
Terms for subject Informal containing Литая | all forms
дождь ливмя льётit is raining in torrents
дождь ливмя льётit is pouring
дождь льёт как из ведраit's pouring (Val_Ships)
ливмя литьof rain pour
лить водуwaffle
лить водуwaffle (to talk or write a lot without giving any useful information or any clear answers: If you don't know the answer, it's no good just waffling on for pages and pages.)
лить как из ведраreally come down (It's going to really come down tonight – up to 50 mm with strong westerly winds! ART Vancouver)
льёт дождьit is bucketing down (British: Rain heavily.: ‘He thought about walking to the chemist but the rain was still bucketing down.' 'More)
льёт как из ведраit's pissing rain (It's pissing rain outside, you'll get drenched! 4uzhoj)