
Terms for subject Microsoft containing альтернативная | all forms | exact matches only
альтернативная музыкаAlternative (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 20)
альтернативное имя субъектаsubject alternative name (An extension (defined in RFC 4985) used to store extra identifiers for a subject including the User Principal Name (UPN) of the user that is used by Windows for smart card logon and the user e-mail address (RFC 822 name))
альтернативное сопоставление доступаalternate access mapping
альтернативные устройства вводаSerial Keys (A feature of Windows operating systems that, in conjunction with a communications aid interface device, allows keystrokes and mouse controls to be accepted through a computer's serial port. It also allows the user to control the computer using alternative input devices as if they were using a standard keyboard and mouse)
альтернативный ключalternate key (A candidate key that is not designated as the primary key and is used to uniquely identify records in a database table)
альтернативный пакетalternate package (Alex_Odeychuk)
альтернативный рокAlt. Rock (One of the music genres that appears under Genre classification in Windows Media Player library. Based on ID3 standard tagging format for MP3 audio files. ID3v1 genre ID 40)
альтернативный синтаксисalternative syntax (Visual Studio 2008, Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
альтернативный текстalternative text (The text string that appears in place of an image when a Web page is loading, when graphics are not being displayed, or when users pause on the image itself with their mouse)
альтернативный элементotherwise element (A logical "else" statement in a workflow that defines an alternative action in all cases that do not match the criteria defined in condition or branch elements)
создать альтернативное имяcreate an alias (Windows Live Hotmail W5M2 Rori)