
Terms for subject Marketing containing Канала | all forms
главный директор по цифровым каналам продажchief digital officer (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
главный директор по электронным каналам продажchief digital officer (Stores no longer stand alone as the only gateway to a brand. They are part of a triumvirate. Physical shops, online experiences, and luxury-level services via text, voice and video all bring consumers and products closer. Our future customers will move freely between online, chat, voice, video and physical stores without thinking about the distinction, and the physical store will showcase human touches and experiences impossible to achieve online. The luxury industry is facing change as its customers embrace the Internet and in particular their mobile phones. Every retail store will change in the next ten years to adapt to the changing purpose of physical retail, but the best stores are not going to disappear, particularly in the luxury sector.; CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
инвестировать в цифровые каналы продажinvest in digital services (Alex_Odeychuk)
информационно-консультационный каналadvisory channel (Alex_Odeychuk)
Канал потребления Hotels, Restaurants, Cafes, DiscosHoReCaDi (Ihor Sapovsky)
канал привлечения клиентовchannel to attract (Online retailers reveal secrets: which channel to attract customers is the most effective? vishark)
канал привлечения клиентовchannel for attracting (You get an additional channel for attracting subscribers, and therefore customers and profits. vishark)
канал продажacquisition channel (Medea13)
каналы продвиженияpromotion channel (Nursanya)
каналы социальных сетейsocial channels (Chameleon)
переход на электронные каналы продажdigitalization (Alex_Odeychuk)
продажи по традиционным каналам сбытаland-based sales (В отличие от продаж через Интернет Alexander Oshis)
специализированный каналSPT (продаж Royal Canin; Special Pet Trade hh.ru ffynnon.garw)
цифровой каналdigitized channel (продаж Alex_Odeychuk)
электронный каналdigitized channel (продаж Alex_Odeychuk)
электронный канал продаж через интернетonline channel (InfoWorld; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)