
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Область | all forms | exact matches only
Выбранная область жёсткого диска не распределенаthe selected hard disk space is unallocated. (Windows 8)
диаграммная область данныхchart data region (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a graphical format)
локальная область интерфейсаinterface-local scope (microsoft.com bojana)
локальная область каналаlink-local scope (microsoft.com bojana)
локальная область сетевого узлаsite-local scope (microsoft.com bojana)
матричная область данныхmatrix data region (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a variable columnar format)
настраиваемая область задачcustom task pane (An .html file whose content is displayed in a window next to a form. Custom task panes can provide form-specific commands and Help content)
Настроить область действийCustomize Action Pane (Andy)
неправильная область действияinvalid scope (ssn)
область безопасностиsecurity scope (A method that, when used in conjunction with security roles, limits which objects an administrative user can use and see)
область бизнес-процессаworkflow scope (Dynamics CRM 5.0 ssn)
область вводаwriting area (Any area where you can enter handwriting to be converted to typed text and inserted in a program)
область вкладкиtab area (Andy)
область временных файловscratch space (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
область временных файлов среды предустановки WindowsWindows PE scratch space (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
область вставкиpaste area (The target destination for data that has been cut or copied by using a clipboard)
область выделения строкиrow selector (A small box or bar that, when clicked, selects an entire row in table or macro Design view, or when you sort and group records in report Design view)
область "Грамматика"Grammar pane (A pane that provides functionality to correct grammar errors in your document)
область группировкиgrouping pane (The area of the grouping window in which most user interaction takes place)
область группыgroup scope (The value of the Active Directory property that determines the allowed membership in the group, and the resources that may be secured by the group. The allowed values are global, universal, and domain local)
область данныхdetail area (The part of PivotTable view that contains detail and total fields)
область данныхdata pane (The area of the window that displays the result set of your query)
область данныхdata region (A range of cells that contains data and that is bounded by empty cells or worksheet borders)
область данных отчётаreport data pane (A data pane that displays a hierarchical view of the items that represent data in the user's report. The top level nodes represent built-in fields, parameters, images, and data source references)
область данных табликсаTablix data region (A data region that can render data in table, matrix, and list format. It is intended to convey the unique functionality of the data region object and the users' ability to combine data formats)
область действийAction Pane (A control directly beneath the menu bar that contains commands that are particularly important for the user in a given context and are therefore promoted commands. These promoted commands are a subset of the commands available in the Actions menu on the menu bar)
область действия консолиconsole scope (In the Operations Manager Operations Console, a definition of the set of computer groups for individual Operations Manager users. A console scope limits the user to seeing only those computers that are in the computer groups associated with the console scope)
область действия метаданныхmetadata scope (A namespace that defines the operations, schemas, and entities for a service)
область диаграммыchart area (The entire chart and all its elements)
область диаграммы для событияchart area of the event (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
область "Добавление доменов"Add Domains area (The area of the Organizations page where hosted customers can set up additional domains)
область зависимостей объектовObject Dependencies pane (A pane that shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object. Also shows objects on which the selected object has dependencies)
область зависимостей объектовobject dependencies pane (A pane that shows objects that have a dependency on the selected object. Also shows objects on which the selected object has dependencies. Rori)
область заголовкаTitle area
область задачTasks pane (A pane in the Service Manager console that contains tasks that a user can perform)
область задачtask area (ssn)
область задачtask pane (A window within an Office application that provides commonly used commands. Its location and small size allow you to use these commands while still working on your files)
область задачshortcut menu
область задач "Формат объекта"Format Object task pane (A task pane that provides functionality for formatting objects)
область записиwrite scope (The administrative boundary in which members of an Exchange 2010 role group can make changes. For the Outlook Live hosted service, the write scope is the entire Outlook Live organization. For on-premises implementations of Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, write scopes may be smaller in breadth, such as those defined by a specific organizational unit or a database)
область запросаrequestor scope (" A configured collection of users who can submit a request. It can be "everyone", or a specific set of users defined by a filter.")
область инструментовtool pane (A task pane on a Web Part Page used to browse, search for, and import Web Parts from Web Part galleries, and to modify custom and common Web Part properties)
область исправленияcorrection area (An area that appears in the writing pad when you tap the recognized text that you want to correct. You can use it to rewrite an incorrectly recognized character or to replace a word with a suggested alternative)
область "Исходящие адреса"Outbound area (The area on the Organizations page that displays outbound addresses when the service is configured and set up. Hosted customers need to request EHS Technical Support to add or remove addresses that are currently subject to outbound EHS filtering)
область кодаcode pane (In Visual Basic for Applications, the window that is used to display, edit, and write module-level and procedure code)
область компонентовcomponent tray (A rectangular region that appears at the bottom of the Windows Forms Designer when it is in Design view. The component tray is a container for components, which are controls that are not visible. It appears only after a component is added to the current form and provides a way for users to access and set the properties of those components)
область контентаcontent area (Office System 2010 Rori)
область кэшаcache region (A container of data, within a cache, that co-locates all cached objects on a single cache host. Cache Regions enable the ability to search all cached objects in the region by using descriptive strings, called tags)
область ленты активностиActivity Stream Ticker (The side module on a user's Yammer homepage that constantly streams updates about business activities in real-time. Rori)
область маркировкиrecord selector (A small box or bar to the left of a record that you can click to select the entire record in Datasheet view and Form view)
область навигацииnavigation pane (An area of an application window that enables the user to navigate quickly to different parts of the program)
область навигации консоли диагностики приложенийApplication Diagnostics navigation pane (The resizable navigation pane on which you can access the filtering and reporting capabilities of Application Diagnostics)
область объектовobject scope (A set of objects about which a request can be submitted)
область окнаwindow pane (Andy)
область описанияdescription area (The area in the results pane that describes the purpose of the selected snap-in)
область описанияdescription bar
область определения приложенияrealm
область определения приложенияapplication scope
область памятиextent (On a disk or other direct-access storage device, a continuous block of storage space reserved by the operating system for a particular file or program)
область панели инструментов консоли диагностики приложенийApplication Diagnostics toolbar area (The area where the toolbar options provide all of the tools that you require to control the quantity and type of information to display in Application Diagnostics)
область папокFolder Pane (A pane in the Outlook window that contains folders for each view, such as Mail or Calendar)
область "Параметры нежелательной почты"Spam Options area (The area of the Spam Filter page that allows users to select spam storage options)
область "Параметры нежелательной почты"Spam Options area (The area of the Spam Filter page that allows users to select spam storage options. Rori)
область "Параметры переноса"Transfer Settings area (The area on the Organizations page that can replicate and apply the settings and rules to other domains, after one domain is created, for faster and easier setup of domains)
область переполненияoverflow area (An area that holds overflow text and is not visible on the screen)
область перетаскивания фильтров для области данныхData Region Filter Drag and Drop Area (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
область переходовnavigation place (A window that is part of the navigation layer in the Dynamics NAV application)
область персонализацииpersonalization scope (The state of a Web Parts page that determines the range of users to which personalization changes apply. The WebPartManager control determines the personalization scope for a Web Parts page. The PersonalizationScope enumeration provides two possible scopes (Shared and User) that a page can be in at any given time. In shared scope, personalization changes made to shared controls apply to all users. In user scope, personalization changes made to shared and per-user controls apply only to the specific user)
область печатиprint area (One or more ranges of cells that you designate to print when you don't want to print the entire worksheet. If a worksheet includes a print area, only the print area is printed)
область письменного вводаink guide (A shaded area that increases in size as you write in a form field with a tablet pen)
область плана выполненияExecution Plan pane (One of the tabs that hosts the output for an estimated or actual execution plan that SQL Server uses)
область подключённой системыconnected system scope (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system)
область подключённой системыconnected system scope (A filter that defines what objects on the connected system to include in the target system. Rori)
область подключённых объектовconnected object scope (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers)
область подключённых объектовconnected object scope (A filter that identifies object types from a source directory based on a particular condition, for example Users, Computers, Printers. Rori)
область поискаsearch scope (The range and depth of a search on a portal site, desktop or other)
область получателейrecipient scope (The specified portion of the Active Directory directory service hierarchy that the Exchange Management Console and the Exchange Management Shell will use for recipient management. When you set the recipient scope to a specific location within Active Directory, you can view and manage all recipients stored in that location and all the containers under it)
область построенияplot area (In a 2-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including all data series. In a 3-D chart, the area bounded by the axes, including the data series, category names, tick-mark labels, and axis titles)
область "Правописание"Spelling pane (A pane that provides functionality to correct spelling errors in your document)
область предварительного просмотра консоли диагностики приложенийApplication Diagnostics preview pane (The pane that displays the Event Properties tab of the Event dialog box)
область привязкиAnchor Area (Office System 2010 SP1, SharePoint Server 2013 Rori)
область приложенияapplication pane (A discrete area of a split or single window in which an application user interface is rendered)
область применения ролиrole scope (The scope of influence or impact of a role assignment. The scope defines what objects a role group member can manage. In Outlook Live, there is the recipient scope and the configuration scope)
область "Примечания"Comments pane (A pane beside the document that displays all comments made in the document)
область "Приступая к работе"Getting Started pane (The upper portion of the Office 365 Small Business Premium admin landing page, which contains links to "Getting started" tasks for the P admins when they sign in to Office 365 for the first time. After exploring the "Getting started" tasks, the admin can hide the pane)
область проектаproject scope (The work agreed to and documented between the project sponsor and the project team in order to plan and deliver the solution)
область прокруткиscrolling region (A control that contains other controls and that can display vertical or horizontal scroll bars. Scrolling regions are used for layout purposes only and are not bound to fields or groups in the data source)
область просмотраPreview Pane (A window in an e-mail program where you can preview an item without opening it)
область просмотра консоли диагностики приложенийApplication Diagnostics view pane (The view pane that provides a list of selected events. Rori)
область работыSOW (A detailed description of the work that needs to be completed within the scope of a contract)
область результатовresults pane (A pane that displays details about an item selected in another portion of the user interface. For example, in Microsoft Management Console (MMC), the details pane is the right pane that displays details for the selected item in the console tree)
область рисованияartboard (The design surface used to layout the visual elements of your document)
область сведенийdetails pane
область сведений о документеDocument Information Panel (A pane that displays document property information for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files stored in a WSS library. The pane is displayed below the ribbon and is actually a hosted custom InfoPath form. Information is synced automatically between the document and the WSS library)
область содержимогоcontent area (Exchange Server 2010, Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
область сообщенийMessages pane (One of the tabs that hosts the messages returned from SQL Server after a TSQL query has been executed)
область состоянияstatus area (The area on the right side of the Windows taskbar. It contains shortcuts to programs and important status information)
область статистики клиентаClient Statistics pane (One of the tabs that hosts the output of the client statistics information. Rori)
область статистики клиентаClient Statistics pane (One of the tabs that hosts the output of the client statistics information)
область столбцовcolumn area (The part of PivotTable view that contains column fields)
область страницыpage pane (A type of pane that displays the page that is selected in the thumbnail pane in a larger size, and enables portions of the page to be selected and copied)
область строкrow area (The part of PivotTable view that contains row fields)
область сценариевscript pane (The text editor portion of the Table Designer)
область "Тезаурус"Thesaurus pane (A pane that provides synonym lookup and display functionality)
область уведомленийnotification area (The area on the right side of the Windows taskbar. It contains shortcuts to programs and important status information)
область "Управление правилами"Rule Management area (The area of the Policy Filter page where administrators add and manage rules (such as Reject, Redirect, Deliver with Bcc) that define actions to take when conducting spam and virus filtering)
область условийCriteria pane (The area of the window that displays the criteria used to limit the records included in the result set of your query)
область фильтраfilter area (The part of PivotTable or PivotChart view that contains filter fields)
область формыform region (A customizable extension to Microsoft Office Outlook forms)
область формыform area (The area of the InfoPath workspace that displays the form you are working with)
область храненияstore area (A section of a warehouse used for inventory items with similar characteristics, such as an input area for items when they are received in inventory)
область чтенияreading pane (A window in an e-mail program where you can preview an item without opening it)
область чтенияReading Pane
область экспресс-фигурQuick Shapes area (An area at the top of every stencil to which you can add the shapes you use most often, so that they will be more easily accessible. Rori)
область эскизовthumbnail pane (A type of pane that presents the current scanned document as one or more small images)
Показать или скрыть область просмотраShow/hide preview (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Показать область действийShow Action Pane (Andy)
рабочая область анимацииanimation workspace (A user interface area where animations are composed)
рабочая область бизнес-данных для совместной работыBusiness Data Collaboration Workspace (The Collaborate On site that is bound to a BCS external content type)
рабочая область бизнес-правилBusiness Rules workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that allows you to create and manage business rule sets, business rules, and model properties)
рабочая область бизнес-процессовBusiness Process Workspace (An interface that enables business managers to track and manage all the business processes from STS)
рабочая область задачtask workspace (A workspace used to store tasks and also to provide end-user collaboration for them. A Task Workspace Locator List is required to locate the appropriate workspace for a particular task type)
рабочая область измеренийDimensions workspace (In PerformancePoint Planning Business Modeler, a user interface area that displays a summary of a specific dimension)
рабочая область конструированияdesign workspace (A user interface area where general authoring tasks are performed)
рабочая область конструированияdesign surface (The main area of the Macro Designer where macro actions are placed to be made into a macro)
рабочая область "Лицензии"Licenses workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune and Asset Inventory Service that lets administrators add and manage license agreement information for software that was purchased through Microsoft Volume Licensing agreements, and for Microsoft or non-Microsoft software that was purchased by other means)
рабочая область метаданныхmetadata workspace (A class that represents the metadata runtime service component that provides support for retrieving metadata)
рабочая область "Обновления"Updates workspace (A workspace in Windows Intune that allows you to manage software updates)
событие имеет неправильную область действияevent has invalid scope (.NET Framework 4.5 ssn)
табличная область данныхtable data region (A report item on a report layout that displays data in a columnar format)
Узлы перехода, определяющие область этого представления, недоступныthe navigation nodes that define the scope of this view are no longer available.