
Terms for subject General containing Правовой статус | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
иметь действительный правовой статус по Законодательствуbe in good standing under the Laws of (Alexander Demidov)
Конвенция о правовом статусе, привилегиях и иммунитетах межгосударственных экономических организаций, действующих в определённых областях сотрудничестваConvention on legal status, privileges and immunities of intergovernmental economic organisations operating in designated areas of cooperation (Budapest, 5th December 1980 nerzig)
правовой статусcondition
правовой статусlegal status
правовой статус личностиpersonal legal status (Alexander Demidov)
проверка надлежащего правового статусаdue diligence (Lavrov)
проверка правового статусаtitle search (regarding the findings of a title search on the property and appraised value. Alexander Demidov)
провести юридическую проверку правового статусаconduct a title search (Once you identify the piece of property you are interested in, the very first step would be to conduct a title search on it to reveal any information that might be ... | Title insurers conduct a title search on public records before they agree to insure the purchaser or mortgagee of land. WK Alexander Demidov)
усовершенствование правового статусаlegal status improvement (Alex Lilo)
усовершенствование правового статусаimprovement of (the) legal status (of Alex Lilo)
усовершенствовать правовой статусimprove (the) legal status (of Alex Lilo)
юридическая проверка правового статусаtitle search (Alexander Demidov)
юридические проверки правового статуса объектов недвижимостиtitle searches (A search of the public records to determine the status of a title, including any encumbrances, liens, mortgages, and future interests affecting the property. Doing a title search is the way in which the chain of title is established. Normally, a title search is conducted by a real estate attorney or by a title company at the request of a prospective buyer or mortgagee. WL Alexander Demidov)