
Terms for subject Real estate containing арендное | all forms | exact matches only
арендная гарантияrental guarantee
арендная нагрузкаeffort rate (smilingwoman)
арендная плата за кварталquarter
арендная ставка, зависящая от объёма продаж арендатораpercentage rate (Agatha)
арендное жильёrental accommodation (New Zealand has tightened its employment visa program, citing “unsustainable” migration. The Сentral Вank warned the "population jump" can add to inflation due to extra demand for houses & rental accommodation. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
арендные правоотношенияleasehold legal relationship (Анна Ф)
арендный бизнесrental business (Alex_Odeychuk)
арендный рынокrental market (в тексте речь шла об аренде недвижимости; англ. оборот взят из статьи в Forbes Alex_Odeychuk)
базовая арендная платаbasic rent (kozelski)
валовый арендный доходgross rental income (англ. термин используется в США Alex_Odeychuk)
данные по арендным ставкамrental data (for ... – по (таким-то объектам недвижимости) ... ; англ. оборот взят из статьи в Forbes Alex_Odeychuk)
должник арендной платыdelinquent renter (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com ART Vancouver)
ежемесячная арендная платаmonthly rent payments (The form, viewed by CTV News, shows the monthly rent payments at $3,500. ART Vancouver)
заплатить арендную платуpay the rent (financial-engineer)
здание с низкой арендной платойaffordable building (о многоквартирных домах, где квартиры сдаются только внаём: New, permanent housing: Before North Arm, Olga lived in a one-bedroom apartment in an older Metrotown building. While she loved the location, Olga worried about losing her home. Demolition of affordable, older buildings in Metrotown crept ever closer to her home. bchousing.org ART Vancouver)
инфляционный рост арендной платыrental inflation
квартира с субсидированной арендной платойaffordable rental unit (Currently, the policy is that any new developments at Richmond Centre must have 15 per cent dedicated as affordable rental units. ART Vancouver)
не допустить повышения арендной платыkeep the rent down (financial-engineer)
не повышать арендную платуkeep the rent down (financial-engineer)
неплательщик арендной платыdelinquent renter (Neither of Stiles' delinquent renters qualifies for the province's COVID-19 temporary rental assistance program and he wonders why there's no alternative plan in place to help landlords who are now owed thousands of dollars in missed rent payments. biv.com ART Vancouver)
оптимистические прогнозы арендных доходовoptimistic rent estimates (контекстуальный перевод; Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
поднять арендную плату или тарифыjack the rates ("Providing a bunch of housing units for rent? How is that bad?" "And then jacking their rates 30% or descending to evict them for whatever reason? They’re not subject to the RTA, so we just have to trust them. Trust comes from watching previous behaviour." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
процентная арендная платаpercentage rent (арендная плата, рассчитываемая как процент от продаж арендатора; обычно в дополнение к базовой арендной плате Ying)
рынок арендного жильяrentals market (It's probably 'no shit Sherlock' to observe that the rentals market is tighter than it's ever been. What I wasn't prepared for was the magnitude of change in the past 3 years. As a parent, my kids will be in this mess in a few years too. It's shocking and depressing. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
собирать арендную платуcollect rent (с арендаторов не только жилого, но любого помещения или территории: Some of the pilings on the docks are falling sideways because they have corroded right through, there’s very little holding the place together. It’s fairly clear that the [Squamish Nation] have been collecting rent and aiming straight for demolition via neglect so that they could have a solid case to evict everyone and redevelop into a luxury waterfront, no different from any other slumlord in the city. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
собственник арендной квартирыrental property owner (ART Vancouver)
спрос на арендное жильёrental demand (Basement rent nowadays is $2,300, can be as high as $2,500. Rental demand is high. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
средний размер арендной платыaverage rent (контекстуальный перевод; англ. оборот взят из статьи в Forbes Alex_Odeychuk)
ставки арендной платыrents (кот учёный)
цены на арендное жильёrent prices (As a longtime landlord and property manager, it's bizarre to me that someone would forego guaranteed rental income to be an Airbnb property... especially with today's rent prices. Am I missing something here? (Twitter) -- особенно при нынешней стоимости арендного жилья • Not good news for Canadian renters as the rent prices continue to climb. (CityNews 1130) ART Vancouver)