
Terms for subject International trade containing НА | all forms | exact matches only
банковская гарантия в пользу перевозчика на случай предъявления претензий последнему за выдачу груза без коносаментаletter of indemnity (Dias)
ввести ограничения цен на нефтьimpose a price cap on oil (The Ukrainian government is particularly angry at JPMorgan after it published an analyst note warning that attempts to impose a price cap on Russian oil could drive global prices to a “stratospheric $380/bbl”. ft.com ART Vancouver)
играть на повышениеadvance to bull (I. Havkin)
конкурировать на равныхcompete on a level playing field (AMlingua)
лицензия на ввозimport authorization (igisheva)
лицензия на импортimport authorization (igisheva)
на прямых условияхin straightforward terms (Sergei Aprelikov)
обладать правом на сбытsecure the right to sell (Устаза)
ограничить цену на нефтьimpose a price cap on oil (The Ukrainian government is particularly angry at JPMorgan after it published an analyst note warning that attempts to impose a price cap on Russian oil could drive global prices to a “stratospheric $380/bbl”. ft.com ART Vancouver)
разрешение на ввозimport authorization (igisheva)
сертификат на свободную продажуfree sale certificate (igisheva)
сертификат на свободную продажуcertificate of free sale (igisheva)
ставки на демерреджdemurrage rates (Yuriy83)