
Terms for subject American usage, not spelling containing Перейти | all forms | exact matches only
перейти в мир инойdivide to go over the Divide
перейти в новый состав сенатаhold over
перейти в состояние неконтролируемой яростиhulk out (// originating with Marvel Comics (The Incredible Hulk): It all happened so fast... the Broncos ran in their fifth touchdown and he just hulked out. Even though the accident was his fault, he hulked out and started shouting at me goodmotto)
перейти границуcross the red line (дозволенного Val_Ships)
перейти границуpush someone too far (в общении с кем-либо Val_Ships)
перейти граньmake one too many (в чем либо; The mayor has made one mistake too many and the voters are out for his scalp. Val_Ships)
перейти к делу / сути вопросаget to the point (Will you kindly get to the point?)
перейти к сути делаget right to the point (She doesnt mince her words. She gets right to the point. Val_Ships)
перейти на бег трусцойbreak into a trot (When he saw us, he broke into a brisk trot. Val_Ships)
перейти на лёгкий бегbreak into a trot (start to run slowly or trot Val_Ships)
перейти на пособие по безработицеgo on the dole