
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing НА | all forms | exact matches only
Благодарю Вас за то, что вы нашли время встретиться со мной на прошлой неделе в ПарижеThank you for your time in Paris last week
в значительной степени повлиять наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
в качестве примера можно указать наan example of this is ("Diseases are not genetic in any way, shape, or form. They're simple nutritional deficiencies," Wallach declared. An example of this, he continued, is osteoporosis, which he said is caused by a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D3 and other minerals like copper. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
в существенной степени повлиять наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
взвалить на себя такую ответственностьtake on this responsibility (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
взять на себя такую ответственностьtake on this responsibility (If you are choosing an attorney—this may be your spouse, a close family member or friend—you may also want to ensure that whomever you choose: -Knows how to manage money and property. -Is reliable and available to take on this responsibility. -Clearly understands what is expected of them. (rbcroyalbank.com) ART Vancouver)
вопрос на засыпкуtrap question (My least favourite thing about Vancouver? It's a trap question that I'm not going to fall into. (George Stroumboulopoulous) ART Vancouver)
время на исходеtime is running short
время на исходеTime is running out (Interex)
вывести наput in touch with (нужного человека: Debbie told me that Jennie had given birth to a daughter just a couple of months before her murder and kindly put me in touch with her. Jennie was unmarried and Mary was adopted by a Chilliwack family. She married, raised five boys and now lives in New Zealand. evelazarus.com ART Vancouver)
выделяться на фоне остальныхstand out (This new Korean restaurant on Richards near Dunsmuir really stands out. • What does it mean to be iconic? As Ray Spaxman, former chief planner for the City of Vancouver, tries to explain: “You either try to be iconic because you want to stand out, or you are iconic because you stand out.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
высказать своё мнение на равных условияхhave an equal say (с оппонентами предложения: Given this was done without the usual process that allows all residents to have an equal say (it came out of nowhere and was handled rapidly) it's still possible Mayor and Council may reconsider, and not pass the motion until all residents can speak to it. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
если уж на то пошлоjust for the sake of argument ("Not sure what can be done to stop the Pacific Ocean." "If you can fill in a sandbar with material you dredged up from False Creek to pull it out of the ocean in the first place, you can do it again to make it a little taller so the ocean doesn't take it back." "Just for the sake of argument, they could build a lock at the mouth of False Creek since it's not that wide in the grand scheme of things." "It's impractical and stupid. The plan will be to build an extended, higher seawall that funds itself by reclaiming a strip of new waterfront land that can be sold to fund the construction." (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
жить на широкую ногуenjoy a lavish lifestyle (Hermann Goering's first wife, Carin von Kantzow, came from a family with anti-Semitic views and Aryan ideology. "Carin fell much harder for Hitler than Goering did, and she was definitely the one who really pushed him to get involved in the Nazi movement," he explained. After Carin died Goering married his second wife, Emmy Sonnemann, a well-known actress who enjoyed the lavish lifestyle afforded her by Goering's position. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
жить на широкую ногуlive in good style ("Some years ago -- to be definite, in May, 1884 -- there came to Lee a gentleman, Neville St. Clair by name, who appeared to have plenty of money. He took a large villa, laid out the grounds very nicely, and lived generally in good style." (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver)
иди на фиг!go to hell! (Leonid Dzhepko)
идти на попятнуюback up (igisheva)
идти на попятныйback up (igisheva)
классический труд на эту темуclassic work on this subject (But as the psychic researcher G.N.M. Tyrrell commented when describing the 'perfect apparition' in his classic work on this subject, "Apparitions": 'The apparition might speak to us, and possibly it might go as far as to answer a question; but we should not be able to engage it in any long conversation.' -- в своём классическом труде на эту тему (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") • В своем классическом труде «Состояние человека» писатель Томас Китинг рассказывает интересную притчу. (vk.com) ART Vancouver)
на больничномon medical leave (I'm on a medical leave (all is going to be good) I hope to be back very soon. ART Vancouver)
на Ваш запрос от... сообщаемin reply to your inquiry of ..., we wish to inform you that
на данном этапеas things stand (As things stand, we don't really know what consciousness even is. Is it something that manifests as a result of the functionality of our physical brain or does it exist independent of our physical selves? (unexplained-mysteries.com) ART Vancouver)
на долгие годыfor years to come (Our journals will preserve your contents for years to come. ART Vancouver)
на душе стало хорошоmake someone feel good (The first time she called me her mother I cried inside. Her love just makes you feel so good. -- На душе становится так хорошо от её любви. ART Vancouver)
на лидирующих позицияхahead of the curve (igisheva)
на мой взглядas far as I'm concerned ("This has shaken us. I have an open mind but this defies all explanation as far as I'm concerned." (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century" ART Vancouver)
на небе ни облачкаthere is not a cloud in the sky (Юрий Гомон)
на небе ни облачкаnot a cloud in the sky (Юрий Гомон)
на небольшом расстоянии отa short distance from (The incident, which occurred on October 4, 1967, involved multiple witnesses who saw an unidentified object descend from the sky into the ocean a short distance from Shag Harbour – a small fishing village situated along the Atlantic coastline of Nova Scotia. unexplained-mysteries.com ART Vancouver)
на основании последних данныхup-to-date (We intend to bring our readers an up-to-date picture of these ongoing events. (Janet & Colin Bord, "Unexplained Mysteries of The 20th Century") -- картину этих далёких от завершения событий, составленную на основании последних данных ART Vancouver)
на основании этого можно прийти к заключению, чтоthis leads one to conclude that (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
на основании этого можно сделать вывод, чтоthis leads one to conclude that (The 'flipper' picture shows a central 'rib', suggesting that propulsion would come from a flipper folding on the forward stroke, the mechanism for which is not apparent. Alternatively, the flipper would have to be rotated, or slewed, on the forward stroke, although again there is no obvious stiffening sufficient for this. This leads one to conclude that the flipper is not a prime source of propulsion, since power would be lost on one stroke rather than being gained on both as with a true flipper; this in turn would eliminate the plesiosaur as a candidate. The animal would therefore have to be propelled by its tail, with the flipper possibly functioning for steering -- or even as a brake. (Adrian Shine) ART Vancouver)
на основе информацииbased on the information (from sb. – полученной от кого-л.: I have prepared a report based on the information from my colleague, Phil. ART Vancouver)
на основе полученных результатовbased on the results obtained (VLZ_58)
на основе полученных результатовbased on the obtained results (VLZ_58)
на первом местеnumber one priority (по важности: The safety of our community remains our number one priority. -- остаётся для нас на первом месте ART Vancouver)
на первом местеbe one's number one concern (Obviously, the safety of our customers is our number one concern. – стоит для нас на первом месте ART Vancouver)
на первом месте в спискеat the top of the list (кандидатов на должность, возможных причин случившегося и т.п.: Defects in the shotcrete, such as insufficient thickness or poor consolidation in and around the tieback anchor plates, are an obvious first place to look for possible causes, he said. “That’s got to be at the top of the list of potential causes,” he said. “Shotcrete being that it’s like this onsite-injected concrete, the variability is very high. If the person doing the job isn’t going a great job, it can very quickly not be good quality.” vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
на полном серьёзеmean business (говорить, сказать: She wasn't kidding, she meant business. • If you do happen by a coyote while on the trails with your pet, pick the pooch up immediately and let the coyote know you mean business. Always make some noise. Scare the coyote off at all times. We don't want coyotes to become habituated to us. – дайте койоту понять, что вы не шутите ART Vancouver)
на порядок лучшеleagues ahead (of Халеев)
на самом деле всё наоборотyou've got it backwards (You’ve got it backwards. ART Vancouver)
на сегодня хватитyou've had enough (пить: "You've had enough!" ART Vancouver)
на сегодня я закончил работуthat's it for me today (ART Vancouver)
на сегодня я отработалthat's it for me today (ART Vancouver)
на случай, еслиin case (Bring extra food and water and a snow shovel in case you get stuck on the road. ART Vancouver)
на счастьеas luck would have it (In a worrisome incident that unfolded in the skies over England, a Boeing 737 nearly collided with an unidentified flying object that came within ten feet of the airliner. (...) Chillingly, the report goes on to state that "the object appeared without warning and there was no time to act." As luck would have it, the airliner managed to avoid colliding with the UFO, which passed the craft by a mere 10 feet. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
на том основании, чтоon the grounds ("that" missing [informal]: The federal government has denied an Alberta drug trafficker's bid for transfer from a U.S. jail to a Canadian jail on the grounds he may one day commit another crime. ART Vancouver)
на том основании, чтоon the grounds that (The San Francisco Council in 2007 banned the oil-based bags on the grounds that they were eco-unfriendly. ART Vancouver)
на тот случай, еслиshould (For example, why was the plane carrying 24 fully armed rockets on what was essentially a training exercise? Although skeptics to the UFO claims – which we will get to in a moment – point out that this is to produce the realistic weight of a plane should it be heading into combat – this would appear to be something achievable without using fully armed weaponry. Certainly not with an inexperienced pilot, if we accept for a moment the US Air Force’s claims regarding Barlow and his error causing the crash. -- на тот случай, если ему придётся вылететь на боевое задание (ufoinsight.com) • The fact that Allan used a pen name proves that he did not feel great confidence about his novel and wanted to be able to maintain a distance from it should it be poorly received by critics. ART Vancouver)
на формальных основанияхon technicality (напр., победить на выборах: [Ken Sim] was elected by a majority mind you – Trudeau wasn't. The Conservatives won the popular vote whereas Trudeau won on technicality – he won based on seats and of course China's help. He's an illegitimate leader without a mandate. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
на этот счётin that regard (—used to refer to something just mentioned (Merriam-Webster): We will take care of supplying the food, so you have nothing to worry about in that regard. • "Да, Ангела Меркель была права на этот счет." (Франсуа Олланд ) ART Vancouver)
на этот счётas far as this is concerned (There are no hormones or antibiotics in your milk. Canada has strict regulations as far as this is concerned. ART Vancouver)
находиться на безопасном расстоянииmaintain a safe distance (from – от: Warning! Crocodiles inhabit these waters. Do not clean fish at the water's edge. Do not enter the water while fishing from the bank. Maintain a safe distance from the water. ART Vancouver)
находиться на вершине рейтингаbe a top performer (sankozh)
находиться на третьем месте в миреrank third in the world (Canada, in terms of living space per person, ranks third in the world, surpassed only by Australia and the U.S. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
не брать на себя авторствоtake the record for (Ex: I don't take the record for this expression. – Я не беру на себя авторство за это высказывание Viku)
не жилец на этом светеas good as dead (igisheva)
не на что посмотретьnothing much to look at (пренебрежительно, о внешности: Plain she was, too, nothing much to look at. (Pamela Travers) ART Vancouver)
но несмотря на всеbut for all the (усилия: But for all the places that claim connections with the outlaw, for all the ballads and broadsheets, plays and proverbs, mimes and rhymes, historians have found Robin Hood and his merry men as hard to track down as any Sheriff of Nottingham ever did. (AA Illustrated Guide To Britain) ART Vancouver)
обращать на себя вниманиеstand out (What stands out in the report is the ... – Обращает на себя внимание ... • "From its scissor doors to its raked profile, the i8 stands out in a parking lot of Ferraris and Lamborghinis, yet its sticker price of $150,000 is half what you'd pay for one of those finicky and fussy Italian supercars." (Andrew McCredie, Westcoast Homes & Design) ART Vancouver)
оказать значительное влияние наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
оказать существенное влияние наhave a significant impact on (Meatloaf has had a significant impact on rock'n'roll. ART Vancouver)
опираться на знания и опытdraw on expertise and experience (Johnston Homes draws on expertise and extensive experience of its entire team of architects, designers and building professionals. ART Vancouver)
опираться на многолетний опытdraw on one's years of experience (drawing on our years of experience in art book design ART Vancouver)
оставайтесь на линииplease bear with us (Alex_Odeychuk)
оставайтесь на связиplease bear with us (Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться на линииbear with us (Alex_Odeychuk)
оставаться на связиbear with us (Alex_Odeychuk)
открывается вид наthere is a view over (There are two golf courses and from Compton Acres gardens there is a superb view over the harbour. (AA Illustrated Guide to Britain) -- открывается великолепный вид на гавань ART Vancouver)
перевести наtranslate into (Please translate the spare parts section into Russian. ART Vancouver)
перенестись на столетия назадtake a stroll through history (sankozh)
повальное увлечение пошло на спадfad fizzle (Лариса Титаева)
пойти на попятнуюback up (igisheva)
пойти на попятныйback up (igisheva)
положа руку на сердцеlet's face it (ART Vancouver)
приседание на одной ногеpistol (Халеев)
приходить на помощь друг другуbe there for each other (That's what we do as Canadians. We're there for each other in difficult times. ART Vancouver)
работать на заводе, фабрике, лесопилке и т.п.work a blue-collar job (Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
работать на производствеwork a blue-collar job (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
работать на промышленном предприятииwork a blue-collar job (а также по любой рабочей специальности: Grew up in a relatively small house by today's standards. My dad worked a blue-collar job. Mom stayed home and ran the household. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
растянуться на диванеbe stretched out on one's Chesterfield (I was cycling west on Wall Street in Round Cape when I heard a crash behind me. Quickly I went back and saw a car bumper, then noticed the fence was gone. A car had flown across Wall Street coming down the hill on Renfrew Street. It missed me by seconds. I looked over the embankment and saw a white Honda on its side lying on train tracks! I called 911. Fire and ambulance and police were all there in under 15 minutes. I went on with my ride though I felt shaken. As I am stretched out on my Chesterfield in the living room, I can hear my mother saying 'it was not your day to die'. Good to be alive. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
скупой на деньгиTight as the bark on a tree (Stingy when it comes to money. Interex)
словно в ответ на эти словаas if on cue (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
словно в ответ на этоas if on cue (at the exact moment one would expect (Oxford Dictionary) ART Vancouver)
стоять на своёмstand by one's story (Undeterred, the woman claims that the footage is genuine, and at any rate, stands by her story. ART Vancouver)
тот, кто любит дорогие вещи, но не имеет средств на их приобретениеchampagne taste on a beer budget (Someone who likes expensive things but does not have the money to afford them. Interex)
тот, кто откладывает на потомde-layer (Yeldar Azanbayev)
ты уже ответил на этот вопросif you have to ask (It may mean, "By asking the question, you've answered the question." For example, "Do these pants make my butt look fat?" If you have to ask... ...then you already know that your butt looks fat in those pants. VLZ_58)
у каждого свой взгляд на эти вещиit's all about perspective (ART Vancouver)
у себя на работеat one's workplace (She shared a story about finding at her workplace not one, but two hardback books of Poe's complete collection, which she believed to be valuable. -- о том, как она нашла у себя на работе coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
уклониться от ответа на вопросsidestep the question (ART Vancouver)
хорошее настроение на весь деньyou made my day (The expression "you made my day" is typically used to express gratitude or appreciation for something someone has done. It can be used in a variety of contexts, such as when someone does something kind for you, when someone makes you laugh, or when someone simply makes you feel good. ART Vancouver)
хорошо на душеit feels good (+ infinitive: A lady at Subway ordered her food and when she went to pay she realized she forgot her wallet at home. I offered to pay and save her a trip. Everyone was kind of shocked. I didn’t know what to say other than it’s okay, just pay it forward. I think we have all forgotten to be kind and help people out if you can. It feels good to help someone out. When you see someone in need of something try it and you will find you both feel better about this world. It does not have to be financially, it can just be something you can offer. A few months ago in the cold streak I helped a stranger jump a battery. He gave me a chocolate bar and we had a good laugh together getting the SUV started. Stepping away from Twitter and helping people helps remind us how amazing most people are. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
хорошо нагреть руки наmake a lot of money from (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
хорошо нажиться наmake a lot of money from (A lot of lawyers made a lot of money from this copyright infringement case which dragged on for 22 years. ART Vancouver)
цены остаются твёрдыми на весь срок действия контрактаthe prices are firm for the duration of the Contract (ksuh)
что наводит на мысльwhich makes us wonder if (Another account from 1976 in Blooming Grove on Farmingdale Road is on the map, which makes us wonder if that's a hotspot for BF. (wpdh.com) ART Vancouver)
я рад пригласить Вас на встречу на высоком уровнеI am pleased to extend to you this invitation to attend a high-level meeting (Leonid Dzhepko)