
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Советы | all forms | exact matches only
Город с большим населением, обычно управляется мэром или городским советом.an incorporated town with a large population, usually governed by a mayor or council. (Office System 2010 Rori)
дополнительный советadditional tip (Andy)
Европейский совет по платёжным системамEuropean Payments Council (сокр. EPC – An international non-profit association that supports and promotes the Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) banking industry initiative)
полезный советTip of the Day (A tip that provides useful information about product features for the user. A new tip is displayed each day)
Рекомендуется следовать этому совету, чтобы пользователи Интернета не путали веб-узел удалённого доступа с общедоступным веб-узлом.we recommend that you follow this practice so that Internet users do not confuse your remote access Web site with your public Web site. (Rori)
совет по PROPRO tip (A recommendation provided by a PRO-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments)
совет по изменениямCAB (A formally constituted group of people representing service delivery and support functions that is responsible for assessing, planning, and authorizing changes to the IT environment)
совет по изменениямchange advisory board (A formally constituted group of people representing service delivery and support functions that is responsible for assessing, planning, and authorizing changes to the IT environment)
совет по оптимизации производительности и ресурсовPerformance and Resource Optimization tip (A recommendation provided by a PRO-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments. Rori)
совет по оптимизации производительности и ресурсовPerformance and Resource Optimization tip (A recommendation provided by a PRO-enabled management pack that can be implemented automatically or manually to optimize performance or reduce downtime for workloads running in virtualized environments)
советы по безопасностиsecurity advisory (A notification addressing a security change that may affect the security of customers' computers)
Справка+советыHelp+Tips (The app that provides easy access to Help and how-to content as well as helpful tips for users)