
Terms for subject Welfare & Social Security containing ОПЕК | all forms
взять под свою опекуtake custody of (также о детях после задержания родителей: The BC SPCA has taken custody of 45 dogs it says were very neglected and in extremely poor condition at a home just outside Victoria. Their matting was covered in feces and urine and they were living in unacceptable conditions. ART Vancouver)
опека, попечительствоlegal guardianship (anahet)
орган опекиchild protection agency (Considering Millie had left behind a son, who was taken away by the child protection agency because of Sam's violence, and whose last memory was of his mother with a black eye, Millie's sister considered Sam's sentence of imprisonment was not long enough. canterbury.ac.nz)
органы опекиchild protection services (igisheva)
органы опеки и попечительстваchild protection services (igisheva)
органы детской опеки и попечительстваChild Protective Services (CPS Taras)