
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Проекту | all forms | exact matches only
администратор проектаproject administrator (An administrator allowed to make changes to work item tracking from the UI or the SDK)
библиотека коллекции командного проектаteam project collection library (ssn)
бизнес-проектBusiness Project (A project that is created in Business Contact Manager for Outlook. A business project is made up of one or several project tasks)
веб-проектWeb project (A collection of files that specifies elements of a Web application)
версия бюджета проектаproject budget revision (A change to a project budget that affects the current and remaining available budget funds)
ветка проекта для сохранения намеченных к слиянию измененийbranch to merge the changes into (Alex_Odeychuk)
Включение многопроцессорного MSBuid для параллельного построения проектов решения, если это возможно, с помощью всех процессоров сервера построенияEnable MSBuid Multi-proc to build your solutions' projects in parallel, when possible, using all available processors on the build server (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
внешний проектexternal project (A project with a direct customer relation)
внутренний проектinternal project (A project without a direct customer relation)
главный проектmaster project (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another)
группа проектовproject group (A classification of projects that have characteristics in common, primarily for specifying the ledger accounts to use for posting)
группа узлов коллекции командного проектаteam project collection host group (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
группа узлов командного проектаteam project host group (A project collection host group that has been further bound to a TFS team project for the purpose of deploying virtual environments)
дерево проектаproject tree (Rori)
добавить код в главную ветку проектаadd to the master branch of the code (Alex_Odeychuk)
допущение проектаproject assumption (A factor that, for planning purposes, is considered to be true, real, or certain. Assumptions generally involve a degree of risk)
жёсткая связь между задачами проектовcross-project link (A relationship in which the start or finish date of a task depends on a task in another project)
задача проектаproject task (One of the tasks that comprise the tasks in a business project)
задачи проектаProject Tasks (A SharePoint Web Part that displays a list of tasks as well as the Gantt chart of the schedule for these tasks)
Запрос на обновление дерева проекта отклонён.the request to update the project tree was rejected. (Visual Studio 2012)
запрос проектаproject query (A query that is saved for all users of a project)
имя группы узлов в коллекции командных проектовname of the host group in the team project collection (ssn)
имя группы узлов командного проектаteam project host group name (имя, назначаемое группе узлов в командном проекте ssn)
имя командного проектаteam project name (ssn)
инвестиционный проектinvestment project (A project that has no immediate earnings and that is used to track and control costs. An investment project includes item, hour, and expense costs)
ИТ-проект для государственных учрежденийE-Gov-Project
календарь проектаproject calendar (The base calendar used by a project)
коллекция командного проектаteam project collection (ssn)
коллекция командных проектовteam project collection (ssn)
командный проектteam project (The named collection of work items, code tests, work products, metrics, and so forth used by a defined team to track a common set of related work)
конвертер проектов драйверовDriver Project Conversion Tool (A tool to help driver developers convert their existing driver source files into Windows 8 device drivers by using Visual Studio)
конструктор проектовProject Designer (A visual representation of the services ports and bindings that make up a project. Users can edit the visual items in the Project Designer by adding and removing services, and creating and removing bindings between compatible ports on the services in the designer)
концепция проектаproject vision (The purpose, driving factors, and background for building the system. The goal of the project vision is to align the team around a central purpose)
корпоративный проектenterprise project (A project that is stored in Project Server to ensure information integrity. To make changes to an enterprise project, users with access permissions are required to check it in and out from Project Server)
мастер проектов отчётовReport Project Wizard (A wizard in the report authoring environment used to create reports)
мягкие связи между проектамиinter-project dependency (A way to show that your project, or a specific task in your project, requires a deliverable in another project. Your project and task dates are not affected by changes to the dates in the project you are dependent upon)
некорпоративный проектnon-enterprise project (A project that has not been published to Project Server, either because it is being saved by someone who is not a project manager on the project, or because there is not a valid connection to the server)
непредвиденный формат ссылки на проектunexpected project reference format (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
несколько проектовmultiple projects (Several project plans that may or may not be linked or consolidated. If you are working on several projects at one time, you can compare information about critical paths, resource sharing, or priorities among all of the projects)
Обзор файла проекта и выводов из процесса подготовки годового отчёта за прошлый год.Review project file/lessons learned from last year's Annual Report process. (Project 2007 Rori)
область проектаproject scope (The work agreed to and documented between the project sponsor and the project team in order to plan and deliver the solution)
обслуживание коллекции командных проектовteam project collection servicing (ssn)
обслуживание коллекции командных проектовservicing the team project collection (ssn)
общая папка библиотеки коллекции командного проектаteam project collection library share (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
общая папка библиотеки командного проектаteam project library share (A project collection library share that has been further bound to a TFS team project for storage of virtual environment templates and virtual machine templates)
объединённый проектconsolidated project (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another)
объединённый проектconsolidated project (A project containing one or more inserted projects. These can retain links to their source projects and may be linked to one another. Rori)
ограничение проектаproject constraint (A factor that will limit the project management team's options. For example, a predefined budget is a constraint that may limit the team's scope, staffing, and schedule options)
описание группы узлов командного проектаteam project host group description (ssn)
определение проектаProject Definition (Andy)
Отобразить дерево проектов?Show the project tree? (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
оценка проекта Фиксированная ценаfixed-price project estimate (The estimated total cost to complete a fixed-price project)
палитра проектовProject Palette (A utility in Microsoft Office for Mac that allows the user to manage contents of projects created in the Project Center in Entourage from other applications (Word, PowerPoint and Excel))
папка отслеживания проектаproject watch folder (ssn)
папка отслеживания проектаProject Watch Folder (A folder that corresponds to a project created in the Project Center. Items in this folder will automatically be associated with the project)
перезагрузить проектreload the project (Alex_Odeychuk)
пилотный проектpilot (The introduction of the solution into the production environment, and trial by installers, systems support staff, and end users. Pilots are aimed at minimizing the impact of the deployment and providing valuable feedback on the project's suitability for completion)
план основного проектаmaster project plan (A deliverable of the planning phase for a development project. It consolidates feature team and role plans. The master project plan includes a budget plan, capacity plan, communications plan, deployment plan, development plan, pilot plan, purchasing and facilities plan, security plan, test plan, and training plan)
план проектаproject plan (A formal, approved document used to guide both project execution and project control)
портал командного проектаteam project portal (The Windows SharePoint Services (WSS) site for each team project. A team project portal allows team members to store and share documents, reports, and information related to a specific team project. Rori)
портал проектаproject portal (The site used to store and present non-code work products and reports for a team project)
правило финансирования проектаproject funding rule (A rule in a project system that controls how project activities are funded by one or more funding sources based on project criteria and other conditions)
предложение по проектуproject quotation (A source document that documents an offer to supply a quantity of products output from project activities for a specified price and by a specified date in response to a request for quotation in a sales process)
при каждой сборке кода проектаeach time the project is built (Alex_Odeychuk)
проект базы данныхdatabase project (A collection of one or more data connections (a database and the information needed to access that database))
проект "Время"time project (An internal project for which only hour transactions are registered)
проект "Время и расходы"time and material project (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
проект "Затраты"cost project (An internal project for which costs of hours, expenses, and items can be registered, but not capitalized)
проект клиента gRPCgRPC client project (Alex_Odeychuk)
проект масштаба предприятияenterprise-level project (A major project that is related to an organization, such as a team coordination project or a project created to establish consistency across the organization)
проект отчётаReport Project
проект отчётаReport Project
проект по бизнес-аналитикеbusiness intelligence project (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
проект по машинному обучениюmachine learning project (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
проект по набору сотрудниковrecruitment project (A project to coordinate and track a program of recruiting activities and documentation)
проект приложения уровня данных SQL ServerSQL Server data-tier application project (A Visual Studio project used by database developers to create and develop a DAC. DAC projects get full support from Visual Studio and VSTS source code control, versioning, and development project management)
проект приложения уровня данныхDAC project (A Visual Studio project used by database developers to create and develop a DAC. DAC projects get full support from Visual Studio and VSTS source code control, versioning, and development project management)
проект разработки службыservice project (Alex_Odeychuk)
проект с оплатой по фактуtime and materials project (A project where the vendor invoices the customer based on work completed on the job. There is a direct relationship between the invoice lines and the usage already performed on the job)
проект с фиксированной ценойfixed-price project
проект "Сводка"summary project (A parent project that is used only for structuring information and against which no transactions are registered)
Проект Фиксированная ценаfixed-price project (A type of project in which the customer pays a predetermined amount for the entire project)
Разнесённые проводки по проекту: подробностиPosted Project Transaction Details (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
расписание основного проектаmaster project schedule (A schedule that identifies all the project's activities and milestones, consolidating all team and role schedules. The master project schedule is a deliverable of the planning phase)
репозиторий проекта в системе контроля версийversion-controlled item (Alex_Odeychuk)
решение по управлению крупными проектамиenterprise project management (The generic field of organizational development that supports organizations in managing in an integrated fashion and adapting to changes)
родительский проектparent project (A project that has one or more subprojects)
с учётом специфики вашего проектаdue to the specifics of your project (Alex_Odeychuk)
сайт проектаProject Site (A site template that is designed to provide lightweight project management functionality, including Tasks, Calendar, Timeline, and Project Summary)
сборка основного проектаmain project assembly (Alex_Odeychuk)
связанный проектlinked project (A project that contains task dependencies to and from tasks in other project files. A link to a task in another project is represented with a placeholder or ghost task. Rori)
связанный проектlinked project (A project that contains task dependencies to and from tasks in other project files. A link to a task in another project is represented with a placeholder or ghost task)
синхронизация сайтов проектаProject Site Sync (A mechanism that synchronizes permissions from Project Server to project sites throughout a site collection Rori)
система проектов BizTalkBizTalk project system (A system used to create part or all of a BizTalk Server application or business solution. It is used to add, edit, or remove BizTalk Server items (orchestrations, maps, schemas, and pipelines). It contains commands such as compile and deploy)
состояние обслуживания коллекции командных проектовteam project collection servicing status (ssn)
сохранённые проектыSaved Projects (A holding place where Works Projects created or customized by the user are displayed)
суммарная задача проектаproject summary task (A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish)
счёт по проектуinvoice project
тестовый проектtest project (A project created specifically to hold test types)
тип проектаproject type (A classification that determines how a project is posted to the ledger. Project type identifies an external project as fixed price or time and materials and an internal project as cost, investment, or time)
треугольник проектаproject triangle (The interrelationship of time, money, and scope. If you adjust any one of these elements, the other two are affected. For example, if you adjust the project plan to shorten the schedule, you might increase costs and decrease scope)
узел командного проектаteam project host (ssn)
Уровень дерева проектов, на котором необходимо суммировать проводкиthe level of the Project tree on which the transaction should be summarized. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
фабрика проектовProject Factory (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
файл данных ссылки на проектproject reference data file (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
файл проектаproject file (The file that contains information about the files that have been imported into or captured in the current project, and how files or clips have been arranged)
центр проектовProject Center (A location that allows the user to create a project where the user can manage, share and archive information that has been added for various projects)