгустить атмосферуcreate a strained atmosphere
сгущать атмосферуcreate a strained atmosphere
чувствуется атмосфераthere's an air of ("There's an air of quiet efficiency at Preston register office and a sense of understated caring." (The Guardian) ART Vancouver)