
Terms for subject Microsoft containing автономный | all forms | exact matches only
автономная адресная книгаoffline address book
автономная адресная книгаOAB (A snapshot of information from an address book that has been downloaded so that an Outlook user can access it while disconnected from the server. It contains the properties of a user, such as e-mail addresses, that Outlook requires to send an e-mail message and display information about the sender)
автономная активацияOffline Activation (Andy)
автономная архивацияoffline backup (Ding_an_sich)
автономная база данныхcontained database (A SQL Server database that includes all of the user authentication, database settings, and metadata required to define and access the database, and has no configuration dependencies on the instance of the SQL Server Database Engine where the database is installed)
автономная база данныхoffline database
автономная версияstand-alone version (Andy)
автономная коллекцияoffline collection (Andy)
автономная конфигурация адресовautonomous address configuration (microsoft.com bojana)
автономная общая сетевая папкаoffline shared network location (microsoft.com bojana)
автономная работаoffline
автономная сборка приложенияself-contained build of the application (Alex_Odeychuk)
автономная справкаoffline Help (Help that is available to the user while not being connected to or part of a system or network)
автономное восстановлениеoffline restore
автономное мгновенное сообщениеoffline instant message (An instant message that is transmitted while the sender or recipient is offline. Rori)
автономное обслуживаниеoffline servicing (The process of installing packages and other updates to a Windows image that is not currently running. For example, you can update a Windows image with security updates, language packs, or other packages)
автономное приложениеself-contained application (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
автономное приложениеstandalone application (Cortana in Windows as a standalone application is deprecated. owant)
автономное приложениеstandalone app (Cortana in Windows as a standalone app is deprecated. ssn)
автономное развёртываниеself-contained deployment (vlad-and-slav)
автономное средство анализа программы установкиstandalone Setup Analysis Tool (A setup analysis tool that can monitor any Windows Installer and third-party installers)
автономное средство анализа программы установкиstandalone Setup Analysis Tool (A setup analysis tool that can monitor any Windows Installer and third-party installers. Rori)
автономное средство анализа программы установкиstandalone SAT (A setup analysis tool that can monitor any Windows Installer and third-party installers)
автономное средство проверки системыStandalone System Sweeper (An offline system cleaner tool designed to run in a restricted operating system environment to detect malicious or unwanted software)
автономное устройствоoffline device (A device that is physically disconnected from, or that is not available in, BizTalk RFID)
автономные файлыoffline files (MasterK)
автономные файлыOffline Files (A feature that makes network files available to an end user when a network connection to the server is unavailable or slow)
автономный образoffline image (A Windows image that is not currently running, either an image in a .wim file or a Windows installation on a separate partition)
автономный первичный сайтstand-alone primary site (microsoft.com bojana)
автономный пользовательский сертификатUser Self Trust Certificate (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed by applications on behalf of the user)
автономный режимoffline mode (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
автономный сайтstand-alone site (A Configuration Manager primary site with no parent sites and no child sites. Rori)
автономный сбор данных о пользовательской средеoffline user state capture (A type of user state capture that can be performed within Windows Preinstallation Environment phase without needing to boot into full OS)
автономный сервер федерацииstand-alone federation server (microsoft.com bojana)
автономный файл кубаoffline cube file (A file you create on your hard disk or a network share to store OLAP source data for a PivotTable or PivotChart report. Offline cube files allow you to keep working when you are not connected to the OLAP server)
административно назначенные автономные файлыadministratively assigned offline files (Win platon)
быть автономнымbe self-contained (The application is self-contained if it doesn't require a runtime to be installed. microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Включить автономный режимEnable Offline Mode (Office System 2013 Rori)
Обновление в автономном режимеRefresh in Offline Mode (Windows Vista Rori)
обновление в автономном режимеoffline update (Andy)
опубликовать автономную сборку приложенияpublish a self-contained build of the application (Alex_Odeychuk)
Отключить автономный режимDisable Offline Mode (Office System 2010 Rori)
перевод приложения в автономный режимapplication offlining (The act of downloading BCS Solutions from a SharePoint site to Outlook. Rori)
пограничный маршрутизатор автономной системыautonomous system boundary router (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
пограничный маршрутизатор автономной системыAS boundary router (A router that exchanges routing information with routers that belong to other autonomous systems. The ASBR then advertises external routes throughout the autonomous system. ASBRs can be internal or area border routers, and they might or might not be connected to the backbone)
полностью автономная версия приложенияfully self-contained app version (This app version doesn't need a separate runtime – everything is included in a single file. — Эта версия приложения не требует отдельной среды выполнения – всё включено в один файл. microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
размер кэша автономного режимаOffline Mode cache size (Office System 2013 Rori)
распространение автономной адресной книгиoffline address book distribution
распространение автономной адресной книгиOAB distribution (The method by which the offline address book (OAB) can be accessed by users when they are working remotely or over a dial-up connection. To distribute the OAB, administrators can use Web-based distribution, public folder distribution, or both. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
сборка приложения для автономного развёртыванияself-contained build of the application (Alex_Odeychuk)
точка распространения автономной адресной книгиOAB distribution point (The HTTP Web address or public folder where client computers can download an offline address book. Public folder distribution is required for Outlook 2003 or earlier clients)
точка распространения автономной адресной книгиoffline address book distribution point
формирование автономной адресной книгиOAB generation (The process by which Exchange Server creates and updates the OAB. Administrators can define when the OAB generation process will run)
формирование автономной адресной книгиoffline address book generation