
Terms for subject Tengiz containing аппарату | all forms
аппарат непрерывной продувкиCBD (continuous blowdown) происходит постоянная продувка: Continuous blowdown, as the term implies, is the continuous removal of water from the boiler. It offers many advantages not provided by the use of bottom blowdown alone. For instance, water may be removed from the location of the highest dissolved solids in the boiler water. As a result, proper boiler water quality can be maintained at all times. Also, a maximum of dissolved solids may be removed with minimal loss of water and heat from the boiler. Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат непрерывной продувкиcontinuous blowdown (The continuous blowdown tank is a flash tank used to collect heat from the water that is continuously drawn from the steam drum in order to control the dissolved solids. As water is boiled off to steam in the steam drum anything that will not evaporate is left behind and this will increase the concentration of dissolved solids in the boiler water. This is bad because the solids will precipitate out and form scale which must be removed chemically and water with high solids concentration will start to foam which will cause level control problems and will also result in material carrying over with the steam resulting in deposits in the superheater tubes and headers. To control this some of the high concentration boiler water is drawn off and replaced with lower concentration feed water. Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат непрерывной продувкиContinuous blowdown CBD (происходит постоянная продувка Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат периодической продувкиintermittent blowdown IBD (автоматизированная система продувки Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат периодической продувкиintermittent blowdown (автоматизированная система продувки: Intermittent blowdown better known as bottom blowdown or mud drum blowdown is done to remove undissolved solids from the mud drum of a boiler or from the bottom of the shell of a fire tube boiler. Some boilers operated at high pressure with super clean water don't need this very often. The pipe from the mud drum goes to a tank the purpose of which is to reduce the pressure to atmospheric and to reject heat so that the water/mud mixture is cool enough not to damage the sewer lines or whatever fixtures it flows to. This tank is the intermittent blowdown tank or the atmospheric blowdown tank since it is vented to atmosphere. Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат периодической продувкиIBD (Burkitov Azamat)
аппарат щелочной промывкиcaustic wash vessel (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Британская служба по аттестации электрических аппаратов используемых в легковоспламеняющихся атмосферахBritish approval service for electrical equipment in flammable atmospheres (Yeldar Azanbayev)
Британская служба по сертификации аттестации электрических аппаратов, используемых в легковоспламеняющихся атмосферахBritish Approvals Service for Electrical Apparatus in Flammable Atmospheres
Британская служба по сертификации электрических аппаратов используемых в легковоспламеняющихся атмосферахBritish approval service for electrical equipment in flammable atmospheres (подразделение eecs Yeldar Azanbayev)
Нагрев через трубки на аппаратindirect heating (Burkitov Azamat)
промывочный аппаратWash Drum (Yeldar Azanbayev)
разрешение на использование воздушно-дыхательного аппаратаbreathing air permit (Yeldar Azanbayev)
стаканы технологического аппаратаboots on the process drum (они расположены внизу аппарата и ещё их называют башмаками но редко Burkitov Azamat)
сходимость серы с аппаратовsulfur output from vessels (конденсация и выход серы самотёком из сосудов Yeldar Azanbayev)
телефонный аппарат для вызова охраныsecurity call point telephone (Aiduza)
Теплоизоляция трубопроводов, сосудов и теплообменных аппаратов, работающих с горячей средойThermal Insulation for Hot Lines, Vessels and Exchangers (Aiduza)
Теплоизоляция трубопроводов, сосудов и теплообменных аппаратов, работающих с холодной средойThermal Insulation for Cold Lines, Vessels and Exchangers (Aiduza)
Уплотнение аппарата по холодной врезкиtapping machine packing (Burkitov Azamat)