
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Принципы | all forms | exact matches only
администрирование по принципу предоставления минимальных правleast privilege administration
маршрутизация по принципу наименьшей стоимостиleast-cost routing (A process that performs reverse number lookup on one-number calls and then routes the call over an IP connection to the public switched telephone network (PSTN) gateway that is nearest to the location of the destination phone number)
принцип минимальных привилегийprinciple of least privilege (SQL platon)
принцип пополнения по спецификацииflushing principle (The method that is used to register item consumption for a BOM line against a production order)
принцип пополнения по спецификацииflushing principle (The method that is used to register item consumption for a BOM line against a production order. Rori)
принцип расчётаallotment type (A unit of service, such as a case or a range of coverage dates, specified in a service contract that indicates how much access a customer has to customer service)
принцип "чёрного ящика"black box (A unit of hardware or software whose internal structure is unknown but whose function is documented)
принцип "чёрного ящика"black box (Based on a component's actual behavior, without regard to its implementation. Rori)
Принципы доступа к данным и возможности тестирования цифровых документовPrinciples for the data access and the testability of digital documents (A German law that requires tax authorities to be capable of digitally checking data from electronic bookkeeping systems; GDPdU)
принципы соглашения Safe HarbourSafe Harbour Principles
принципы честного использования данныхFair Information Practices
тестирование по принципу "чёрного ящика"black box test (A test that is based on a component's actual behavior, without regard to its implementation)