
Terms for subject News style containing Именем | all forms
имена не называютсяno names are given (Breaking: MH17 report – origin of 'Buk' stated, no names given 4uzhoj)
имя которого не называетсяunnamed (A pre-trial hearing was held in Ohio County to decide what evidence was to be used in the trial, including the testimony of an unnamed witness. 14news.com 4uzhoj)
имя которого не называетсяwho has not been named (Investigators said, from 2015, the priest, who has not been named, carried out repeated "preaching missions" to eastern Ukraine, where government forces have been fighting separatists backed by Russia. "He returned with dangerous trophies, which he sold to friends," the SBU said. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
имя которого не называетсяwho is not named (The group said a witness, who was not named, worked at an airfield in the Ukrainian city of Dnipropetrovsk where he claimed to have seen a warplane take off on 17 July with air-to-air missiles and return without them, a Russian report said. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
имя которого не называетсяwho cannot be named (who cannot be named for legal reasons 4uzhoj)