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Ошибка выполнения правила NativeSql 0. Она могла произойти из-за внесения изменений в структуру модели без повторного развёртывания узла модели или из-за нарушения доступа SQL или других ошибок в хранимой процедуре. Выполните повторное развёртывание узла модели и просмотрите хранимую процедуру на наличие ошибок. Точная ошибка SQL может быть получена из журнала сервераExecution of NativeSql rule 0 failed. This may have occurred because changes have been made to the model structure without redeploying the model site or because of SQL access violations or other errors in the stored proc. Try redeploying the model site and reviewing the stored proc for errors. The exact SQL error can be retrieved from the server log (PerformancePoint Server 2007 ssn)
параметр точной настройкиfine tuning setting (A setting that shifts all inserted images by the same amount to align them properly on a full sheet of labels or stickers)
режим точного отображенияwhat you see is what you get (Pertaining to a program or interface that allows creation and editing of web pages, text, or graphical user interfaces such that users can see what the end results will look like while the documents are being created)
словарь извлечений с точным совпадением словexact word extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched to exact words in the content in a case-sensitive way. For example, the system matches "anchor" to "anchor," but not to "Anchor" or "Anchorage.")
словарь извлечений с точным совпадением частей словexact word part extraction dictionary (" A custom extraction dictionary that lists words or phrases that are matched anywhere in the content in a case-sensitive way. For example, the system matches "anchor" and "anchorage," but not "Anchor.")
точная настройка глубинных ссылокDeep Links Trimming (SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
точная ошибкаexact error (ssn)
точный возврат себестоимостиexact cost reversing (The reversal of an inventory transaction, using the same cost for the reversing transaction, for example a return order or a credit memo, as was used in the original transaction)