
Terms for subject Formal containing От | all forms | exact matches only
в непосредственной близости отin the immediate vicinity of (ART Vancouver)
в связи с моим письмом от 20 сего месяцаwith reference to my letter of the 20th inst.
временно отстранить от выполнения служебных обязанностейassign to home (The officer, who is assigned to downtown's Central Division, was placed on leave and assigned to home as the department launched an internal investigation. • Dave Wilson, principal for Eldorado High School, has been "assigned to home" just a few days away from the start of school. The Clark County School District has confirmed that he has been placed on leave. latimes.com 4uzhoj)
выступать от имениspeak for (...said Tom Godfrey speaking for the Crown – от имени государства (в уголовном суде) ART Vancouver)
зависеть от таких факторов, какdepends on factors such as (Alex_Odeychuk)
запросы от представителей прессыpress enquiries (ART Vancouver)
начиная от ... до ...ranging from to (Ася Кудрявцева)
не отступать от своей целиbe committed to (He was emaciated, dehydrated and suffering from a severe case of mange. His rescuers knew it would take a while before he was fully healed, but they were committed to making sure he got there eventually. ART Vancouver)
освобождённый от призыва в армиюexempt from conscription (The fishing industry was declared an essential service during WWII and workers were exempt from conscription. ART Vancouver)
от имени которогоon whose behalf (Ying)
отказаться от участияopt out of participation (in – в ART Vancouver)
отклоняясь от темыin parenthesis (In parenthesis, let us not forget that... Serginho84)
отрешение от должностиimpeachment (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
отступая от темыin parenthesis (In parenthesis, let us not forget that... Serginho84)
отход от нормыdeparture from the norm (ART Vancouver)
поскольку последний зависит от первогоas the latter depends on the former (Alex_Odeychuk)
практически неотличим отvirtually identical to (ART Vancouver)
приветствовать от лицаwelcome to (Alice, I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to Brampton District Health. We look forward to your arrival. – приветствовать Вас от лица ... ART Vancouver)
психологическая реабилитация потерпевших от насильственных преступленийpsychological recovery for victims of violent crime (financial-engineer)
страдающий от боли или горяdistressed (suffering from anxiety, sorrow, or pain – "I was distressed at the news of his death" (Oxford Dictionary): The incident was so traumatic for the college student that she actually drove to a nearby Bob Evans restaurant and phoned her family in tears. The woman recounted the sighting to them and requested that they come and pick her up, because she was too distressed to drive her own car home. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)