
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Использование | all forms | exact matches only
алгоритм с использованием открытых ключейpublic key algorithm (An asymmetric cipher that uses two keys, one for encryption, the public key, and the other for decryption, the private key. As implied by the key names, the public key used to encode plaintext can be made available to anyone. However, the private key must remain secret. Only the private key can decrypt the ciphertext. The public key algorithm used in this process is slow (on the order of 1,000 times slower than symmetric algorithms), and is typically used to encrypt session keys or digitally sign a message)
анализ сведений об использованииusage analysis (A feature that enables data collection to evaluate how Web sites on your server are being used)
Атрибут имеет составной ключ и не может быть обновлён с использованием данного синтаксиса обратной записиthe attribute has a composite key and cannot be updated using this writeback syntax. (SQL Server 2012)
Аудит использования привилегий, затрагивающих конфиденциальные данныеAudit Sensitive Privilege Use (Berni)
аутентификация с использованием службы .NET Passport.NET Passport authentication (удалена в Windows Server 2008 и IIS 7.0 Alex_Odeychuk)
базовый модуль контроля использованияLPM (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
базовый модуль контроля использованияLower Provisioning Module (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that is hosted within a Secured Execution Environment (SEE) and carries out provisioning, metering, and enforcement for pay-as-you-go and subscription computers)
вариант использованияuse case (A collection of scenarios which make up a behaviorally related sequence of interactions that a user performs in a dialog with a system)
возобновить использованиеreinstate (To bring an application out of retirement and back into service)
возобновление подписки на использование продуктаPrepaid renewal (Reactivation of a Microsoft Office Prepaid edition subscription)
впечатления от использованияuser experience (User's perception about the utility usability and desirability of a product as they integrate it into their lives and their family system. The user experience will be the differentiator that drives adoption and use of hardware software and services. microsoft.com rvps2001)
время использованияusage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
время использования компьютераcomputer usage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
готовый к использованию в рабочей средеproduction-ready (Alex_Odeychuk)
готовый к международному использованиюworld-ready (Alex_Odeychuk)
данные об использованииusage data (Information that an administrator can use to learn how other people access and use a site. By analyzing this data, an administrator can identify a site's most popular (or unpopular) areas and clarify the most common navigational paths through the site)
данные об использовании почтового ящикаMailbox Usage Data (Exchange Server 2010 Rori)
данные по использованиюusage data (SharePoint Designer 2007 Rori)
данные, полученные с использованием маршрутов приложенияroute data (Alex_Odeychuk)
дата окончания срока действия времени использованияusage expiration date (The date and time at which a purchased block of unlimited computer usage time terminates. Rori)
для использования другими приложениямиfor use by other applications (Alex_Odeychuk)
дополнительный модуль контроля использованияUpper Provisioning Module (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that manages the provisioning of the computer from within the operating system or software)
дополнительный модуль контроля использованияUPM (A component of the Local Provisioning System (LPS) that manages the provisioning of the computer from within the operating system or software)
единицы использования заданийJob Units (The unit of measure to run Business Analytics jobs in Azure. Rori)
журнал данных использованияUsage Data History (SQL Server 2008 R2 Rori)
Зарезервировано для будущего использованияReserved for future use. (Windows 7 Rori)
Зарезервировано для использования в будущем.Reserved for future use. (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
Зарезервировано для последующего использованияReserved for future use. (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
затраты на использованиеper-use cost (A set fee for the use of a resource that can be in place of, or in addition to, a variable. For work resources, a per-use cost accrues each time that the resource is used. For material resources, a per-use cost is accrued only once)
использование активных ссылокhotlinking (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
использование аппаратного контроллера управленияout of band management (A feature in Configuration Manager that allows computers to be managed outside standard management channels by connecting to a supported management controller. This management channel is independent from the Configuration Manager client and the operating system)
использование глобальных областейglobal scoping (microsoft.com bojana)
использование диапазоновbanding (The use of bands to represent ranges of performance based on thresholds)
использование жестов касанийusing touch flicks (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
использование жестов пальцемusing touch flicks (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
использование мостаbridging (A forwarding technique use in packet-switched computer networks. Unlike routing, bridging makes no assumptions about where in a network a particular address is located. Instead, it depends on broadcasting to locate unknown devices)
использование областей с административным ограничениемadministrative scoping (microsoft.com bojana)
Использование памятиMemory Usage (In Task Manager, the current working set of a process, in kilobytes. The current working set is the number of pages currently resident in memory)
использование пользовательского кода для объединения форм не поддерживаетсяusing custom code to merge forms is not supported (Rori)
использование программы-оболочкиwrap (The circumstance in which one piece of software (the "wrapper") contains, encrypts, or encapsulates another piece of software (usually a legacy program or test) so that the contained software can function in the environment of the wrapper. Rori)
использование программы-оболочкиwrap (" The circumstance in which one piece of software (the "wrapper") contains, encrypts, or encapsulates another piece of software (usually a legacy program or test) so that the contained software can function in the environment of the wrapper.")
использование ресурсаresource usage (An account of how many hours a resource is scheduled to work within a given time period, and thus an indicator of resources allocation within that time period)
использование ресурсовresource utilization (Statistics from Application Diagnostics for users to see how their computers perform, for example, how many users are logged on to an application at a given time, how many errors they are encountering, and how quickly the application is performing for them)
использование системных ресурсовsystem resource usage (ssn)
использование строкового литералаuse of a string literal (ssn)
использование строкового литерала в качестве аргумента шаблонаuse of a string literal as a template argument (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
использование указателя касанияusing the touch pointer (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
Использование WCF упрощает развёртывание подключённых приложений в сервис-ориентированной архитектуреSimplify the development of connected applications in a service-oriented architecture by using WCF (Windows 7 ssn)
использование упрощённых пуловlightweight pooling (An option that provides a means of reducing the system overhead associated with the excessive context switching sometimes seen in symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) environments by performing the context switching inline, thus helping to reduce user/kernel ring transitions)
Использование Центра обновления МайкрософтMicrosoft Update Opt-In (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 R2 Rori)
ключевое слово использованияusage keyword (A keyword that is used to determine which search scopes are shown for a specific page in the portal UI. Each list view page in the UI specifies zero or more usage keywords, and the UI for that page will include all search scopes that contain matching keywords)
контроль использованияProvisioning (Arkadi Burkov)
контроль использования программных продуктовsoftware metering (A feature that monitors program usage on client computers)
контроль использования программных продуктов диспетчера конфигурацииConfiguration Manager software metering
купить после использования пробной версииpurchase after trial (To purchase an app after downloading, installing and trying it out)
лицензионное соглашение на использование ПОsoftware license agreement (Andy)
лицензия на использованиеuse license (The license that enables end users to consume protected content)
локальная система контроля использованияLocal Provisioning System (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
локальная система контроля использованияLPS (A Windows component that resides in the operating system and enforces pay-as-you-go and subscription metering rules)
льготный период использования WindowsWindows grace (A state between licensed and non-licensed for the user to activate/reactivate the Windows license. Typical retail Windows will be unlicensed after it is first installed before activation. Enterprise Windows (volume license clients) may find they are in this state if the computer has not been connected to the enterprise key management service for more than 180 days. Finally a customer who has initially used an invalid product key that Microsoft later identifies may be placed in this state and asked to get a valid product key)
максимальное использование ресурсовresource maximization (One of two placement goals during virtual machine placement. When resource maximization is the goal, the suitability of each virtual machine host is rated based on the purpose of consolidating multiple low-utilization workloads on a single host. Virtual machine placement in these cases involves determining the capacity limits for a particular host and placing virtual machines on that host until the limits are reached)
мастер профиля использования базы данныхdatabase profile wizard (ssn)
мастер профиля использования базы данных Microsoft CRMMicrosoft CRM Database Profile Wizard (An application which collects data about Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployments and sends it to Microsoft. Customers who volunteer to use this tool help Microsoft develop improvements for Microsoft CRM)
метод оболочки для использования с пулом потоковwrapper method for use with thread pool (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
многократное совместное использование наблюдаемых объектовrepeatable sharing of observables (русс. перевод термина "observable" как "наблюдаемый объект" взят из кн.: Пабло Дилеман "Изучаем Angular 2" Alex_Odeychuk)
на основе использованияusage-based (stachel)
насыщенное использование браузераrich browser experience (microsoft.com bojana)
недопустимое использованиеinvalid use (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
недопустимое использование строкового литералаinvalid use of a string literal (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
недопустимое использование строкового литерала в качестве аргумента шаблонаinvalid use of a string literal as a template argument (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
несанкционированное использование данныхsecondary data uses
Облегчение использования сенсорных панелейMake touch easier to use (Windows 8 ssn)
объединение с использованием пользовательского кода не поддерживаетсяmerge using custom code is not supported (Rori)
ограничение на использование ЦПCPU cap (The maximum amount of CPU time that can be consumed by each processor to ensure that no application nor virtual machine blocks the system. This is mostly used in virtualization)
окончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителяweb release (напр., компакт-диска Alex_Odeychuk)
окончательная версия для распространения без использования материального носителяrelease to web (Alex_Odeychuk)
оплата по мере использованияpay-as-you-go (Andy)
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повременной оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials
основные сведения об использовании компьютера с повремённой оплатойPrepaid Computing Essentials (A printed card that includes important information about using and getting support for prepaid computing. A Prepaid Computing Essentials card is included with each new prepaid computer)
Отсутствуют данные об использовании этого веб-узлаthere is no usage data for this web. (SharePoint Team Services 2007)
отчёт "Использование хранилища"Storage Usage report (A Web analytics report that provides information about storage usage trends. Rori)
отчёт об использовании дискаDisk Utilization report (A DPS report that provides statistics on disk capacity, allocation, usage, and availability)
отчёт об использовании наиболее подходящих элементовBest Bet Usage report (A Web analytics report that identifies the Best Bet terms and how they are utilized by the system)
Очистка одноранговых параметров 802.11 после завершения использования одноранговой сетиCleanup 802.11 adhoc settings after the adhoc network terminates. (Windows 7, Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
пакет контроля использованияprovisioning packet (An XML packet that is downloaded by the computer enabled by FlexGo technology from the Provisioning Server over the Internet. Provisioning packets contain configuration information such as an end date or number of hours of computer usage time)
переходить на использование более ранней версииdowngrade
период первоначального использованияinitial usage time (The amount of time a FlexGo computer can be used before downloading its first packet (adding time))
печать на основе использования вебаWeb-based printing (Windows 7 Rori)
пиковое использование памятиPeak Memory Usage (In Task Manager, the peak amount of physical memory resident in a process since it started)
планы использования ресурсовResource Plans (A feature that allows users to allocate resources or document resource requirements, in the absence of a detailed project plan containing resource assignments)
подключение с частичным использованием DSNDSN-less connection (A type of data connection that is created based on information in a data source name (DSN), but is stored as part of a project or application)
подписка на платформу Windows Azure для партнёров с оплатой по мере использованияWindows Azure Platform Consumption for Partners (A Windows Azure Platform package rate available via authenticated Microsoft Partner Network distribution channels, calculated on the actual amount of services used)
подписка на платформу Windows Azure с оплатой по мере использованияWindows Azure Platform Consumption (A Windows Azure Platform package rate that is calculated on the actual amount of services used)
позвонить с использованием службы конференцийCall Via Conferencing Service
поиск с использованием подстановочных знаковwildcard search (A search for data in a table or field using placeholders (such as * or?). Rori)
поиск с использованием подстановочных знаковwildcard search (A search for data in a table or field using placeholders (such as or?))
политика допустимого использованияacceptable use policy (A statement issued by an Internet service provider or an online information service that indicates what activities users may or may not engage in while logged into the service. For example, some providers prohibit users from engaging in commercial activity on the network)
политика допустимого использованияAUP
политика ограниченного использования программSRP (An allowed list that provides administrators with the ability to control how users run all types of applications: executables, scripts and installers, and which applications are allowed to run)
политика ограниченного использования программsoftware restriction policy (An allowed list that provides administrators with the ability to control how users run all types of applications: executables, scripts and installers, and which applications are allowed to run)
Пометка полностью запрещает использование счета ГК для разноскиSet marking if the ledger account is completely closed for postings (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
права на использование любой версииfloating version rights (The categories of software licenses that are available for purchase from Microsoft and that grant the purchaser the right to use the latest version of a software title as it becomes available, throughout the term of the customer's volume license agreement)
права на использование мультимедиаmedia usage rights (Permissions to use a protected Windows Media-based file in a particular way. For example, a content provider, such as an online music store, can grant you the right to play a song on your computer (a play right), to burn the song to an audio CD (a burn right), or to sync the song to a portable device (a sync right). The content provider dictates the terms of the rights (for example, which rights it grants to you and for how long) and Windows Media Digital Rights Management(DRM) enforces those rights)
права на использование ПО на домашних компьютерахHome Use Rights (A Microsoft software licensing option for employers that enables employees to obtain and use a copy of Microsoft Office applications at home)
права на использование предыдущих редакций версий программного обеспеченияdowngrade rights (уже имеющихся в распоряжении пользователя на законных основаниях Vadim Rouminsky)
правило использования прописных или строчных букв в акронимахacronym casing guideline (A rule that clarifies whether an acronym is to be spelt with upper- or lowercase letter or a mix)
прекратить использованиеretire (To remove managed hardware, software, or an IT service, from a production environment by using a controlled process)
принципы честного использования данныхFair Information Practices
приостановить отсчёт времени использованияpause usage time (To stop metering computer usage time by putting the computer into standby)
Проверка прав использования мультимедиаReviewing media usage rights (Windows 8 Rori)
программа использования ПО на домашних компьютерахHome Use Program
просмотр веб-страниц с использованием вкладокtabbed browsing (A function of some Web browsers that allows users to surf and view multiple pages by loading Web sites into sections (or tabs) of one page, rather than multiple pages)
просмотр использования системных ресурсовview system resource usage (ssn)
просмотр использования системных ресурсов в диспетчере задачview system resource usage in task manager (Windows 8 ssn)
развёртывание вручную с использованием розничных носителейhigh touch with retail media (microsoft.com bojana)
расширенное использование ключаenhanced key usage (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключа, EKUEKU (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключаextended key usage (An extended property value that specifies the uses for which a certificate is valid)
расширенное использование ключаEKU
регулирование использования полосы пропускания сетиnetwork bandwidth usage throttling (A performance optimization in DPM that limits the percentage of network bandwidth that protection and recovery jobs can consume)
режим "сначала использование"consume-first mode (One of the two statement completion modes that are provided by IntelliSense. Consume-first mode is used when classes and members are used before they are defined)
с использованием образаimage-based (установка Windows microsoft.com bojana)
с использованием собственной лицензииbring-your-own-license (ssn)
с использованием технологии AJAXAJAX-enabled (для обмена данными браузера с веб-сервером используются асинхронные запросы Alex_Odeychuk)
с использованием функционального подходаwith the functional approach (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
с учётом использованияusage-based (stachel)
сбор данных об использовании и исправностиUsage and Health Data Collection (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)
сведения об использованииusage data (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
сведения об использовании программного обеспеченияSoftware Usage Data (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
сеанс совместного использования данныхdata-sharing session (A conversation that is used to share data between conversation members using a non-Communicator application or plug-in)
сервер контроля использованияProvisioning Server (The server that creates packets to manage computers enabled by FlexGo technology)
служба контроля использованияProvisioning Service (Part of the Provisioning Server that implements the Provisioning Server's business logic)
событие использованияusage event (A user action that is counted and analyzed by the recommendations algorithm in the Analytics Service)
событие использованияutilization event (Windows 8 ssn)
совместное использование экранаscreen sharing (Andy)
соглашение об использовании Панели мониторинга продажSeller Dashboard Agreement (An application provider agreement customers are encouraged and reminded to read so they're aware of any restrictions or limitations regarding the use of the Seller Dashboard service)
Соглашение об использовании служб МайкрософтMicrosoft Services Agreement (opon)
соглашение об использовании служб МайкрософтMicrosoft Services Agreement (The agreement between Microsoft and its customers for the use of certain online consumer services provided by Microsoft)
создание файла с использованием пользовательских настроекCreates a file using custom settings (Office System 2010 Rori)
состояние использованияutilization state (Windows 8 ssn)
схема вариантов использованияuse case diagram (A diagram that shows the external actors who will interact with your system and how they will use it. The diagram consists of a system boundary, actors, use cases, and use case relationships (communicates, uses, and extends))
сценарий использованияusage scenario (A description of the tasks that users perform to accomplish their work)
Также разрешается использование социальных сетей, веб-чата и веб-почтыAlso allows social networking, web chat, and web mail. (Windows Live Family Safety Wave 6 Rori)
только для внутреннего использованияinternal use only (Andy)
Условия лицензионного соглашения на использование ПОSoftware License Terms (Windows Small Business Server 2008 ssn)
условия лицензионного соглашения на использование программного обеспечения корпорации МайкрософтMicrosoft Software License Terms (A legal agreement between Microsoft and the user, with regard to the terms of use and transfer of software)
установка ограничения на использование ЦПCPU capping (The use of CPU caps)
установка с использованием образаimage-based setup (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))
установка с использованием образаIBS (A process that uses installation technologies that install Windows images (.wim files))
Учреждение обязуется принять коммерчески обоснованные меры по обеспечению безопасности и защите Информации и Учётных данных от несанкционированного доступа, использования, разглашения, изменения и уничтоженияInstitution shall take commercially reasonable security and other measures to protect the Information and Credentials from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, alteration and destruction (Windows Live Admin Center W4MQ Rori)
учёт с использованием сторноStorno accounting (The practice of using negative numbers to reverse original journal account entries)
часы использования баз данныхDatabase Hours (ssn)
часы использования доменных службDomain Services Hours (A unit of measure for billing usage of the domain services service in Azure Rori)
часы использования объектовentity hours (ssn)
часы использования шлюза приложенийApplication Gateway Hours (A unit of measure for the time used of the Basic Application Gateway service type of the Networking service in Azure. Rori)
экземпляры Пакетной службы для активного использования памятиMemory Intensive Batch Instances (The service type of the Batch service for batches that require large amounts of memory. Rori)