
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing Многие | all forms | exact matches only
многие знают о том, чтоthe fact that ... is common knowledge (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
многим известно о том, чтоthe fact that ... is common knowledge (The fact that neither their bodies nor their aircraft were ever recovered is common knowledge, but one theory regarding their fate isn’t as well known. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
это говорит о многомthat speaks volumes (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour. ART Vancouver)
это о многом говоритthat speaks volumes (You have no idea how many of your neighbours are talking about your incredibly unkept yard, please do something about it! Your dandelions could be addressed in as little as a half an hour, with a tiny bit of effort and a weed puller. It really is not a big job for you to take on! If you can't then that speaks volumes!! Your good neighbour. ART Vancouver)