
Terms for subject Religion containing Принципы | all forms | exact matches only
баптисты шести принциповSix-Principle Baptists (A sect of Arminian Baptists, founded about 1639, who based their creed on six principles enunciated in Heb:6:l-2)
Божественный принципDivine Principle (The book by Sun Myung Moon, the basic scripture of the Unification Church)
в соответствии с принципами Шариатаin conformity with Shariah principles (iciec.com)
главенствующий принципruling principle
нормы и принципы исламского праваstandards and guidelines of shariah law (the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
основные принципы исламского мировоззренияbasic principles of Islamic worldview (Alex_Odeychuk)
основополагающие принципы исламаfundamental principles of Islam (Washington Post; the ~ Alex_Odeychuk)
основополагающий принцип религииfundamental religious principle (Alex_Odeychuk)
принцип единого вероисповедования на территории Священной Римской Империиterritorialism (The principle established in 1555 requiring the inhabitants of a territory of the Holy Roman Empire to conform to the religion of their ruler or to emigrate)
принцип религииreligious principle (Alex_Odeychuk)
принципов веры"Twenty-five Articles of Religion Creed that was prepared by John Wesley, founder of Methodism, for the Methodist church in the United States "25
Принципы богослужения и отправления церковных обрядовRationale divinorum officiorum (C. 1285-91, a general treatise on the liturgy and its symbolism by G. Durand. It is considered one of the most important medieval books on divine worship)
принципы и цели шариатаthe principles and purposes of the Sharia (financial-engineer)
принципы шариатаShariah tenets (financial-engineer)
традиционные принципы религииtraditional principles of a religion (Alex_Odeychuk)
Тринадцать принципов иудейской верыThirteen Principles
Тринадцать принципов иудейской верыThirteen Articles of Faith (A summary of the basic tenets of Judaism as perceived by the 12th-century Jewish philosopher Moses Maimonides)