
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing Порядок | all forms | exact matches only
чисто американский безупречный порядокapple-pie order (13.05)
быть в полном порядкеright as rain (Taras)
быть в полном порядкеas right as rain (I took some aspirin, went to bed, and in the morning I was right as rain Taras)
быть в полном порядкеbe as right as rain (Taras)
в авральном порядкеagainst the clock (только в контексте 4uzhoj)
в полном порядкеall Sir Garnet (From Sir Garnet Wolseley (1833–1913), a popular and successful general in the British Army during the second half of the 19th century. pajohn22)
в полном порядкеas right as rain (The best thing to do then is to wrap up warm, stay at home and weather the storm and hopefully in a few weeks everything will be as right as rain. Victorian)
в порядкеno worse for wear (yakopo)
в порядке вещейa routine part of (sankozh)
в порядке возрастания относительной численностиin order of abundance (Acruxia)
в порядке информацииjust saying (Vadim Rouminsky)
все в полном порядкеyou are all set (Andy)
всё будет в порядкеeverything will be okay (ramix)
всё в порядкеhave/get your ducks in a row (в ажуре, всё тип-топ; Who are you to tell me what to do with my life? Is your own life amazing? Do you have all your ducks in a row? Sebastijana)
держать дела в порядкеhave one's ducks in line (Toblerone)
здесь что-то не в порядкеthere's something fishy going on here (Andrey Truhachev)
здесь что-то не в порядкеthere's something fishy here (Andrey Truhachev)
здесь что-то не в порядкеsomething is rotten in the state of Denmark (Andrey Truhachev)
и всё в порядкеand you're all set (financial-engineer)
использовать существующие правила или порядки к своей выгодеplay the system (plushkina)
казаться в порядке вещейtake for granted ("Ныне то и другое кажется мне в порядке вещей." – А.С. Пушкин ART Vancouver)
навести порядокclean up the mess (напр., в экономике: When Liberal PM Jean Chretien together with Minister of Finance Paul Martin came to power they knew immediately that they had to clean up the mess Justin Trudeau's father – Pierre Trudeau – created to the economy. They brought in austerity and cut spending 10% straight across the board. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
навести порядок в делахget one's ducks in a row (The company's owner has given his managers a few days to get their ducks in a row. Olga Fomicheva)
навести порядок в своих делахget one's ducks in a row (mykhailo)
наводить порядкиthrow one's weight about (Mr. Simpson wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his wife calls him Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a husband hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it. ART Vancouver)
наводить свои порядкиthrow one's weight about (Mr. Simpson wouldn't hurt a fly, but he has to put up a front because his wife calls him Poppet. One can readily appreciate that when a husband hears himself addressed day in and day out as Poppet, he feels he must throw his weight about. His self-respect demands it. (P.G. Wodehouse) ART Vancouver)
не всё в порядкеnot quite all Sir Garnet (kozelski)
полностью и по порядкуsoup to nuts (shergilov)
привести в порядок свои делаget one's ducks in a row (I'm trying to get my ducks in a row before I go to Europe. • County Board Chairman Jeff Bohm said officials will still apply "for every grant on this side of the Mississippi, too," but added getting all those financial ducks in a row might take a while.)
привести всё в порядокget one's ducks in a row (We wanted to have our ducks in a row before we started publicizing the project.)
привести дела в порядок, чтобы подготовиться к деятельностиclear the decks (cambridge.org YuliaG)
привести мысли в порядокget one's wits about one (Let me get my wits about me so I can figure this out. VLZ_58)
приводить в порядокget on an even keel (Taras)
приводить дела в порядокget one's ducks in a row (Toblerone)
придерживаться установленного порядкаtoe the line (Taras)
провести законопроект в спешном порядкеrattle the bill through (Bobrovska)
с головой не всё в порядкеtoys in the attic (sinistra)
страж порядкаguardian of law and order (The men and women of the Dodge City Police Department are not the sole guardians of law and order. 4uzhoj)
страж порядкаguardian of order (golos-tatiana)
у меня дела в порядкеI have all my ducks in a row (VLZ_58)
устанавливать свои порядкиlay down the rule (VLZ_58)
устанавливать свои порядкиlay down the law (VLZ_58)
что-то здесь не в порядкеthere's something fishy here (Andrey Truhachev)
что-то здесь не в порядкеthere's something fishy going on here (Andrey Truhachev)
что-то здесь не в порядкеsomething is rotten in the state of Denmark (Andrey Truhachev)
что-то не в порядкеsomething is rotten in the state of Denmark (Andrey Truhachev)
явление того же порядкаbe ranked in that same file (Alex_Odeychuk)