
Terms for subject Religion containing Правила | all forms | exact matches only
Апостольские постановления и правилаOrdinances of the Holy Apostles through Clement
Апостольские постановления и правилаConstitutio Apostolica ("apostolic constitution", Const.Ap.)
Апостольские постановления и правилаApostolic Constitutions (The largest collection of ecclesiastical law that has survived from early Christianity)
"Апостольские правила"Apostolic Canons (A collection of 85 canons derived in part from the preceding constitutions and in part from the canons of the councils of Antioch and Laodicaea)
Золотое правилоGolden Rule Precept in the Gospel of Matthew: "In everything, do to others what you would have them do to you..." Mt:7:12
неписаное правилоlex non scripta
правила богослужения, приводимые в требнике или служебникеrubric (A rule for conduct of a liturgical service)
правила их произношенияshiksa
правила монастырской жизниcanon
правило верыarticle of religion
правило верыdogma
правило верыdoctrine
правило верыarticle of faith
правило верыarticle of belief
правило проповедника Билли ГрэмаBilly Graham rule (practice of some Christians of not eating or drinking with a woman other than your wife Val_Ships)
править будут святыеRaj karey Ga Khalsa (In Sikhism, the words "Khalsa shall rule" chanted at the conclusion of every service)
Спор о правилах ношения церковного облаченияVestiarian Controversy (The dispute about the wearing of clerical vestments raised by puritan-minded clergy in the reign of Edward VI and again in the reign of Elizabeth I)