
Terms containing активно заниматься | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.активно заниматьсяaggressively pursue (triumfov)
gen.активно заниматьсяmake energetic efforts (triumfov)
gen.активно заниматьсяbe active in (She has been active in local politics for some years. OCD Alexander Demidov)
scient.активно заниматьсяbe deeply involved (чем-л i.e. – Many geologists have been deeply involved in this research. Alex_Odeychuk)
gen.активно заниматьсяfire on all cylinders (Queue the Camp NF powerlifting competition – where I got to really fire on all cylinders on the squat, bench press, and dead lift. Alexander Demidov)
gen.активно заниматьсяbe actively occupied in (During this time, the Ottoman sovereign was actively occupied in perfecting the civil and military institutions which his brother had introduced, in securing internal ... he was actively occupied in furnishing men, provisions, arms, guns, and ammunition for the service of the king. That in plants, and animals as well, that are actively occupied in vegetative, physiological, pathological, or other efforts which are antagonistic ... Wiki. Both of these officers have been actively occupied in the discharge of their duties, and the Board believes the Forest Service is on a good footing. Alexander Demidov)
gen.активно заниматьсяbe actively involved with (Are you interested, are you able, are you willing – to be actively involved with health research? Why is it important to get commercial entities more actively involved with the research/academic sector? More women actively involved with the DIY in their home Alexander Demidov)
gen.активно заниматьсяbe an avid (athlete; She is an avid skier and snowboarder. ART Vancouver)
idiom.активно заниматься поиском работыshake the trees for a new job (VLZ_58)
gen.занимать активную позициюbe proactive (Alexander Demidov)
gen.заниматься активным отдыхомenjoy outdoor activities (with ... – вместе с ... Alex_Odeychuk)
ed.место, которое занимает студент, выполняющий некую основную активную роль в коллективном упражненииhot seat (Taras)
gen.не занимать активной позицииtake a backseat
Makarov.нельзя считать, что активные центры занимают фиксированные положения на поверхностиactive centres are not to be envisaged as occupying fixed positions on the surfaces
Makarov.он хочет, чтобы мы поехали в отпуск в Африку заниматься активным отдыхом: ходить в поход по пустыне, спать под открытым небомhe wants us to go on an adventure holiday in Africa, the type where you have to go walking in the desert and sleep out in the open
UNпродолжать активно заниматься этим вопросомremain actively seized of the matter (англ. цитата – из резолюции СБ ООН № 1862 Alex_Odeychuk)