
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Основные | all forms | exact matches only
амортизация кластера основных фондовlow-value pool depreciation (In Australia, a fixed-asset depreciation method. Depreciation is calculated as the sum of low-cost assets (acquisitions) added to the pool in the current fiscal year + second element costs (acquisition adjustments) added in the current fiscal year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage first-year rate regardless of when they were acquired in the year) + low-value assets added to the pool in the current fiscal year + closing net book value from the previous year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage rate))
Будущая стоимость основных средствFuture value of fixed asset (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Включает все в основные пункты повестки и подробную повесткуIncludes everything in Agenda Highlights plus the details (Office System 2010 Rori)
Всего аморт. основных средствTotal Fixed Asset Depreciation (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
выбор основной таблицы измеренияSelect the Main Dimension Table (Rori)
группа основных средствfixed asset group
Движения основных средствFixed asset movements (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
диспетчер основных данныхMaster Data Manager (A component of the Master Data Services application for managing and accessing master data. Rori)
Добавление основной службы поиска в интрасетиAdd primary intranet search location (Windows 7 Rori)
дополнения к основному средствуfixed asset addition (ssn)
Журнал амортизации основных средствFixed asset depreciation book (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Журнал изменений основных средствFixed asset changes history (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
журнал учёта основных средствFixed asset journal (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
Индексация основных средствIndexing fixed asset (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
Использовать эти серверы для создания локального списка основных серверовUse the above servers to create a local list of master servers (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
Книга основных средствFixed Asset Ledger (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
ликвидационная стоимость основных средствScrap value of the fixed asset. (Rori)
малоценные основные средстваlow-cost asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that costs less than $1,000 (after GST credits or adjustments) as of the end of the income year when an organization starts to use it or when it is installed and ready for use for a taxable purpose)
Метод приобретения основных средствFixed asset acquisition method (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
модель стоимости для основных средствvalue model for the fixed asset (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Необходимо указать основные сведения о компьютереMachine base information must be specified (Windows 8 Rori)
основная база данныхprincipal database
основная база данныхprimary database (Andy)
основная валютаpivot currency (The currency against which exchange rates are entered in the rate measure group)
основная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Major (Windows 8 Rori)
основная виртуальная машинаprimary virtual machine (A virtual machine hosted on the primary server and replicated to the machines on the Replica server)
основная громкостьmain volume (Andy)
основная группа приложенияApplication Basic Group (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
основная единица измеренияprimary unit (The measurement used to define the most commonly sold unit of a product)
основная загрузочная записьmaster boot record (The first sector on a hard disk, which begins the process of starting the computer. The MBR contains the partition table for the disk and a small amount of executable code called the master boot code; MBR)
основная защитаprimary protection (A type of protection in which data on the protected server is directly protected by a primary DPM Server)
основная зонаprimary zone (A copy of the zone that is administered locally)
основная кнопка мышиprimary mouse button (The button on your pointing device that you use most often for clicking and double-clicking)
основная лицензияbase license (Andy)
основная памятьmain memory (The amount of memory physically installed on your device (as opposed to on a storage card))
основная платаbase board (Enotte)
основная система службы отчётов о состоянии клиентовclient status reporting host system (microsoft.com bojana)
основная страницаlobby page (A page of information about the broadcast that is displayed in the viewer's browser before the broadcast begins. It can contain a title, subject, host's name, information about the broadcast, and a countdown to the time of the broadcast)
основная таблица файловmaster file table (An NTFS system file on NTFS-formatted volumes that contains information about each file and folder on the volume. The MFT is the first file on an NTFS volume)
основная установкаmain setup (Andy)
основная установкаmaster installation
основная фаза поддержкиmainstream support (Basic customer support for software, hardware, multimedia, and Business Solutions included in the Microsoft Support Lifecycle policy, such as no-charge incident support, paid incident support, support charged on an hourly basis, support for warranty claims, and hotfix support)
основная формаmain form (A form that contains one or more subforms)
основное видеоmain video (The large video feed in a conversation window)
основное имя файлаbase filename (Andy)
основное лицензионное соглашениеMaster Licensing Agreement (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
основное лицензионное соглашениеmaster licensing agreement (ssn)
основное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией МайкрософтMicrosoft OEM Master Licensing Agreement (A license agreement that is signed by OEMs who wish to preinstall Microsoft software on their customer systems and distribute and sublicense the preinstalled software to end users. It consists of core terms and various schedules)
основное лицензионное соглашение OEM с корпорацией МайкрософтMicrosoft OEM master licensing agreement (ssn)
основное названиеBasic Title
основное окноprimary window (The window in which the main interaction with an object takes place)
основное окно панели управленияControl Panel Home (The main Control Panel window)
основное предложениеmain quotation (The primary quotation issued to a customer)
основное приложениеmain app (The wider of the two apps that can appear on the screen simultaneously after a second app is snapped to the screen)
основное приложениеhost (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, a host application assembly that communicates with an add-in over the communication pipeline)
основное разрешениеnative resolution (The resolution a display is designed to use. Unlike cathode ray tube technology, liquid crystal displays cannot stretch or shrink images gracefully. The pixels are either stretched or shrunk over greater or fewer cells, so upsizing or downsizing images to non-native resolutions degrades visual quality)
основное хранилищеbasic storage
основной адрес электронной почтыprimary e-mail address (The e-mail address that appears in the E-Mail Options section of the user's mailbox in the Web management interface for Outlook Live)
основной бизнес-контактprimary business contact (The main business contact linked to an Account)
основной веб-серверCore Web Server (The Windows services that make up the core of IIS 7. The Core Web server provides the foundation for the modular architecture of IIS. Rori)
основной групповой интерфейсprimary team interface (Windows 8 ssn)
основной дискPrimary disk (The hard disk drive that contains the system and boot partitions used to start Windows)
основной документmain document (In a mail-merge operation, the document that contains the text and graphics that are the same for each version of the merged document, for example, the return address or salutation in a form letter)
основной загрузочный кодmaster boot code (A small amount of executable code contained in the master boot record that scans the partition table for the active partition, finds the starting sector of the active partition, loads a copy of the boot sector from the active partition into memory, and transfers control to the executable code in the boot sector)
основной интерфейсprimary interface (Windows 8 ssn)
основной календарьprimary calendar (The calendar selected in the regional settings in Windows Control Panel, or the system calendar)
основной клиентский компьютерprimary client computer (A client computer on which synchronization takes place)
основной ключ томаvolume master key (An advanced encryption standard (AES) 256-bit key that is used by BitLocker Drive Encryption to encrypt the full volume encryption key. There is only one volume master key per volume)
основной контроллер доменаprimary domain controller (In any local area network, the server that maintains the master copy of the domain's user accounts database and that validates logon requests)
основной маркерprimary token
основной маркёрprimary token (An access token assigned to a process to represent the default information for that process. It is used in security operations by a thread working on behalf of the process itself rather than on behalf of a client)
основной маршрутизаторhome router (Windows 7 Rori)
основной номер версииmajor version (A version that is ready for a larger group to see or that has changed significantly since the previous major version)
основной обменBMR (The amount of energy that is needed to support the body's most basic functions when at rest. The Basal metabolic rate (or BMR) is the number of calories a person needs per day to stay alive)
основной обменbasal metabolic rate (The amount of energy that is needed to support the body's most basic functions when at rest. The Basal metabolic rate (or BMR) is the number of calories a person needs per day to stay alive)
основной пользовательprimary user (The main user of a device. (A device can have more than one primary user))
основной разделprimary partition (A type of partition created on basic disks that can host an operating system and functions as though it were a physically separate disk)
основной режимnative mode (In Windows2000 domains, the domain mode in which all domain controllers in a domain are running Windows2000 and a domain administrator has switched the domain operation mode from mixed mode to native mode. Native mode supports universal groups and nesting of groups. In native mode, domain controllers running WindowsNT4.0 or earlier are not supported. In Windows Server2003 domains, native mode is referred to as 'Windows2000 native', and it is one of three domain functional levels available)
основной сайтprimary site (An SMS/Configuration Manager site that has access to a SQL Server database)
основной DNS-серверprimary master (An authoritative DNS server for a zone that can be used as a point of update for the zone. Only primary masters have the ability to be updated directly to process zone updates, which include adding, removing, or modifying resource records that are stored as zone data. Primary masters are also used as the first sources for replicating the zone to other DNS servers)
основной серверpreferred server (The NetWare server that you connect to by default when you log on to your computer. The preferred server validates your user credentials and is queried when you request information about resources available on the NetWare network)
основной серверprincipal server
основной сервер управленияprimary Management Server (The server that an agent-managed computer is specifically assigned to communicate with)
основной сервер федерацииprimary federation server (microsoft.com bojana)
основной список категорийMaster Category List (The list of categories that you can use to group items or to find items. This list contains general categories such as Business, Personal, and Phone Calls. You can add categories to and delete categories from this list)
основной список товаровproduct master list
основной стильbase style (The underlying or original style on which other styles in a document are dependent. When you change a formatting element of the base style in a document, all other styles that originate from the base style will also reflect the change)
основной текстbody text (The text that forms the major content of a publication. Does not include titles, headlines, pull quotes, and captions, for example)
основной файлnative file (Andy)
основной функциональный блокprimary feature block (The minimum content in an application package that is necessary for an application to run. The content in the primary feature block is identified during the application phase of sequencing and typically consists of the content for the most used application features. Rori)
основной элементhost (ssn)
основной элементmaster element (An element in a parent document to which a child document is attached. Examples of master elements are input, frame, iframe, or elements created by an element behavior)
основной элемент управленияdominant control (ориентир для команд Align (Выровнять) и Make Same Size (Сделать одного размера) в меню Format (Формат). При выравнивании элементов управления выбранные элементы выравниваются относительно основного. При изменении размеров элементов управления выбранным элементам присваиваются размеры основного. Основной элемент управления обозначается белыми маркерами. Остальные элементы обозначаются черными маркерами. См. Microsoft glossary (VBA) ssn)
основные данныеmaster data (The critical data of a business, such as customer, product, location, employee, and asset. Master data fall generally into four groupings: people, things, places, and concepts and can be further categorized. For example, within people, there are customer, employee, and salesperson. Within things, there are product, part, store, and asset. Within concepts, there are things like contract, warrantee, and licenses. Finally, within places, there are office locations and geographic divisions)
основные данныеcore data (stachel)
Основные компоненты Windows LiveWindows Live Essentials (The set of Microsoft software for email, instant messaging, photos, and personal movies available to customers in a single download and installation)
Основные компоненты Windows 2012Windows Essentials 2012 (A set of apps that includes Messenger, Photo Gallery, Movie Maker, SkyDrive, Mail, Writer, and Family Safety. (Family Safety is only included in Windows 7 downloads; it's built in to Windows 8))
Основные компоненты WindowsWindows Essentials (The set of Microsoft software for email, instant messaging, photos, and personal movies available to customers in a single download and installation)
Основные компоненты сетиCore Networking (в названии служб Windows Berni)
Основные метрикиKey Metrics (A tab in Application Diagnostics that provides an at-a-glance view of a selected application. The graph displays 1. the average performance based on the Monitored Requests counter, and 2. the number of requests. By looking at the graph, you can easily determine the traffic load and make inferences about problems that might be occurring)
основные особенностиhighlights (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
Основные пункты повесткиAgenda Highlights (Office System 2010 SP1 Rori)
основные сведенияbase information (Windows 8 Rori)
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повременной оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повремённой оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials (A printed card that includes important information about using and getting support for prepaid computing. A Prepaid Computing Essentials card is included with each new prepaid computer)
основные средстваfixed asset
основные фонды низкой стоимостиlow-value asset (In Australia, a depreciating asset that is not a low-cost asset but which has an opening net book value less than $1,000 (as of July 1 in the year that it is allocated to the pool), and for which the organization has previously worked out any deduction using the reducing balance depreciation method)
отчёт о приобретении основных средствFixed asset Acquisition Statement (Rori)
переключение клиента на основной ресурсclient failback (The process in which a DFS client, after being redirected (failed over) to a non-optimal folder target, reverts to a preferred folder target when it comes back online. Rori)
план основного проектаmaster project plan (A deliverable of the planning phase for a development project. It consolidates feature team and role plans. The master project plan includes a budget plan, capacity plan, communications plan, deployment plan, development plan, pilot plan, purchasing and facilities plan, security plan, test plan, and training plan)
представление надстройки в основном приложенииhost view of the add-in (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
Проводка основных средствFixed asset transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
Просмотр основных сведений о вашем компьютереSystem Information (в ОС Windows 7 Tetiana Diakova)
разнесённая остаточная стоимость по основным средствамposted net value of fixed asset (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
расписание основного проектаmaster project schedule (A schedule that identifies all the project's activities and milestones, consolidating all team and role schedules. The master project schedule is a deliverable of the planning phase)
регистр основных средствfixed asset register (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
сальдо по основным средствамFixed Asset Balances (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
сборка основного проектаmain project assembly (Alex_Odeychuk)
сегмент кода основного счетаnatural account code segment (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense). Rori)
сегмент кода основного счетаmain account code segment (Rori)
сегмент кода основного счётаnatural segment (A segment of a general ledger account code that corresponds to the type of account (for example, cash, sales, or travel expense))
список основных средствfixed asset listing (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
сумма проводки в основной валютеTransaction amount in default currency (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
управление основными даннымиmaster data management (The technology, tools, and processes required to create and maintain consistent and accurate lists of master data of an organization)
установка основных компонентовcore installation (An option that can be used for installing Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. It provides a minimal environment for running specific server roles, which reduces the maintenance and management requirements and the attack surface for those server roles)
установка основных серверных компонентовServer Core installation (An option that can be used for installing Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2008 R2. It provides a minimal environment for running specific server roles, which reduces the maintenance and management requirements and the attack surface for those server roles)
установка основных серверных компонентовserver core installation (stachel)
хозяин эмулятора основного контроллера доменаprimary domain controller emulator master (PDC emulator master – одна из ролей хозяев операций microsoft.com bojana)