
Terms for subject Police containing НА | all forms | exact matches only
бирка на ногеtoe tag (трупа; a piece of cardboard attached with string to the big toe of a dead person in a morgue Val_Ships)
брать на себя руководствоrun point (Taras)
бросить на усилениеsecond (UK /sɪˈkɒnd/, US /səˈkɑːnd/: During the dispute, many police officers were seconded from traffic duty to the prison service.)
быть вызванным на допросbe called in for interrogation (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
быть снятым на скрытую камеруbe secretly videotaped (nytimes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
выводить на подозреваемогоlead to the suspect (sankozh)
выехать на местоrespond to the scene (преступления))
выйти наclose in on (In early 2005, Virginia police closed in on a suspected child abuser – a man in his 40s who cops say drove four hours to meet a 13-year-old girl he'd met on the Internet. VLZ_58)
выйти на связьlog into service (по рации, после перерыва: I assumed I was doing this over maybe 15 or so minutes, but when logging into service again I discovered I was at that location for over an hour. (outkick.com) ART Vancouver)
выходить наclose in on (VLZ_58)
Европейский ордер на арестEAW (Ордер на арест, действующий на территории всех государств-членов Европейского Союза. Законодательство о Европейском ордере на арест предусматривает экстрадицию в течение 90 дней со дня ареста или в течение 10 дней, если задержанное лицо дает согласие на экстрадицию. EAW может быть выдан только в целях проведения уголовного преследования (но не в целях проведения следствия) или же в целях обеспечения наказания лишением свободы и только за совершение преступлений, максимальное наказание за которые предусмотрено в виде лишения свободы сроком на 12 месяцев и более. Ying)
забирать автомобиль на штрафстоянкуimpound (Taras)
забирать на штрафстоянкуimpound (Предварительно разобравшись с тем, в каких случаях забирают машину на штрафстоянку в 2020 г., можно будет попросту не создавать прецеденты когда ТС будет изъято.)
заговор на совершение убийстваmurder plot (Val_Ships)
залечь на дноbe in hiding (BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
залечь на дноgo off paper (Махонский)
запрет на передачу СМИ информации по делуgag order (Val_Ships)
засветиться на грабеже-рывкеbe seen snatching (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
застрелить на местеshoot on sight (4uzhoj)
знак, оставленный преступником на теле жертвыsignature element (как часть ритуала Val_Ships)
иметь на кого-то материалы, уликиhave wood on someone (We know he is connected with these bastards. We have wood on him for two years already. Unicorn)
иметь скрытый микрофон на телеbe wired (Trogloditos)
использовать огнестрельное оружие для ведения огня на поражениеuse deadly force (against ... – по ... / в отношении ... Alex_Odeychuk)
констатировать смерть на местеpronounce dead at the scene (Police found Tanesha Melbourne-Blake with a gunshot wound. She was pronounced dead at the scene. sixthson)
лечь на дноbe in hiding (BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
линейка на опознаниеlineup (в полиции; identity parade of suspects Val_Ships)
линейное управление МВД России на транспортеLinear Division of the MIA Transport police (Термин с сайта МВД вася1191)
лицензия на осуществление частной оперативно-розыскной деятельностиprivate investigation license (Alex_Odeychuk)
лишить права носить оружие и перевести на бумажную работуput on modified assignment (At NYPD, "modified duty" or "modified assignment" usually means that the officer (detective, sergeant, whatever) has been stripped of his firearm and possibly his police credentials, and is working at an administrative assignment where he has little or no contact with the public. capricolya)
мигалка на полиц. автомашинеlight bar (Val_Ships)
Московское управление внутренних дел на воздушном и водном транспортеMoscow Air and Water Transport Internal Affairs Directorate (МУВДВВТ dimock)
на выездеin the field (тж. out in the field; только в контексте 4uzhoj)
на дежурствеon patrol (Andrey Truhachev)
на дежурствеon the beat (Andrey Truhachev)
на каком основанииwhat is the charge (Damirules)
на каком основанииwhat's the charge (Damirules)
на местеon scene (в разных значениях, но особ. в фразе "скончаться на месте": The CHP says the motorcyclist died on scene and another person was taken to the hospital. 4uzhoj)
на местеat the scene (преступления: All five were pronounced dead at the scene by the Benton County Medical Examiner's Office. 4uzhoj)
на местеon the scene
на месте преступленияon the scene (Александр_10)
на месте происшествияon the scene (KozlovVN)
на обедеon a meal break (- Where were you guys when you got the call? – About ten blocks away, in our sector, on a meal break Taras)
на предметfor (4uzhoj)
на службеon the beat (Andrey Truhachev)
на службеon patrol (Andrey Truhachev)
на черном рынкеin the shadow market (Alex_Odeychuk)
надеть на него наручникиplace him in handcuffs (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
напасть наassault (Police responded to a disturbing incident involving a pregnant woman. The woman, a business owner, had asked the male suspect to "move from in front of her store." The suspect responded by throwing rocks at her abdomen. The woman is eight months pregnant. "The suspect was found nearby and arrested and taken to jail, where he assaulted a VPD sergeant by coughing on him," says police. • Look, she assaulted him. She spat on him. He defended himself. He was justified 100%. • Then he stood up near the rear door of the bus where he struck two women, aged 71 and 82, in the face and mouth. After getting off the bus, Barry tried to re-enter via the front door, where he assaulted the driver. But the bus driver was able to get Barry off the bus and close the door. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
не отвечать на вопросыremain silent (Технически, абсолютно адекватный перевод в отличие от высокоштильного "хранить молчание". Vadim Rouminsky)
ненависть на почве экстремизмаextremist hate (Alex_Odeychuk)
номер на погонеcollar number (A collar number, also known as a shoulder number, force identification number (FIN) or occasionally as force number (although this can also refer to the ID number of a force itself), identifies police officers, police community support officers (PCSO), special constables (SC or SPC) and some police staff in UK police forces – other law enforcement agencies, such as HM Prison Service, have also adopted identification numbers. Although now displayed on epaulettes (i.e. on the shoulder), it is still commonly referred to as a collar number. Although most forces issue a collar number to all warranted officers regardless of role, only uniformed officers of the ranks constable and sergeant actually display the numbers. wikipedia.org IrinaNorton)
обратить на себя внимание правоохранительных органовstick out to law enforcement (USA Today Alex_Odeychuk)
огонь на задержаниеshoot to stop (приказ DC)
огонь на поражение!shoot to kill! (приказ) Elizash)
огонь на поражениеshoot to kill (приказ Elizash)
ордер на обыск со взломом компьютераsearch warrant for access to computers (Los Angeles Times Alex_Odeychuk)
ордер на розыск и арест особо опасного преступникаred corner warrant (термин Интерпола алешаBG)
ориентировка на розыскall-points bulletin (по радиосвязи; APB is a radio message sent to every officer in a police force giving details of a suspected criminal or stolen vehicle Val_Ships)
ориентировка на розыск (по радиосвязиall-points bulletin (APB is a radio message sent to every officer in a police force giving details of a suspected criminal or stolen vehicle Val_Ships)
ориентировка на розыск подозреваемогоBe On The Lookout (The BOLO is a search bullet which contains information about a wanted suspect or a person of interest. Val_Ships)
отправить на специализированную стоянкуimpound
отправить машину на спецстоянкуimpound (... то есть отправить ее на специализированную стоянку, или спецстоянку. В быту их часто называют штрафстоянками. В законе такого термина нет. // 20)
отправить ориентировку наrelease a BOLO for (VLZ_58)
отправить ориентировку наput out an APB for/on (VLZ_58)
отправлять автомобиль на штрафстоянкуimpound (Taras)
партия наркотиков, явно предназначенная на продажу, а не для личного пользованияsale weight (tanultorosz)
патрулирование на велосипедахcycle patrol (Jerk)
покушаться наattempt to murder (ART Vancouver)
полицейская работа на местахcommunity policing (Alex_Odeychuk)
получить результат "минимальное превышение концентрации" на алкотестереblow a caution (обычно не предполагает серьёзных взысканий plushkina)
постановка на учёт автотранспортных средствmotor vehicle registration (with ... – в ... ; англ. термин взят из документа Hawaii Police Department, USA Alex_Odeychuk)
постановление на обыскsearch warrant (помещения, дома Val_Ships)
право на адвокатаthe right to an attorney (при аресте "You have the right to an attorney." – У Вас есть право на адвоката Mira_G)
преступление на почве ненавистиhate crime (Лорина)
прибыть на место происшествияdescend on (“I thought it was bombs going off,” she told the NOW. “It was so loud, and then there was just smoke all over the place, and all of a sudden, through the smoke, there’s like 15 cops. It was crazy.” About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs. – Burnaby Now) ART Vancouver)
прибыть на местоrespond (Police were called to Thomas Jefferson University Hospital just after midnight in response to a report of a shooter on the ninth floor. ... When officers responded, ... they learned the certified nursing assistant (CNA) had been shot by another hospital employee, who left the hospital in a U-Haul van. cnn.com 4uzhoj)
проверить на детекторе лжиgive a lie-detector test (Edward was given a lie-detector test. The result was that there was no evidence of lying when he answered questions on his involvement. ART Vancouver)
проводить постановку на учёт автотранспортных средствregister motor vehicles (англ. термин взят из документа Hawaii Police Department, USA Alex_Odeychuk)
пройти проверку на детекторе лжиtake a lie detector test (He finally called his father Randy to come pick him up at the police station on Bowen. “He was pretty shaken up,” Randy Arnott remembered. “They’d accused him of killing her. He was asked to take a lie detector test, but the lawyer we hired recommended against taking the test, and we relied on his advice.” vanmag.com ART Vancouver)
пройти проверку на полиграфеtake a lie detector test (He finally called his father Randy to come pick him up at the police station on Bowen. “He was pretty shaken up,” Randy Arnott remembered. “They’d accused him of killing her. He was asked to take a lie detector test, but the lawyer we hired recommended against taking the test, and we relied on his advice.” vanmag.com ART Vancouver)
пройти проверку на полиграфеpass a lie detector test (успешно: After the mysterious abduction, Hickson and Parker both passed lie detector tests and were even questioned under hypnosis. Investigators are on record saying the pair's story never wavered. wlox.com ART Vancouver)
Разведка на территорииIntelligence on Territory (РТ dimock)
раны на теле жертвыdefensive wounds (вызванные сопротивлением при нападении Val_Ships)
расстрелять на местеshoot on sight (Anglophile)
реагировать на вызов с сиреной и спец. сигналамиrun code (AzulRaspilla)
сидеть у кого-либо на хвостеshadow (someone)
следовать на безопасном расстоянииfollow at a discreet distance (Val_Ships)
смерть наступила на месте происшествияdead on arrival (4uzhoj)
список лиц на осмотре места преступленияcrime scene attendance log (Val_Ships)
стоять на месте!hold it right there! (Andrey Truhachev)
стоять на месте, или я стреляю!one move and I'll shoot!
стрелять на задержаниеshoot to stop (DC)
стрелять на поражениеshoot to kill (Annaa)
телефон, взятый на прослушкуtapped phone (и контроль перемещения Val_Ships)
телефон, взятый на прослушкуtapped (и контроль перемещения; phone Val_Ships)
телефон, взятый на прослушку и контроль перемещенияtapped (phone Val_Ships)
Управление безопасности на транспортеTransport Safety Directorate (УБТ dimock)
Управление внутренних дел на транспортеDirectorate for Internal Affairs in Transport (УВДТ dimock)
формуляр учёта лиц, находившихся на месте происшествияcrime scene admittance log (vladibuddy)
человек, который пошёл на сделку с полициейcooperator (Taras)
эвакуировать автомобиль на штрафстоянкуimpound
экономика, основанная на эксплуатации пороковvice economy (gambling, prostitution and drugs; Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)