
Terms for subject Proverb containing Зверь | all forms | exact matches only
на ловца зверь бежитtalk of the devil and he will appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца зверь бежитtalk of the devil and he is sure to appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца зверь бежитthe ball comes to the player
на ловца зверь бежитthe game leaves the den to look for the hunting man
на ловца зверь бежитwith him me, etc good chance comes at once
на ловца зверь бежитthe game walks into my his bag!
на ловца зверь бежитspeak of the devil and he is sure to appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца зверь бежитspeak of the devil and he will appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца и зверь бежитhe is just the person I wanted to see
на ловца и зверь бежитtalk of the devil and he is sure to appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца и зверь бежитthe game walks into my his bag!
на ловца и зверь бежитthe ball comes to the player
на ловца и зверь бежитthe game leaves the den to look for the hunting man
на ловца и зверь бежитwith him me, etc good chance comes at once
на ловца и зверь бежитspeak of the devil and he is sure to appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца и зверь бежитtalk of the devil and he will appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
на ловца и зверь бежитspeak of the devil and he will appear (used when a person meets quite unexpectedly another person whom the first one wanted to meet (find) so much)
не бойся дикого зверя, бойся дикого человекаdon't be afraid of wild animal, be afraid of crazy man (Ум)
не бойся дикого зверя, бойся дикого человекаdon't be afraid of wild animal, be afraid of wild man (Ум)
не бойся зверя, бойся сумасшедшего человекаdon't be afraid of the animal, be afraid of crazy man (Ум)
не бойся зверя, бойся сумасшедшего человекаdon't be afraid of animal, be afraid of crazy man (Ум)
по повадкам определяют зверяmanners make the man