
Terms for subject Alternative dispute resolution containing Швейцарии | all forms
Арбитражный институт Торговых палат ШвейцарииSwiss Chambers' Arbitration Institution (On June 1, 2021, a milestone was crossed for the Swiss legal community when the Swiss Chambers Arbitration Institution (SCAI) became the Swiss Arbitration Centre and the revised Swiss Arbitration Rules entered into force.: The Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution, also known as the “SCAI”, is an arbitration institution based in Geneva, Switzerland, which offers dispute resolution services based on the Swiss Rules of International Arbitration (the “Swiss Rules”) and the Swiss Rules of Commercial Mediation. The Swiss Chambers’ Arbitration Institution is, since 2012, an independent entity, established by the Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Basel, Bern, Geneva, Laussane, Lugano, Neuchâtel and Zurich. grafleonov)