
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Порядок | all forms | exact matches only
быть на порядок быстрее, чемbe an order of magnitude faster than (Alex_Odeychuk)
в случайном порядкеshuffle all (A menu item that allows the play back all of the items in a playlist once, in random order. Playback ends when all of the items in the list have been played one time)
в случайном порядкеshuffle (A menu item that allows the play back all of the items in a playlist once, in random order. Playback ends when all of the items in the list have been played one time)
в том порядке, в которомin the order in which (All columns affected by the delete, insert, or update action will be returned in the order in which they exist in the table. — Все столбцы, затронутые операцией удаления, вставки или обновления, будут возвращены в том порядке, в котором они хранятся в таблице.)
изменить порядок дорожекReorder Swimlane (Visio 2013 Rori)
изменить порядок столбцовReorder Columns (Office System 2010 Rori)
информация личного порядкаpersonally identifiable information
Кривая Безье третьего порядкаcubic Bezier curve
кривая Безье третьего порядкаcubic Bezier curve (A curve described by two endpoints and two control points)
метка порядка байтовbyte order mark (A Unicode character used to indicate that text is encoded in UTF-8, UTF-16 or UTF-32. vlad-and-slav)
Z-образный порядокZ order
обратный порядок байтовbig endian (Pertaining to a processor memory architecture that stores numbers so that the most significant byte is placed first)
обход в прямом порядкеpre-order traversal (The act of recursively traversing a non-empty binary tree by visiting the root node first, then the left subtree, then the right subtree)
пользовательский порядокcustom order (User-defined sort order. For example, you could define a custom sort order to display values in the EmployeeTitle column on the basis of the title's seniority)
порядок байтовbyte order (The processor memory architecture in which bytes of data (typically, integer values) are stored. The two most common orders are: little endian (least significant byte is placed first) and big endian (most significant byte is placed first))
порядок, в которомthe order in which (There is no guarantee that the order in which the changes are applied to the table and the order in which the rows are inserted into the output table or table variable will correspond.)
порядок в разметкеmarkup order (The stacking order of objects in a document that is based upon the order the objects appear in markup, such as XAML)
порядок воспроизведенияplayback order (A sequence of playback of selected music/videos)
порядок вычисленияsolve order (The order of evaluation (from highest to lowest solve order) and calculation (from lowest to highest solve order) for calculated members, custom members, custom rollup formulas, and calculated cells in a single calculation pass of a multidimensional cube)
порядок вычисленияpass order (The order of evaluation (from highest to lowest calculation pass number) and calculation (from lowest to highest calculation pass number) for calculated members, custom members, custom rollup formulas, and calculated cells in a multidimensional cube)
порядок приложенийapplication precedence (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
порядок расположенияstacking order (The order in which shapes overlap other shapes on the page and the order in which shapes are selected)
порядок сортировкиsorting order (A way to arrange data based on value or data type. You can sort data alphabetically, numerically, or by date. Sort orders use an ascending (1 to 9, A to Z) or descending (9 to 1, Z to A) order)
порядок сортировкиcollation sequence (The ordering relationship (sequence) among objects that is to be established by a collating sort)
порядок стопкиstack order (The order in which objects are placed in a layer. An object higher in the stack will cover up (appear on top of) one lower in the stack)
порядок чтенияreading order (The visual order in which characters, words, and groups of words are displayed. English and most other European languages are displayed in left-to-right order and Hebrew, Arabic, Persian, and Urdu are displayed in right-to-left order)
порядок чтения справа налевоRight-to-Left Reading Order (The item on the right-click menu in a conversation that changes the Communicator user interface so it supports a right-to-left language)
прямой порядок байтовlittle endian (Pertaining to a processor memory architecture that stores numbers so that the least significant byte is placed first)
свойство "Порядок сортировки"OrderBy property (ssn)
указанный в BIOS порядок загрузкиBIOS boot order (A list of all potential bootable devices listed in booting order. If the boot on the first device on the list does not yield a valid boot sector, the BIOS proceeds with the next device in the list)