
Terms for subject Microsoft containing агенты | all forms | exact matches only
агент ведения журналаjournaling agent (A compliance-focused agent that is configured to journal e-mail messages that are sent or received by departments or individuals in an Exchange Server 2007 organization, to and from recipients outside the organization, or both for use in the organization's e-mail retention or archival strategy)
агент восстановленияRecovery Console
агент восстановленияrecovery agent (A person who is issued a public key certificate for the purpose of recovering user data that is encrypted with Encrypting File System (EFS))
агент восстановления ключейkey recovery agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент диспетчера виртуальных машинVirtual Machine Manager agent (Software that is installed on either a virtual machine host or a library server, which enables Virtual Machine Manager to monitor and manage hosts, virtual machines, and library resources. An agent is also installed on the source machine during a physical-to-virtual machine conversion.)
агент диспетчера виртуальных машинvirtual machine manager agent (ssn)
агент дистанционного отслеживания влияния на приложенияApplication Impact Telemetry Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM. Rori)
агент дистанционного отслеживания влияния на приложенияAIT Agent (The scheduled task part of Application Impact Telemetry (AIT) that runs nightly to consume the events logged to Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) by the AIT Runtime system and send them back to Microsoft using SQM)
агент добавления времениpayment provider (An organization authorized by a solution provider to add time to that solution provider's computers enabled by FlexGo technology)
агент доступа к ИнтернетуInternet Agent (An agent that monitors applications that make unauthorized connections to the Internet or change your computer's Internet connections settings such as dial-up or wireless connectivity)
агент защитыprotection agent (Software, installed on a server, that tracks changes to protected data and transfers the changes to the DPM server. The protection agent also identifies data on a server that can be protected and is involved in the recovery process)
агент защиты DPMDPM protection agent (Software, installed on a server, that tracks changes to protected data and transfers the changes to the DPM server. The protection agent also identifies data on a server that can be protected and is involved in the recovery process)
агент защиты от вредоносных программAntimalware Agent (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 Rori)
агент инвентаризацииInventory Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager inventory feature that scans Advanced Clients and collects hardware or software inventory and reports the inventory to the SMS/Configuration Manager site database)
агент карантинаQA (A client component responsible for the collection and management of health information for a machine as well as facilitating the isolation of that machine from others on the network; it coordinates information between the various System Health Agents (SHAs) and Quarantine Enforcement Clients (QECs))
агент карантинаQuarantine Agent
агент клиентаclient agent (Software that runs on SMS/Configuration Manager clients and performs client-side functions associated with a specific SMS/Configuration Manager feature, such as software metering)
агент клиента инвентаризации оборудованияHardware Inventory Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager hardware inventory feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that gathers detailed information about the hardware in use on the client)
агент клиента обновлений программного обеспеченияsoftware updates client agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент клиента удалённых средствRemote Tools Client Agent
агент клиента удалённых средствRemote Tools Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager Remote Tools feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that enables an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to use remote troubleshooting tools to diagnose client problems or remotely control a client)
агент лабораторииlab agent (A background process that runs on a virtual machine to configure, monitor, and report on status and errors. The lab agent communicates with the lab service running on the Team Foundation Server application tier)
агент модуля чтения журналаlogreader agent (ssn)
агент модуля чтения журнала репликацииreplication logreader agent (ssn)
агент моментальных снимковsnapshot agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент наблюдения Windows IntuneWindows Intune Monitoring Agent (An agent that monitors the health of client computers that are managed by Windows Intune)
агент наблюдения за производительностью приложенийApplication Performance Monitoring agent (An agent that resides on a monitored system and gathers exception and performance information from a monitored application and reports it to the APM service; APM)
агент обновленияupdate agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент очистки распространенияdistribution cleanup agent (A scheduled job that runs under SQL Server Agent. After all Subscribers have received a transaction, the agent removes the transaction from the distribution database. It also cleans up snapshot files from the file system after entries corresponding to those files have been removed from the distribution database)
агент переопределения адресовAddress Rewriting agent (An agent on the Receive connector and Send connector on a computer that has the Edge Transport server role installed, which lets e-mail administrators modify the addresses of senders and recipients on messages that enter and leave an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
агент переопределения адресов входящих сообщенийAddress Rewriting Inbound agent (Address Rewriting agent for messages that enter an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
агент переопределения адресов исходящих сообщенийAddress Rewriting Outbound agent (Address Rewriting agent for messages that leave an Exchange Server 2007 organization)
агент по токенамtoken-based agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент по утверждениямclaims-aware agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент пограничных правилEdge Rules agent
агент подачи заявокenrollment agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент подачи заявок обменаexchange enrollment agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент поддержкиsupport agent (A user who works for a company that is a valid partner tenant who has been assigned either limited or full administration agent role)
агент политики Microsoft Online ManagementMicrosoft Online Management Policy Agent (An agent that lets administrators configure settings and collect the software and hardware inventory on the managed computer)
агент пользователяuser agent (A program that helps a client connect with a server)
агент пользователяUA (A program that helps a client connect with a server)
агент приложенийApplication Agent (An agent that monitors checkpoints for potential threats making changes to your installed applications, such as modifying Internet Explorer or downloading ActiveX applications from the Internet)
агент присоединенияJoin Launcher (Part of the existing Lync Web App IIS web component. Lets users optionally join meetings by using a mobile device)
агент присоединенияjoin launcher (ssn)
агент работоспособности системыSHA
агент работоспособности системыsystem health agent (A client software component that declares a client's health state (by providing a statement of health) to a NAP agent)
агент работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWSHA (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
агент работоспособности системы безопасности WindowsWindows Security Health Agent (Windows system health agent (SHA) for Network Access Protection (NAP). Windows Security Health Agent provides status of system health components that are monitored by Windows Security Center, such as the status of Windows Firewall, antivirus applications, and Windows Update)
агент репликацииreplication agent (ssn)
агент сборкиbuild agent (A background process that receives, runs, and reports on Team Foundation Server builds and other property settings on a single computer. The build agent communicates with the build controller, usually located on another computer)
агент синхронизации клиентаClient Sync Agent (The synchronization agent between the SQL Server database and the SQL Azure hub database. Rori)
агент служб федерации Active Directory, использующий токены WindowsAD FS Windows Token-Based Agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент телеметрии OfficeOffice Telemetry Agent (A feature of the Office Telemetry Dashboard that supports collection and upload of inventory and usage data for Office related solutions on client computers across an organization)
агент тестированияtest agent (A background process that receives, runs, and reports on tests and collects data on a single computer. The test agent communicates with test agent controller, usually located on another computer)
агент узла виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовremote desktop virtualization host agent (ssn)
агент узла виртуализации удалённых рабочих столовRemote Desktop Virtualization Host Agent (A service that is running on any machine that has the RD Virtualization role service installed)
агент управления Outlook LiveOutlook Live Management Agent (The Microsoft Identity Lifecycle Manager (ILM) 2007 management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Outlook Live. It is an ILM component that consists of properties, rules, and rules extensions that determine how an object is processed)
агент управления Active DirectoryActive Directory Management Agent (The Identity Lifecycle Manager management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory directory service)
агент установки для всех пользователейWindows All-User Install Agent (An agent that installs Windows Store apps for all users on a machine)
агент устройстваdevice agent (An application that a desktop application deploys and executes on a smart device. Usually, a device agent communicates or exchanges data with the desktop application that deployed it)
агент фильтра подключенийConnection Filter agent (An anti-spam agent that is enabled on computers that have the Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Edge Transport server role installed)
агент чтения журналаLog Reader Agent (In Replication, the executable that monitors the transaction of each database configured for transactional replication, and copies the transactions marked for replication from the transaction into the distribution database)
агент чтения журналаlogreader agent (ssn)
агент чтения очередиQueue Reader Agent (The executable that reads the changes from subscribers in the queue and delivers the changes to the publisher)
агент чтения очереди SQLSQL queue reader agent (ssn)
агент чтения очередиqueue reader agent (ssn)
агенты распространителяdistribution agents (ssn)
асинхронный агентasynchronous agent (A task that follows the actor pattern and uses an asynchronous message queue to communicate with other similar tasks. Agents let you take advantage of coarse-grained task parallelism in your applications)
База данных распространителя "%1" не может иметь больше одного экземпляра агента чтения очередиCannot have more than one instance of Queue reader agent for the distribution database "%1" (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
в базе данных распространителя остались недоставленные транзакции. Запустите агенты распространителяthere are undelivered transactions left in the distribution database. Run the Distribution agents (SQL Server 2012)
веб-агент службы федерации Active DirectoryAD FS Web Agent (An installable role service of AD FS that is used to create an AD FS-enabled Web server. An AD FS Web Agent consumes incoming security tokens and authentication cookies that are signed by a valid federation server-to either allow or deny a user access to the protected application-while taking into consideration application-specific access control settings)
диспетчер агентовAgent Manager (A MOM 2000 feature that was part of the MOM Server components, which tracked computer groups, installed and uninstalled agents, etc)
Добавлено устройство наблюдения за агентомAgent Watchdog Added (Andy)
журнал агента репликацииreplication agent history (ssn)
задание агента SQL ServerSQL Server Agent job (Ding_an_sich)
имя входа распространителя для агента чтения журналаdistributor login of the logreader agent (ssn)
интерфейс диагностики агента передачи сообщенийMTA diagnostics interface (Exchange Server 2010 ssn)
контроллер агентов тестированияtest agent controller (A background process that manages a set of machines with the test agent software installed)
координатор агентаagent coordinator (The service that manages installation and uninstallation of the DPM protection agent)
координатор агента DPMDPM Agent Coordinator (The service that manages installation and uninstallation of the DPM protection agent)
не удалось сохранить параметры агента чтения очереди для базы данных распространителяcould not save queue reader agent settings for distribution database (SQL Server 2012)
параметры агента чтения очередиqueue reader agent settings (ssn)
параметры агента чтения очереди для базы данных распространителяqueue reader agent settings for distribution database (ssn)
пользовательский агент календаряCUA (A client program such as Microsoft Outlook. Calendar information can be sent between calendar user agents that comply with the iCalendar specification)
пользовательский агент календаряcalendar user agent (A client program such as Microsoft Outlook. Calendar information can be sent between calendar user agents that comply with the iCalendar specification)
Происходит, когда агент модуля чтения журнала репликации выполняет обработку горизонтальной фильтрацииOccurs when the replication logreader agent executes a horizontal filtering proc (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
прокси-агент службы федерацииFSP (An installable role service of Active Directory Federation Services (AD FS) that is used to create a federation server proxy. When it is installed, the Federation Service Proxy role service uses WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP) protocols to collect user credential information from browser clients and Web applications and send the information to the Federation Service on their behalf)
прокси-агент службы федерацииfederation service proxy (microsoft.com bojana)
рабочий стол агентаAgent Desktop (The compiled version of the Unified Service Desk that represents the agent’s workspace from which they perform their job functions. Rori)
размещённый агент управленияhosted management agent (An Identity Lifecycle Management (ILM) component that consists of properties, rules, and rule extensions that determine how an object is processed and that provides services to client computers or organizations that connect from remote locations)
расширенная хранимая процедура агентаAgent XP (An option to enable extended stored procedures)
сборка агентаagent assembly (A generated assembly for a Dynamics Tools project that contains agent code)
сведения об агенте ретрансляцииrelay agent information (Windows 8 ssn)
сетевой агентnetwork agent (A background process within a virtual machine that updates the network configuration of that machine in order to support network isolation)
системный агентSystem Agent
служба агента SQL ServerSQL Agent service (The SQL Server agent (SQLAgent$MICROSOFT$DPM$) that manages the DPM jobs schedule)
служба агента веб-развёртыванияWeb Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account. Rori)
служба агента веб-развёртыванияMicrosoft Web Deployment Agent Service (A Windows service that enables you to perform MS Deploy operations such as dump and sync over a network. By default, the remote service runs by using the Network Service account; Майкрософт)
служба агента защиты DPMDPM protection agent service (The component of DPM that synchronizes replicas of protected data with the data sources. The DPM protection agent service receives changes to protected data from the servers and applies the changes to the replicas on the DPM server)
служба установщика агента тестированияTest Agent Installer service (The service of installing a test agent. Rori)
служба файлового агента DPMDPM File Agent service (The component of DPM that synchronizes replicas of protected volumes with the data sources. The DPM File Agent service receives changes to protected data from the file servers and applies the changes to the replicas on the DPM server)
строка агента пользователяuser agent string (A string that identifies a user's web browser and provides details about the user's computer system to web servers hosting the websites that the user visits)
удаляет журнал агента репликации из базы данных распространителяremoves replication agent history from the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
управляемый агентомagent-managed (Pertaining to a computer or device that is managed by MOM and has the MOM agent installed on it)
управляемый агентом компьютерagent-managed computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
управляемый без агентаagentless managed (Pertaining to a computer or device that is managed by MOM and does not have the MOM agent installed)
управляемый компьютер без агентаagentless managed computer (A computer without an agent that is monitored by a management server or a proxy agent)
фоновый агентbackground agent (grafleonov)
экземпляр агента чтения очередиinstance of queue reader agent (ssn)